Beast Master For All: I Can Overdraw The Potential Of Animal Pets In Advance

Chapter 103: The High-Profile Void Hunter Organization! Chen Yu's Guess! (Seeking Subscription)

"You mean Jo Seung Woo's mother has become undead?"

Chen Yu asked uncertainly.

"Not sure, but similar."

"To be honest, although I am an undead, I don't know much about the undead, because I don't even know how I became a death knight.

"But I know one thing, that is, if the demon curse on Zhao Chengyou's mother disappears, then she will definitely die."


Chen Yu was silent for a rare moment.

"Is there a way to save him?"

"have no idea."

"Then go meet the Demon God Envoy first."


The head of the death knight didn't say a lot this time, perhaps because he felt that things this time were not as simple as imagined.

Chen Yu walked out of Cho Seung-woo's house.

Just find a quiet coffee shop nearby and sit down.

Zhao Chengyou's mother said that she would go to see the so-called devil's messenger at night, and Chen Yu was naturally not too anxious, so she decided to come out and wait.

Zhao "Nine Five Seven" Chengyou stayed at home to take care of him.

It can be seen from Zhao Chengyou's mood that he is a little depressed and worried.

An ordinary person is still alive after being cursed by such a powerful demon god, what is the origin of the other party?

After ordering a cup of coffee, Chen Yu called Zhao.

"Chen Yu, where are you now?"

Zhao Yan's voice was a little anxious.

"At Cho Seung Woo's house."

"You don't need to come here now. I made an appointment with Zhao Chengyou's mother to meet the devil's messenger at night. By the way, have you heard of the devil's messenger?"

There was silence on the other end of the phone, and then Chen Yu heard a sound of typing on the keyboard.



"In Zhao's file Curry, there is no such record about the demon god's messenger, but there is a record of the demon god.

"Cursed by the devil?"

"you know?"

This surprised Zhao Yan a little.

Because becoming a demon is the curse of the demon god, it is a top secret, and all information about gods and demons is a top secret.

Chen Yu didn't explain, but asked another thing: "Can you contact Qisi Town?"

"Qi Si Town?"

"Well, in the tree cage, besides me and the deacon, he was also present."

"I'm thinking about one thing. If he is also in danger, it means that he and the deacon were killed by the Void Hunter."

"But the problem is, I haven't encountered any danger in the past three months, so I prefer that he is fine.

"If Qi Sizhen was not in danger, then the deacon might have died for other reasons."

"Other reasons?" Zhao Yan repeated, and then said: "Who would kill a family deacon? There is no benefit?"

Chen Yu pondered for a while, and said, "What if he died because of the curse from God?"

After seeing the situation of Cho Seung-woo's mother, Chen Yu was even more inclined to think that the deacon might be the same as Cho Seung-woo's mother.

Judging by the death knight's head, Zhao Chengyou's mother would not be able to last a day according to the curse of the demon god accumulated in her body.

Zhao Chengyou's mother is carrying so many curses from demon gods, it is already a miracle that she can survive till now.

"wait for me a while."

Zhao Yan didn't ask carefully, he felt that he should confirm the situation of Qisi Town quickly now.

Less than five minutes later.

Zhao Yan called again.

"Just like you think, Qisi Town is very safe. He even went to a Void Realm in the past few months, and even encountered a Void Realm hunter, but there is no danger.

Not only went to the void.

I also met the Void Hunter who killed the deacon.

This shows that the deacon's death was not for silence, but for other reasons.

Such as the curse of the devil.

But why it was written on the death report of the deacon that he died at the hands of the hunter of the void, this point Chen Yu and Zhao Yan discussed for a long time and could not figure out the reason.

It can only be attributed to the deacon's death state.

"I asked Chief Deacon Chi, and he said that when he found the deacon, the deacon had been dead for more than 48 hours, because the death was tragic, there were no witnesses around, there were many tear marks on his body, and there was a Special layer of bow and arrow.

"The symbol of the Void Hunter?"

†, After killing the target in the Voidland, they will leave their marks in a high-profile manner, in order to spread fear and publicize the strength of their Voidland Hunter organization.

"Deacon Chi and the others concluded that the regiment was killed by the Void Hunter because of the symbol.

Zhao Yan looked at the report and explained it to Chen Yu.

Chen Yu listened, and gradually separated the relationship between the hunter of the void and the source of this demonization.

He had always believed that this incident was probably caused by the Void Hunter Organization behind it.

Because only they are so bold.

Dare to kill the deacon of the family.

Moreover, Zhao Chengyou's mother met Daoist Shen in the black market, and the black market was formed by the Void Hunter organization.

They are all inseparable from the Void Hunter organization.

But judging from the information learned from Zhao Yan just now, Chen Yu is not so suspicious of the Void Hunter Organization.

This is a special organization with a history of existence that even exceeds the time limit of human recorded history.

It is unlikely to do such a thing as spreading the curse of the demon god.

According to the words of the head of the death knight, if you want to say who hates God the most, the Voidland Hunter organization hates more than any other organization..

It is also the first organization to take the lead in killing God.

An organization that is powerful, but never interferes with human life, and just lives silently in the void.

Let's say that the Voidland Hunter Organization wants to spread the curse of the demon god.

The head of the dead knight was the first to object.

Because it is clearer than Chen Yu and others, it is impossible for the Void Hunter to have any contamination with God.

"If you analyze it this way, the fourth-tier deacon was not silenced. There are two possibilities. One is that he was unlucky to meet the Void Hunter who was evacuated from the black market and was killed.

"One possibility is that, like Zhao Chengyou's mother, he was approved by the Demon God's Envoy, and then failed to possess the Demon God. After his death, he was pretended to be killed by the Void Hunter Organization."

"In either case, it's stronger than I thought before."

After hanging up Zhao Yan's phone, Chen Yu thought to himself.

He is weighing the pros and cons.

Before the earliest, he wanted to get close to the curse of the demon god, so that the body of the death knight could have more lifespan, so as to improve the potential.

However, it was later learned that the referee deacon had died.

When it comes to the hunter organization of the void again.

Chen Yu thought about giving up, and even handed it over to Zhao Yan and the others.

Because here is very likely to involve a fifth-level or even sixth-level beast master powerhouse, if you are not careful, you will die.

But after seeing Zhao Chengyou's mother, Chen Yu developed an attitude that no matter whether he can save it or not, he should at least give it a try.

Fortunately, after calming down and thinking carefully.

He figured out some things.

First of all, the reason why Cho Seung-woo's mother chose to become a demon was probably not 1.8, as Cho Seung-woo thought, because she was bewitched.

Judging from these three people, Jo Seung-woo, Cho Seung-woo's mother, and the dead deacon.

They all want something.

Jo Seung Woo wants to beat himself.

What Zhao Chengyou's mother wants is to survive and continue to be with her son.

And the purpose of that deacon should be the same as his own purpose of wanting to meet the demon god messenger.

Become stronger.

Only those who take the initiative to look for the messenger of the demon god will be taken as a drag to join the religion.

Shen Daochang, like Zhao Chengyou's mother, is not the source of demonization behind the scenes, but a person with the same desire.

"If this is the case, then the hidden danger is not so great."


Chen Yu received a call from Cho Seung Woo.

"Brother Yu, my mother's condition is not right.

(asking for flowers, asking for evaluation tickets, asking for custom orders, asking for subscriptions, asking for full orders, asking for rewards, asking for comments, asking for everything, thank you……………………).

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