Beast Master For All: Start With The Black Goat Of The Forest!

Chapter 71: The Best Thug, The Guge Giant Is Born! (Please Subscribe!)

The creatures inside the sarcoma are still struggling madly!

This moment.

The admissions teachers in the monitoring hall, the ordinary proctors, and even Lin Mo himself are nervously watching the changes in the sarcoma!

Soon cracks appeared on the surface of the sarcoma, and a strange hooked claw protruded from the crack.

First, a huge paw sticks out, with terrifying hooked claws on it.

And then.

Another foot appeared in front of him.


A huge arm covered in black soft fur appeared, which split into two at the front end.

Each hand looks like a paw.

Two bright pink eyes appeared.

The head of the waking giant, the size of a barrel, staggered and revealed.

Two eyes on either side of the head, protected by coarse hairs and bones.

But the most frightening thing about the "967" on the skull is its huge mouth.

That mouth does not grow horizontally, but vertically.

Born with huge yellow teeth, straight from the top of the head to the bottom!

After the people outside saw the full picture of the sarcoma monster.

They were all in deep shock!

Others are still speculating about what kind of creature it is.

Lin Mo recognized the identity of the other party at a glance!

This is the antique giant in the Cthulhu Mythos, who lives in a dreamland!

The ancient giants were too disgusted by the rituals performed in the worship of various old dominators.

He was banished to the underground world of Dreamland.

Whatever creature they grabbed on the ground with those four hands, they would eat it with great pleasure.

The Guge Giant is a huge monster, and ordinary individuals are at least six meters tall.

And these ancient giants are at least ten meters tall, much taller than the King Kong Demon Ape!

And the momentum on them is extremely strong!

Lin Mo directly activated the [Omniscient Eye] as soon as possible and began to check the information of the ancient leather giant!

【Race】: Guge Giant (Strength Department) (Spirit Department)

[Level]: Dominate the eighth order

[Talent]: Gluttony (A), Madness (A), Monster Power (A), Dream One-Eyed (S)

[Bloodline]: Unknown

[Skills]: Leather Armor Defense (Blue), Spirit Ray (Purple), Hook Claw Raid (Purple), Violent Stampede (Purple), Bloodline Madness (Red)

The talent panel of the ancient leather giant is not particularly luxurious, but it is better than comprehensive!

It also inherited the mad bloodline of the King Kong Demon Ape, as well as its original strength.

These dozen or so ancient giants are all high-level strengths.

As a royal beast cultivation, Lin Mo will definitely not look at it.

But use it as a thug.

They are already very qualified!

The ancient giant opened his huge one-eyed eyes and observed this strange world.

But soon the black goat behind let out a roar!

All the ancient giants turned back in unison, and instantly felt a cordial connection from the bloodline.

Just at a glance it was confirmed that this was their "mother"!

Then one by one, they opened their giant mouths and began to roar, and the huge one-eyed one-eyed stared at the King Kong Demon Ape in the distance!

The eighteen ancient giants instantly entered a state of madness, and a rich blood qi permeated.

Then they moved their huge soles in unison, stretching out their hands and frantically rushing towards the King Kong Demon Ape group!

Eighteen ancient giants instantly broke up the formation of the King Kong Demon Ape.

They have two wrists with hooked claws at the front of each arm, and one arm can be attacked twice with hooked claws.

As long as the hook claws hook the King Kong Demon Ape, it will drag it over and frantically devour their flesh and blood!

Under a wave of shock.

The dozens of King Kong Demon Ape at the forefront all died tragically in the hands of the ancient Ge giant!

But after a brief panic, the remaining King Kong Demon Ape immediately organized their formation.

They began not to confront the Guge giants head-on, not to resist the terrifying power of the other party.

Instead, he began to actively dodge and distance himself, and began to attack the Guge Giant with concentrated aura waves!

To put it bluntly, it is to take advantage of the characteristics of these big people and slow mobility, and directly start flying kites!

As soon as the ancient giant rushed over, the King Kong Demon Ape next to him began to escape.

As soon as they stop, they start shooting light waves again!

The ancient giant let out an angry roar, but it was also just an incompetent rage!

A few rounds to play.

The Vajra Demon Ape's hair did not touch two, but it was full of holes in his body!

If the opponent was an ordinary melee fierce beast, such as those powerful demon apes before, it is estimated that he would have been killed by the ancient Ge giants long ago.......

But the King Kong Demon Ape is not only a melee pervert, but also a long-range attack.

It's a bit disgusting.

Those ancient giants completely ignored their injuries and were still attacking madly!

They don't seem to feel pain, and as long as the black goat doesn't open his mouth, he will continue to fight tirelessly.

Until the last moment of life!

In the surveillance hall.

After a brief shock, the major admissions teachers also came back to their senses.

Seeing this scene, they couldn't help but sigh:

"Today is really a long insight, my first time to see this weird life skill."

"These King Kong Demon Ape are not only controlled, their genes and life forms have undergone earth-shaking changes!"

"But these cyclops look very strong, and now they have been found by the King Kong Demon Ape, and they still won't last long!"

"Lin Mo this kid is really amazing, always surprises us when we don't expect it, no.... It should be a shock!"

The Guge giant was already full of holes, and it seemed that he was about to be unable to hold on.

With two more rounds of long-range shooting, the eighteen ancient giants are estimated to turn into meat mud.

But is that really the case?

Lin Mo can be said to be completely relieved after seeing the appearance of the ancient leather giant.

As long as the friendly side has enough frontal combat power, the number does not need to be too large.

They can block enemy attacks without being defeated in an instant. 4.3 This frees the hands of the black goat.

That's the only way to go.

The life field of the black goat can play a greater role!

And now the Ancient Giants have done it perfectly!

As long as the Guge Giant can kill the enemy, then this battle will not be lost no matter what!

At this time.

Lin Mo looked at the black goat next to him and said:

"Extract the life force of the Death King Kong Demon Ape on the field and transmit it to the Guge Giant!"

"Let these King Kong Demon Ape feel what despair is!"

PS: After reading the comments, everyone is right, it is indeed me who is stupid, I modified it earlier, Wang Fugui has already rolled!

Or that sentence, if there is any problem, you can spray it directly, and if the author is wrong, correct it, and be beaten and straightened! .

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