Beast Master For All: Start With The Black Goat Of The Forest!

Chapter 82: New Members Of The World Of Gray Mist, Special Interrogation Methods! (Please Subscribe!

The next day.

Long Kui helped Lin Mo relieve his psychological problems and stayed at home for two days.

It can be seen that her psychological mentor is very unprofessional, helping others to channel the result, and finally she has problems.

Recuperated for several days.

She barely eased up.

Then he also took his sheets, saying that they were to be used as a ji ji for the success of the first psychological counseling.

But the sad thing is.

Longkui could not continue to channel psychological problems for Lin Mo for a period of time.

She also wants to take advantage of the holiday to practice, saying that she wants to try to catch up with herself.

In some ways, Tarragon is indeed very sensible.

Su Yun's guy also moved out completely, and he hid for the next few days and did not dare to see Lin Mo.

Probably for fear of being ridiculed by him.

Lin Mo originally thought that he would not be able to stay long in Dragon Gate City.

Who knows how many days passed.

Long Yunfei's people had indeed been caught a long time ago, but they had not been interrogated with effective information.

It is said that those guys have particularly hard mouths, compared with Sue's.

No matter what interrogation methods are used, they cannot pry their mouths open.

After he heard the news.

He also tried to use the [All-Knowing Eye] to probe the stronghold of the Ten Thousand Poison Sect.

There is a lot of information that comes back, but a lot of it is fake news.

Many strongholds are to hide people's eyes, three or two small fish and shrimp.

Even if they come to the door to be warmed, it is estimated that they will not be able to warm their hearts23.

Precision strikes are completely impossible.

So I still have to find a way to start with those members of the Ten Thousand Poison Sect!

This day

Long Yunfei's side really had no way, and he didn't dare to kill these cultists easily, so he could only invite Lin Mo to personally interrogate.

Because he is very researched in spiritual means, perhaps very effective in the interrogation process.

Lin Mo also feels that this method works.

If they completely break their psychological defenses, it is estimated that it will be easy to ask the news they want.

But this degree is very difficult to grasp.

If you use too much force and make the other party completely lose their minds, it is estimated that there is no difference between it and death.

And mind control.

He can only let the other party act according to his own ideas, which can be regarded as controlling the behavior of the other party.

But he has not yet reached the point of controlling his mind.

Moreover, he did not master any means and skills similar to soul searching.

But Lin Mo plans to try it anyway.

However, he was just about to go out here, but suddenly received news from the black goat.

During this time, it has been cultivating in the Royal Beast Space, and it seems to have given birth to new life.

But it never left the imperial beast space, nor did it devour new transcendent creatures.

Where did this new life come from?

Could it be that some ancient giants want to increase their population for themselves?

But this is completely unnecessary.

Black goats give birth to new life to strip off the origin, which still has some impact on their own strength, and the ancient giants themselves have the ability to reproduce.

When Lin Mo sank down to check the situation in the Royal Beast Space, he saw what those new beings were.

Every time Lin Mo looked at the Imperial Beast Space, Gray Garden condensed a blurry human face.

He first saw the black goat, the ouoboros, and the ancient giants.

The pyramids of the ancient giants have been piled up very high, but they are still building.

When they saw the faces of the gray mist condensed in the air, they knelt in front of the pyramid in unison, greeting the miracle.

Soon Lin Mo noticed another image.

A large number of small black dots suddenly floated on the ground, flying madly towards the gray garden.

Despite their extreme speed, Lin Mo captures a lot of detail.

The huge, eyelidless eyeballs stared straight ahead, and the segmented tentacles on the head seemed to wriggle to the melody of the universe.

All ten of their legs are covered with black and shiny tentacles, folded on their pale belly.

The semicircular hard wings were covered with triangular scales, and the three mouths squirmed wetly and rushed towards the gray mist.

This is the Shagai bug!

