Beast Master For All: I Can Overdraw The Potential Of Animal Pets In Advance

Chapter 62: Zhao Chengyou Bewitched! A Race Called Demon God, The Curse That Descended!

Inside the lounge.

"Nanqing it the city where Shentu Henhe got the Fire Phoenix?"

The team leader of Haidian No. 1 Middle School was talking to himself.

When it comes to Nanqing City, the leader of the Zhongzhou team can only think of the fire phoenix, and he has no impression of Nanqing City No. 3 High School.

"However, being able to rank 156 shows that there is still something."

thump thump

The door was knocked open.

The leader turned around and saw a secretary in uniform walking in with a document.

Although Haidian No. 1 Middle School is not as good as a noble school, it is still a first-class school in Zhongzhou.

Don't look at the school's location, but the housing in the surrounding school district has been speculated at a price of 4 million 3-0 square meters.

It's normal for the team leader to bring a secretary or something.

Generally speaking, the two sides of the battle do not know the specific personnel of the opponent.

But everything has exceptions.

That is Chen Yu and they follow the rules.

Whether it is a noble school, the military, or a first-class ordinary school like Haidian No. 1 Middle School, they can get information about each other.

The information in the secretary's hand is.

The secretary came in and said to the leader:

"According to the information, there are two beast masters with extraordinary beasts in Nanqing City, and one of them is Zhao Chengyou who has attracted more attention."

"His extraordinary beast is the Thunderfish."

"Half-orc human pet?"

The team leader was surprised when he heard the name of the beast.

"I didn't expect such a small place in Nanqing City to actually produce a player with good talent. The thunder type, the half-beast race, and the murlocs belong to the type that is prone to berserk. They are very good at fighting. good hand."

The team leader has a high amount of knowledge reserves, and he immediately uttered the information about the Kuang Lei fisherman.

He then went on to ask: "What about the other one?"

"The other is Chen Yu, and the pet is a snapping turtle."

"Snap turtle?"

"You mean, a turtle-like beast that has always been extraordinary?"

Hearing the snapping turtle's name, the team leader of Haidian Middle School asked in astonishment.

This time it wasn't because of potential or strength, but because he didn't expect that there would really be a turtle with extraordinary potential in this world.

"Well, that's what it says in the information."

The information that the secretary can find is only the information registered by the head teacher for them.

Chen Yu's head teacher naturally didn't know that the snapping turtle had evolved into a god-level Xuanwu, so he reported it according to the snapping turtle.


The team leader glanced at Chen Yu's profile with a smile, but ignored it.

Even if the turtle is extraordinary, can it turn from a bastard to a fighting beast?

The well-informed leader Haidian has never seen a turtle that can fight.

So he didn't pay much attention to this extraordinary snapping turtle.

"The two superhumans are ranked low in the top 100, probably because of this snapping turtle, so this opponent is not very difficult.

"I guess there is no need for Wu Tianyi to make a move."

"But just to be on the safe side, let Wu Tianyi arrange the last one. I'm worried that the Thunder Fisherman will be a dark horse."

"it is good.

The secretary nodded and recorded it.

The team leader said: "Let Qi Sizhen be the first, if Qi Sizhen can defeat the Beastmaster who owns the Thunderfisher, with his strength, it won't be a problem to get five in a row.

"Playing well can also save Ge Ming and Wu Tianyi's strength."

"As for the snapping turtle, that's it. Anyway, Wu Tianyi has the bottom line."

"You can help me mobilize their emotions by the way, I won't go, they prefer beautiful women."

"Let's say our goal is the top 25, and only after entering the top 25 can we challenge the 16 teams that are chosen from heaven."

"By the way, let Qi Sizhen work hard, don't lose face in front of Wu Tianyi, if you want to challenge the family as a commoner, Wu Tianyi can pass this test."

"Okay, that's all."

The leader of Haidian No. 1 Middle School waved his hand, then picked up his mobile phone and began to scan a certain sound in boredom, without taking the next game seriously.

The secretary saw that the team leader entered and asked him to be a secretary to mobilize, and wanted to persuade him.

But looking back, Nanqing No. 3 Middle School is not a strong team anyway.

With Wu Tianyi in his pocket, can he still lose?


Absolutely impossible.

"Cho Seung-woo is on the body."

"Ma Tianjun, you go second."

"Wang Feng, the third one."

"Qin Yao is the fourth."

"Chen Yu, you know the truth"

"Although we don't know their order of play, it is estimated that no matter which opponent, it will not be that simple, and we need to go all out to deal with it."

"Chengyou, what you have to do is stop Wu Tianyi as much as possible."

"But you have to remember, safety first."

"Everything about grades should be put behind safety. Those family children will not be compensated by you for killing your beast. They don't care about ordinary people's feelings."

"Remember, the premise of everything is to protect yourself before doing it, you know?"

The homeroom teacher spoke words that Chen Yu was quite familiar with.

Chen Yu thought about it carefully, it seems that when they first entered the Eudemons space, the head teacher said so.

