Beast Master For All: Start With The Black Goat Of The Forest!

Chapter 51: [Black Goat Egg], Three Unique Skills! (Ask For The First Order!)

After hearing the talent cue.

Lin Mo immediately began to check the situation in the imperial beast space.

I saw a strange creature wrapped in the gray mist, which controlled the body to land slowly.

Wait until you are completely free from the gray mist.

Lin Mo can see the life form of the black goat now!

Although the previous black goat form was strange, it could barely describe the appearance.

Now after the second evolution.

The black goat has completely turned into an indescribable mass!

At the front, there is a black sheep's head, a pair of curved horns, and countless eyes on the face!

On each side of the skull is a hideous giant mouth, full of fangs, which looks like half a head.

The back is full of black tentacles, and the suction cups on the tentacles have turned into mouthparts full of fangs, which looks extremely strange!

The original sheep's hooves at the bottom have become secondary feet, which look like tentacles, and "180" are tree roots covered with vines.

The whole body is covered with sarcomas, and the sarcomas are still wriggling, as if life is pregnant inside.

The current black goat is still very large, it can be said that it is a deformed monster made of blood and flesh!

But what does it matter if the long monster is strong!

Lin Mo can't wait to launch the [Omniscient Eye] to check the details of the current strength of the black goat!

【Race】: Creeping Roushan (Earth System) (Power System) (Spirit System) (Life Department) (Mystery Department)

[Level]: Dominate the first order

【Talent】: Mother of Life (SSS), Heart of Earth (SS), Spiritual Chaos (S)

[Bloodline]: Unknown

[Skill]: Life Realm (only), Black Goat's Egg (only), Immortal Body (only), Tentacle Erosion (Purple) Ground Creeping (Purple).....

The black goat, who has experienced the second mysterious evolution, has unsurprisingly broken through to the ruling junior level.

In terms of talent, it was bound to his Origin Power and did not change much.

This evolutionary focus is on how much the potential of the black goat has been developed!

These aspects are reflected in the new skill panel!

The most special of these are those three unique skills!

His previous guess was correct.

The first evolution of the black goat was to develop spiritual potential.

The second evolution kicks in motion the potential of life.

This aspect is the best skill of the black goat!

The three unique skills of the new awakening all have strong life characteristics!

[Body of the Undead]: The black goat has the characteristics of immortality, no matter how many injuries it has suffered!

This skill is a bit perverted!

Before, it was a strong body recovery power, and the tentacles were cut off and could regenerate extremely quickly.

Now it's a little unreasonable.

Every part of the black goat's body contains its own unique life characteristics!

As long as it is not bombarded, there is not even slag left, even if only a small section of tentacles remains.

Lin Mo will include it in the Royal Beast Space, add life essence to it, and it can slowly recover in the gray mist!

And after the life of the black goat has been sublimated.

The life characteristics in his body were also sublimated into immortal characteristics.

But its own effect is not as exaggerated as the black goat.

At most, it can only be achieved to the point of rebirth of severed limbs.

If the head is shattered once, or the internal organs are completely shattered, the fatal blow will cause the loss of life essence too quickly.

He will still die.

But a broken hand and a missing foot, a hole in the stomach or something, can still recover!

When he has stronger strength, he may be able to be reborn by dripping blood!

The second uniqueness skill is also good!

[Black Goat's Egg]: The Black Goat can devour creatures with strong bloodlines, change their life forms and transform them into grammatic monsters!

Sure enough.

This ability is exactly the same as I thought before!

In the story of the Cthulhu mythology.

Just use the right way, and at the time of the new moon, Sabu Nicholas can be summoned in any forest area.

But where she came from is unknown.

When Sabu Nicholas thinks that an admirer has value.

She would perform a special ritual to swallow worshippers through her own womb.

This admirer is then transformed into a lustful being.

A transformed admirer is also given immortal life!

And the transformer is called Govern Hupadgo Sabu Nicolas, meaning Sabu? Nicholas Blessed Family.

Black goats now have this ability and can breed all kinds of weird Cthulhu monsters on their own!

This skill is also very practical!

Only by breeding enough Cthulhu Mythos monsters can he easily cope with various crisis situations!

According to different situations, targeted dispatch of grammar creatures to battle!

For example, if you go to the deep sea secret realm later.

Send out deep divers and complete various tasks with ease!

And one more point.....

That's this ability of the black goat, helping Lin Mo contract the royal beast in the future, eliminating many low-level choices!

He had seen some contract conditions before, but the potential was not too high.

For example, the white-haired contract thousand-eyed demon spider, and the pharaoh cat of the dragon sunflower.

In the future, if he needs to contract a new imperial beast, he will encounter this extraordinary creature with no potential.

He can directly let the black goats devour and transform, so that they can also become grammar creatures and become their own combat power!

And his contract position does not need to worry, he can slowly find those better extraordinary creatures!

Wait until he becomes a master-level beast master.

Third, the royal beast must be worthy of the identity of the black goat and the ouroboros!

As for the last one, it's a domain skill!

[Life Domain]: The black goat can cast a realm enchantment and can control the lives of all creatures within the range!

The pharaoh cat of the dragon kui before had just evolved and comprehended the rudiments of the domain.

And his black goat is even more perverted, and after evolution, he directly comprehends the domain skills of the complete body!

Follow the description of the skill.

When the black goat expands the realm of life, he can control the life force of all creatures in the realm!

It can continuously absorb the life of the enemy, weakening their strength to the extreme.

It can also send life to friendly troops, which is equivalent to having an invincible nanny in the team.

Not only can the Ouroboros receive blessings, but also the Cthulhu monsters bred by the Black Goat!

As long as the black 0.4 goats have enough vitality, then they are a group of undead monster legions!

It is not immutable!

In addition to these three unique skills.

Other skills are more common, some attack methods and mind control methods.

It is worth saying.

The evolved black goat's control of the earth is one step closer.

When it unfolds its territory, it can draw life from the earth in addition to enemies.

When attacking with tentacles, the tentacles can be inserted into the ground like tree roots, leaving enemies with no idea which direction they will emerge from when attacking.

The Black Goat can also retreat into the ground when moving, making it impossible for enemies to determine where its body is.

Those new students who knew that they would need to face this terrifying monster after ten days.

I don't know how they will feel in their hearts.....

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