In the Cthulhu mythological story, the Shagai worm is an insect-like creature from the star Chagai, with an extremely long life cycle and a highly developed civilization.

The Shagai Zerg are ardent admirers of Azathos, the Lord of All Things.

They can travel directly through the brains of other creatures and gradually control the mind of the host!

The Shagai Zerg's brain has six lobes, which allows them to think in three directions at the same time.

Most of them are afraid of sunlight because the frequency of electromagnetic waves of sunlight is damaging to their metabolism.

The Xia Gai insects circled wildly around the gray mist, with the ultimate fanaticism in their eyes!

Lin Mo was surprised to see this scene.

He couldn't figure out how the black goat had bred the Shagay worm.

Has it swallowed any bugs?

Lin Mo thought about it carefully and suddenly remembered something.

There really is!

Previously, in order to carry out the second mysterious evolution, it devoured a lot of soul devouring ladybugs, so it also met the conditions for spiritual power promotion.

At that time, talent also reminded the soul eater ladybug that it was a special and extraordinary creature.

It seems reasonable that they can be transformed into Chargay worms by black goats.

With the Shagai Zerg.

Then he will do it, and the interrogation will be much easier, and it will not take so much effort at all.

Lin Mo withdrew his gaze after observing the situation.

Then he opened the door and walked out.

Soon he came to the interrogation department of Longmen City and walked in under the leadership of Long Yunfei.

On the road.

Long Yunfei looked at Lin Mo and couldn't help but speak:

"Those cultists have also tried to use spiritual means."

"But they already have big mental problems, no matter how traumatized they are or unresponsive."

"Now that those few people are tortured half dead, and their spirits are on the verge of collapse, I advise you not to get your hopes up.

Lin Mo's psychic attack was something he had seen.

That's not ordinary overbearing!

These people can't bear that kind of impact, and it is estimated that they will have a mental breakdown and completely disappear in the first time!

Lin Mo was very confident and said:

"Don't worry."

"No matter how hard their mouths are, it's useless.

Seeing this, Long Yunfei didn't say much, and quickly took the other party to the interrogation room.

The cultist was tied to a chair before, covered with various equipment, and could be restricted from even blinking.

These things are all to prevent cultists from committing suicide!

When the cultist saw Lin Mo walk in, his eyes never left him.

Squirming his chapped lips and letting out a hoarse laugh:

"You're that Lin Mo."

"Even if I come, I can't betray the organization, and you won't get any news from me!"

Long Yunfei couldn't help but scold when he saw this scene:

"The gods of your organization believe in 653 are just a group of evil gods watching our world, where is the creation god!"

When the cultist heard this, he took a sharp bite:

"You know a fart!"

"You blasphemers will be punished sooner or later, especially you!"

The cultist's gaze stared at Lin Mo deadly, as if he wanted to cut him by a thousand cuts.

Lin Mo didn't hold back and slapped him directly.

"Cerebral palsy stuff."

The cultists were not angry when they saw this scene, but only thought that the other party was incompetent and furious.

"Push harder and vent your anger!"

Lin Mo knew what the other party was thinking, and said with a smile:

"Want to die?"

"It's not that simple."

"Fanatical believers, soon you will believe in new gods!"

Long Yunfei looked at Lin Mo with a puzzled look when he heard this, not knowing what he meant by this.

Lin Mo, is this going to change the other party's faith?

No kidding.

You let him expose one or two stronghold locations, and there may be a slightest chance.

But let them betray their faith.

This is absolutely impossible.

If only it really were that simple.

Those cultists won't be so difficult.

I heard that my daughter was worried about Lin Mo and recently went to give psychological counseling to the other party.

Could it be that this Lin Mo is interested in psychology.

I deliberately went to understand the relevant knowledge, so I am so confident now?

It is better to use mental means, which is simpler and crude.

Long Yunfei didn't know what kind of psychological counseling his daughter was having.

He also didn't know that Lin Mo now had a special and efficient interrogation method in his hands!

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