Everything is premised on protecting yourself.

Where there is life, there is a future.

Moreover, Chen Yu heard the dislike of the family from the head teacher's words.

That disgust is very intuitive, a disgust that leaves no room for it.

Chen Yu recalled the scene he saw after he came out of the apostle dungeon.

It was a collateral branch of the family, that is, relatives supported by the family, and non-Zhao surnamed relatives, who generally had a certain status in business and were richer than the Ma Ning family.

When the side beast master came out of the apostle dungeon, all the mercenaries hired around him died.

He gets a point.

The beast master was very happy.

Because he got one point, one reward.

In the eyes of the beast master, who was only a collateral branch of the family, ten mercenary lives were not worth one point.

It can't compare to the one reward he got.

It's not as good as he has the qualifications of an apostle copy, which can get some attention in the family.

Because he paid for it.

Because he really really doesn't care.

Just mercenaries.

In his view, a person is willing to sacrifice his life, and he pays for his life.


But disgusting.

Chen Yu shook his head, shaking off these messy thoughts.

Not to think, not to escape.

On the contrary, what Chen Yu did was to change this matter.

Because he has what the head of the dead knight called "the ability that only gods can use", this ability can break the so-called ceiling.

Another ability is knowledge.

The knowledge that enables all people to control beasts.

Just as Chen Yu was thinking wildly, the referee was already urging the two sides to send out the first player.

Cho Seung-woo took a deep breath and stepped onto the ring first.

Cho Seung Woo looks confident.

It gave the head teacher and other students a lot of confidence.

Only Qin Yao sneaked up to Chen Yu's ear, and said in the voice of only the two of them: "My Mi Die told me that Zhao Chengyou has a strange aura on him."

"Strange breath?"

Chen Yu thought of Cho Seung Woo's strange mood swings before.

"I guess he was on something like a stimulant.

Chen Yu guessed.

Eudemons materials can be eaten not only by pets, but also by beast masters, and the added effects are various.

But usually there are side effects.

Competitions in this world do not have that kind of pre-competition physical examination, because in fact the increase effect of drugs is not great, and some even have simple side effects.

Chen Yu thought that Zhao Chengyou probably went to the doctor indiscriminately because he was ill, and he was a little anxious, and ate something that shouldn't be eaten.

"It shouldn't be a big problem."

Chen Yu didn't care much.

But Qin Yao shook her head: "It's really strange, my Mi Die is very sensitive to special smells, but Mi Die just says it's strange, and can't tell what it is."

"Then wait and see."

"If something happens, it doesn't matter, I will take action.

Chen Yu stole what Cho Seung-woo just said and said with a smile.

at this time.

Haidian No. 1 Middle School also sent its first contestant.

A young man wearing a hood, with a thin face and knife-like eyes, is a very vicious beast master.

"Do you know the rules?"

The referee glanced at both sides, and then saw Zhao Chengyou and Qi Sizhen nodded before leaving the court.


The referee rang the mechanical bell beside him.

Heralds the beginning of the battle!

"Whoa whoa—"

The moment the bell rang, a strange cry resounded through the ring.

Chen Yu from the audience suddenly looked towards the ring.

He muttered inconceivably: "So the murlocs are really called that? World of Warcraft is not deceiving me."

Qin Yao on the side already liked Chen Yu and said some words that she didn't understand, as if she didn't hear them at all.

"It really is the Thunder Fisherman."

A smile appeared on Qi Sizhen's face under the hood, and he said a word: "Not as strong as I imagined, but it seems to be average."

"Heh, it's only the quickness of the tongue."

Jo Seung-woo doesn't want to talk nonsense, he just wants to solve the fight quickly.

Although the Kuang Lei Yuren didn't know why his beast master suddenly gave it an impatience.

But it is an impatient race.

What nonsense.

It's over.


The Kuang Lei Yuren held a huge fork in his hand, and rushed towards Qisi Town in an extremely strange position.

Qi Sizhen didn't panic at all.

take a step back.

Suddenly the ground trembled and began to move irregularly. With a loud roar, the ground cracked, and a huge earth-gray palm slapped the Kuang Lei Yuren.


In fact, there is no need for Zhao Chengyou's reminder.

The mad thunder fisherman, who was already extremely agile, had lightning flashes from his body, and dodged the attack at an extremely fast speed.

"A pure earth-type beast?"

Chen Yu off the field recognized Qi Sizhen's beast.

That hand is a beast completely composed of earth elements, a very rare pure element beast.

There are two types of element pets.

One is formal and the other is irregular.

Like the steel magnet beast of Ma Ning before, although it is also an elemental pet beast, it is the first type with form.

The Ferromagnetic Beast can only exist in the form of a ball.

And the beasts in Qisi Town are pure elemental beasts.

This type of beast has the lowest potential of extraordinary level.

There is no form.

The only weakness is that its energy consumption is higher than other pets.

It is a beast with strong combat ability.

0…ask for flowers……………

"I didn't expect to see a pure element beast here.

