Beast Master For All: I Can Overdraw The Potential Of Animal Pets In Advance

Chapter Thirteen: Beasts Fighting In Hand-To-Hand Combat, Snapping Turtle Advanced!

Under the control of the large-scale water system of the snapping turtle, the six hunters in the void were rushed to different positions in an orderly manner.

It was convenient for Chen Yu to silence them one by one.

To be honest, in a one-on-six match, Chen Yu does not have the upper hand and is likely to be restricted.

Because snapping turtles are not agile pets, bulky defensive pets are easily restrained and eventually grind to death.

That's why Chen Yu thought of using the river water stored by the snapping turtle to disperse them.

Finding them is easy.

As long as they spread out, they would be targets for Chen Yu.

Moreover, after the snapping turtle unleashed a killer move that was comparable to a disaster, these low-level hunters in the void had long been scared out of their wits.

Strictly speaking, they are not officially Void hunters.

They are just a group of non-staff personnel, or beast masters who are not yet qualified to become official hunters of the void.

If he was a real Void Hunter, then Chen Yu's first reaction would be to run away.

That is a madman organization that is a headache for the major families and can compete with the family.


At this moment, the snapping turtle let out a low growl.

Chen Yu understood, "Is it nearby?"

The crocodile nodded.

Chen Yu said, "Then push him out."

Snapping turtles release gravity control, and the range of gravity control can reach a circular area with a radius of 30 meters.

Only a muffled grunt was heard.

A deep red appeared in the bushes flattened by gravity.

"Oh, here it is."

Chen Yu smiled and looked towards the bushes, where a man was pressed tightly on the ground, and the barbs from the bushes drew blood from the man's skin.

"Please, don't kill me."

The man begged Chen Yu.

But Chen Yu shook his head: "I remember that the third rule of survival for you Void Hunters should be, don't leave any room for those who want to kill you."

"When you choose your prey, you should be prepared to be killed by the prey."

"Feel sorry."

Chen Yu didn't give the man room to reply.

Let the snapping turtle release the water bomb directly, knowing the man's life.

No matter what reason this man joined the Voidlands Hunter Organization, as long as his life was threatened, Chen Yu would not leave him a way out.

Moreover, Chen Yu didn't have any psychological burden to kill this kind of person.

Even though it was Chen Yu's first time killing someone.

But just think of how many young beast masters and talented pet beasts these group of Void Hunters have killed.

Chen Yu felt that killing them was no different from killing bedbugs.

After the man died, his pet beast escaped directly from the man's beast-controlling space.

A fiery red toad.

"Is it you who spit fireballs at me just now?"

Chen Yu looked at the fire frog who was forced to terminate the contract and was still a little dazed.

"Well, the talent is not bad, an intermediate 3-star."

"But the lifespan is too short, only more than 20 years. Even after upgrading, it can live for about 50 years at most."

Maybe it was because of the disgust in Chen Yu's eyes.

Or maybe it was the animal's stress response, it spit out two fireballs towards Chen Yu.


The fireball did not cause any damage to Chen Yu.

But Huowa has been turned into a pile of mud under the control of gravity.

It has to be said that the fighting power of snapping turtles is getting stronger and stronger.

"A pet beast with extraordinary potential can go beyond two levels to fight, let alone a pet beast with god-level potential."

Chen Yu is looking forward to the next promotion of the snapping turtle more and more.

Collected the tongues of the dead Huowa, and then carried out a wave of groping movements on the man, and found a badge and some small change.

"Poor enough."

"Let's go, let's find the next unlucky ghost."


Under the mountain stream, the young man finally found a good hiding place.

Finally let go of his breath.

"Is he really unlucky!"

The young man kicked the stone hard, venting his dissatisfaction.

He thought he would meet a big fish, but he didn't expect that this big fish exceeded his expectations and almost killed him.

After the young man vented the anger in his heart, he finally sighed and his face became decadent.

After he was washed away by the current, it wasn't that he didn't think about attacking Chen Yu again.

But when he sneaked back and saw Chen Yu killing his companion with no expression on his face, he knew that he had offended someone he shouldn't have offended.

This seemingly young beast master didn't have the slightest resistance to the murder.

Even the young man vomited for a long time when he killed someone for the first time.

At this time, the young man heard some voices coming from outside the mountain stream.

The young man immediately tensed up.

"Qing Yuan."

He summoned Qing Yuan out.

He wasn't going to run away, the opponent obviously had the ability to locate them, even if they ran, they couldn't get out of the void.

"It turns out that you are hiding here, let me find it hard."

Chen Yu's voice came from the mouth of the mountain stream.

A huge snapping turtle, supporting a boy, walked slowly into the mountain stream.

Knowing that he couldn't escape, the young man gritted his teeth and asked, "How did you find me?"


Chen Yu didn't hide anything.

The young man was taken aback, and then realized that something was wrong with the water on his body. It had been a whole day, and the water on his body was still not dry.

"It's called black water. It's a special liquid secreted from the snapping turtle's shell. As long as you don't change your clothes, the snapping turtle will smell you."

"Of course, if you are far enough away from my snapping turtle, you can also get rid of tracking."

Chen Yu explained to the young man quite leisurely.

Then, from the core of the snapping turtle's forehead, four blue trails were shot out.


Qingyuan, who was burning with blue flames, blocked the water bomb with her body.


But the next two large water balloons directly smashed Qingyuan to the ground.


Covered by gravity, Qing Yuan, who was not a power system, was firmly pressed to the ground.

"Navy blue fox!"

The youth summoned his natal beast.

The body of the navy blue fox swelled several times, and a giant beast with a height of three meters and a length of six meters appeared.

"Stop struggling, you can't beat me."

Chen Yu jumped off the snapping turtle.

Leave the battle arena to the snapping turtles.

The snapping turtle's thick body jumped directly at the gigantic navy blue fox.

This is only a hand-to-hand battle between beasts.

The navy blue fox is huge, but the snapping turtle is also tall.

This hand-to-hand combat is just a face-to-face, and the winner has already been determined.

Snapping turtle, too meaty!

Neither the proud claws nor the sharp fangs of the Tibetan blue fox can break through the defense of the snapping turtle.

Even get hurt by spikes.

And the snapping turtle at this time is no longer the little guy who is grabbing dog food with Xiao Hei.

Its head like a dragon's head bit the navy blue fox's throat, and the exaggerated bite force directly crushed the navy blue fox's throat.

Even if the level difference between the two is a whole stage.

But the extraordinary potential is enough to smooth out the level gap.


The snapping turtle tore the throat of the navy blue fox abruptly.

"Do not!!!"

The death of a pet beast will directly bring a severe mental shock and pain feedback to the beast master.

The young man licked his throat, and a stream of blood spurted out.

He had never felt so frustrated.

I am a second-level beast master, but I am suppressed to such an extent by a beast that is less than first-level.

But at this moment, the frustration that filled his heart was only a little bit more fear.

"Your Qingyuan has been cultivated well, and it should be able to sell for a good price if you take it out. Now it's mine."

Chen Yu returned the same words to the youth.


After the Tibetan blue fox was torn to pieces by the snapping turtle, and the green kite was crushed unconscious by gravity, the young man could not escape the fate of death, and died after being pierced by several water bombs.


At the same time, the body of the snapping turtle also changed.

Chen Yu turned his head and took a look, with a look of joy on his face.

"Finally advanced."

After several battles, the snapping turtle has finally officially entered the first level of strength!

(asking for flowers ................................)

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