Beast Master For All: Start With The Black Goat Of The Forest!

Chapter 84: Daxiling Border, Arrive At The City Of Storms! (Please Subscribe!)

Lin Mo doesn't have anything special to pack up, and most of his belongings are kept in the Royal Beast Space.

So I said hello to acquaintances and set off alone to leave Longmen City.

Su Yun did not go with him.

She was still in Dragon Gate City and seemed to be discussing something about him with the school.

It is estimated that she may also go to the Fengyun Secret World later.

Su Yun would keep an eye on his situation nearby and collect information about him during the experience.

See if you can find any defects and deficiencies, and make a training plan when the school officially starts.

It took about two days.

Lin Mo came to Xiling City.

This time, he did not take any flying beasts, but took a flying ~ plane from Foggy Mountain Airport.

Long-distance travel like this is extremely expensive for imperial beasts, and it is more convenient to take ordinary transportation to Gongjima.

But after arriving in Xiling City.

If you want to go deep into Daxiling, you have to take special traffic tools.

After registering his information, Lin Mo spent 10,000 spirit stones to buy a ticket.

Then we came to a special tarmac, where not airplanes were placed, but huge sea of clouds!

Lin Mo was also shocked when he first saw the ships.

These wooden flying boats look like those magic weapon flying boats in fairy tales.

It's actually not much worse!

The main source of power for the Yunhai flying boat is spirit stones, and one flying boat can carry three thousand people at the same time, and it takes nearly one million spirit stones to consume.

That's why air tickets are so expensive, otherwise the company would have gone bankrupt long ago.

The terrain on the other side of Daxiling is complicated, and there are lofty mountains everywhere.

But the most disgusting thing is its extreme field fluctuations!

Due to the accumulation of many secret worlds over there, there are magnetic storms and spatial turbulence everywhere.

If ordinary people enter Daxiling without permission, they will be swept away by the storm if they are not careful.

Even if you don't die in the end, you will be completely lost in this chaotic place.

There are special space barriers and azimuth detectors on the cloud sea flying boat.

It can accurately identify the direction and withstand the chaotic storm.

This is currently the only means of transportation to Daxiling.

Yunhai Flying Boat is indeed very good, and it is very comfortable to take relatives and friends out for a ride.

Maybe you can try the air seismic activity.

But a passenger flying ship costs billions of spirit stones, and now it is impossible to buy Lin Mo even if it is sold.

However, the private small flying boat only needs 100 million spirit stones, and if he is ruthless, he can barely withstand it.

After boarding the flying boat.

Lin Mo stayed in the private room to rest, and there were also various spirit fruit wines inside.

There is also a special waiter waiting outside, and you can call at any time if you have any needs.

If you are bored, you can also call her in to chat, which is also within the scope of their services.

But it is a little difficult to communicate in depth, after all, I have never known each other......... Probably have to add money.

The normal ticket price of the Yunhai Flying Boat is one thousand spirit stones, and his ten thousand spirit stones are the VIP box tickets on the top floor.

It is also deservable to enjoy this quality service.

Lin Mo was flipping through the Xiling local chronicles in the box, when a radio suddenly sounded outside:

"The Cloud Sea Flying Boat is about to reach the Storm Canyon, and will soon enter the Wind and Cloud Secret Realm World."

"Please stay inside the ship as much as possible, don't go to the deck to hang out, and beware of space turbulence attacks!"

Hear this broadcast.

Lin Mo knew it was time to go out and see.

He got up and put down the book in his hand, pushed open the door of the box and walked out.

Soon came to the deck corridor.

After seeing him come out, the waiter sister outside smiled and nodded.

Lin Mo also nodded slightly, and then raised his head to look at the Grand Canyon ahead.

In the middle of the canyon is a huge spatial whirlpool, through which you can enter the secret realm.

This large secret world is completely unable to set up space portals.

But the canyons on both sides have undergone special makeovers, and the neighborhood is basically filled with space stabilizers.

This effectively prevents the spatial vortex from continuing to expand, confines it to the interior of the canyon.

The vicinity of Storm Canyon is full of raging storm turbulence, and the closer you get to the space vortex, the more turbulent it becomes!

The outside of the cloud sea flying boat was shrouded in a circular light film, and countless spatial turbulences hit it, and a burst of light appeared on the light film.

The originally unusually stable flying boat gradually began to shake.

As the Cloud Sea Flying Boat slowly submerged into the spatial vortex, the nearby spatial turbulence also completely dissipated.