Chen Yu looked at the giant earth elemental hand with some envy.

An elemental beast, Chen Yu has always wanted to have one.

One is because they have the potential to have an extremely long lifespan, and the other is that

The actual combat ability of prime beasts is indeed very strong.

And very few weaknesses.

Just like this pure earth element pet beast that Zhao Chengyou faced, if you can't find the opponent's vital point, it will be very difficult to fight.

Even if it is Qin Yao's poison, there is nothing he can do about the elemental beasts that have no living body.

"It's over, it's over."

The class teacher looked at the scene and sighed directly.

Unlike Qin Yao's battle, this is indeed a battle in which the difference between high and low can be seen at a glance.

This Qisi town is indeed too strong.

"Pure elemental beasts are really strong."

Zhao Chengyou gritted his teeth and stared at the giant hand of the earth element.

He always feels that he should be Mercury retrograde this year.

First I met Chen Yu, and then I thought about being generous in the game, but I didn't expect to meet a beast master with a pure elemental beast.

Didn't it mean that Wu Tianyi is the most difficult to deal with in Haidian No. 1 Middle School?

Why did such a pervert come out again!

Zhao Chengyou took a deep breath, and there was a special madness in his eyes that couldn't be suppressed.

"Crazy Thunder Fishman, transform!"

The eyes of the violent thunder fish turned red instantly, and an indescribable rage gushed out.


Anger is a unique ability of half-orcs.

Instantly increase all-round strength.

Accompanied by the furious roar of the violent thunder murloc, there was a bang, and the violent thunder murloc appeared directly in front of the ten-element giant at an extremely fast speed.

Harpoon sweep.

Powerfully split the earth element into two.

But in the next moment, the earth element returned to its original form and changed again.



The earth giant hand turned into several branches, attacking the Kuang Lei Yuren from all directions.

The Kuang Lei Yuren is indeed a beast with extraordinary potential and is very suitable for ring battles. He moved and flashed a few times, avoiding the siege of the earth element.

The scene of the battle on the field is very strange, a mad thunder fish who has the upper hand in agility and strength, and a changing sand and soil battle which is constantly changing shape and smashed by the mad thunder fish


On the surface, it looks like a tie.

But the beast masters who can really understand this battle already know the final result.

The mad thunder murloc was at a disadvantage.

Because it is the thunder fishman who consumes more, not the pure earth element.

This shows that in the process of cultivating pure earth elements, Qi Sizhen has overcome the problem of extreme energy consumption of pure earth element beasts.

This is the value of the beast master.

It is also the reason why this group of Eudemons are willing to sign a contract with the Beastmaster.

Compared with Qisi Town, the Kuanglei Yuren was restrained not only in attributes, but also in fighting methods, and even the progress of training was crushed by pure earth elements.

"you lose."

Qi Sizhen looked at the Kuanglei Yuren whose speed had begun to slow down.

In fact, if it was a real life-and-death battle, Cho Seung-woo might have some hope for this battle.

Using the speed of the Kuanglei murloc, it is enough to directly surprise the beast master.

Just like Zhao Yan's heroic move to attack Chen Yu back then.

But this is the ring.

Not a battle of life and death.

Under the restrictions of the rules, Zhao Chengyou can only win if he defeats this earth element beast.

This undoubtedly blocked the only way for Zhao Chengyou to win.

Just lost?

Zhao Chengyou began to doubt himself about life.

A thought rose in Zhao Chengyou's mind.

Do you want that?

Maybe after using that, you will really enter the state of detachment as the envoy said, and your strength will crush everything.

The crazy idea that had been hidden in Zhao Chengyou's mind, because of a series of blows, made his heart that had been resisting it loose.

Zhao Chengyou raised his head sharply.

The look in his eyes is no longer the madness before, but the madness that has lost his mind.


Qi Sizhen suddenly felt something was wrong.

At this moment, a trace of smoke came out of Zhao Chengyou's body.

Chen Yu stood up suddenly.

It felt all too familiar to him.


Unexpectedly, the so-called stimulant that Zhao Chengyou took turned out to be an item that made him enchanted.

at the same time,

The Thunderfish also emitted black smoke.

Once the Beast Master becomes enchanted, his pet beasts will follow suit.

Strength will increase dramatically!

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Cho Seung Woo let out a maniacal laugh.

The feeling of gaining power made him feel extremely good.

The changes on the field surprised everyone.

Before they could react, two people on the sidelines shot at the same time.

One is an off-court referee.

He judged that there was an unexpected situation in the game, and Qi Fuzhen might be in danger if it continued.

The other shot was Chen Yu.

One of the reasons why Chen Yu took the shot was to suppress the matter and prevent Zhao Chengyou from affecting the follow-up matches of Nanqing City No. 3 Middle School.

Because it is not a trivial matter for a beast master to be enchanted.

Another reason is for the Death Knight.

That's right.

Obsession is actually a curse.

A powerful cursed corpse descended from a race called "Demon God" by the head of the Necromancer Knight!.

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