After the flying ship entered the Wind and Cloud Secret Realm completely through the space vortex.

On the large deck below, passengers continue to come out and stand near the fence to enjoy the scenery in front of them.

People kept coming out of the box near Lin Mo, nodding when they looked at each other.

Most of the people in the box are the natives of the Secret World.

Adventurers and travelers like Lin Mo are basically on the lower deck.

Most of the people on this floor are businessmen, and they are basically acquaintances who know each other.

Originally, few people were willing to pay attention to Lin Mo, an outsider.

But Lin Mo was keenly aware of a gaze.

Turning his head saw a tall, thin man staring at him.

The expression seemed to be a little surprised, and after the other party noticed Lin Mo's gaze, he smiled and nodded.

Seeing this, Lin Mo also nodded, and did not take this matter to heart.

The Yunhai flying boat seems to fly very slowly, which is just that the stability of the people is doing well, but it is actually very fast.

It didn't take long.

Lin Mo saw a large expanse of floating islands just ahead!

On the largest island in the middle is a magnificent city!

That's the Storm Capital!

It is said that the vast majority of the Storm Capital are flying beast masters.

Living on such a large floating island [Getting around is not particularly inconvenient.

In this special land, people who can't fly will be discriminated against.

There is also a saying that the Storm Capital was built on floating islands.

If a large-scale beast tide attack really broke out in the secret realm.

Then they only need to resist the attack of the flying ferocious beast, and they don't have to worry about the threat of the fierce beast on the ground at all.

...... Ask for flowers...

This is a great natural geographical advantage!

En route.

Lin Mo also saw a lot of flying imperial beast masters coming and going, and the royal beasts they rode were also different.

He was idle and bored, so he opened the [Eye of All-Knowledge] and checked the information:

【Race】: Golden Feather Dapeng (Wind System)

[Level]: Dominate the first order

【Talent】: King Kong Flying Feather (B)

[Bloodline]: Reign of the primary

[Skills]: Death Dive (Blue), Burst Wind Blade (Blue), Sky Wind Feather (Purple)

【Race】: Unicorn Pegasus (Light) (Wind) (Healing)

[Level]: Dominate the first order

[Talent]: Baptism of Light (A), Walking in the Sky (B)

[Bloodline]: Dominate the high

[Skills]: Fast Flight (Green), Healing Light (Blue), Unicorn Ray (Purple)

【Race】: Red-crowned crane (wind system)

[Level]: Extraordinary sixth order

[Talent]: Storm Turbulence (B)

[Bloodline]: Transcendent Gogh, etc

[Skills]: Slow Flight (Green), Storm Attack (Blue)

These flying imperial beasts all have wind talents, and their potential and strength are not too low.

Most of them have the strength to dominate the junior level, and the lowest have the level of the transcendent high-level.

It is worthy of a large secret world.

The strength of the extraordinary high-level is considered super strong in the Black Stone Secret Realm.

Here, the strength may barely meet the minimum standard of going out alone.

You can see it.

The Storm Capital is indeed rich in flying beasts.

At this time.

The Cloud Sea Flying Ship has entered the Storm Capital and is about to arrive at the tarmac to land.

Outside the deck, a radio alert sounded again:

"Dear passengers."

"The Yunhai flying boat is about to arrive at the station, please check your belongings and prepare to disembark."

"After entering the city, please be careful to prevent theft by thieves, pay attention to keeping valuables, and increase personal vigilance.

"Finally, welcome to the Storm Capital and have a great trip!"

Air thief This is a profession unique to the Wind and Cloud Secret Realm, and he has seen it in the brochure before.

This group of guys is the cancer of the storm capital, and the good beast master is not right, and likes to engage in some petty theft.

Thefts are frequent in the Storm Capital every day, and it is basically the ghosts of this group of air thieves.

This group of guys steals so well that people can't prevent it, and they are extremely vigilant, and they slip away when they see that the situation is wrong.

The air thieves are all imperial beast masters of the flying department, and it is extremely difficult to capture!

There is nothing they can do about them, but to remind residents to pay attention to anti-theft awareness.

Generally, if your things are stolen by air thieves, then you can only admit that you are unlucky, and basically you can't recover it.

This way.

Lin Mo had already left the airport and hitched a ride into the city.

He is still a little excited now.

The stormy capital is indeed a fascinating place.

He has a strong premonition that his next experience will definitely be very interesting!


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