Beast Studio

Five hundred and eighty-eight: Horror in the Mine

Wild Camel relied on his own life experience and judgment of the desert terrain to lead Liu Wei and the others to a broken wall.

The severed arm stands dozens of meters high.

Liu Wei got off the camel and walked forward to observe for a while.

Turning back to Elena, he said: "This should be a long-abandoned mine. There are rich quartz mines in the Victoria Desert. Maybe it has been mined out!"

There is a small town in the Victoria Desert that is completely built underground. It is home to miners who poured into the desert. After mining quartz, these large and small mines became a place for workers to live. It is quite unique and has now become a place where workers live. Famous attractions.

Elena nodded, "Our family has two quartz mines just to the north of the desert. One has been contracted, and the other is still being mined!"


Liu Wei glanced at Elena.

Could this be the legendary mine at home?

It’s no wonder that something went wrong with the valuable racing car. Elena didn’t show any reluctance to part with it. In her words, it was just a training car.

I wonder how many more are left at home?

The two walked to the entrance of the cave and sat down.

Keep your eyes on the ever-changing sandstorm weather.

It's actually a bit scary to see it with your own eyes.

The black fog is dense, and the sky is full of yellow sand like a monster's mouth, swallowing the horizon.

Elena has never felt so lucky, more thrilling than when she was in an intense cross-country rally.


When Liu Wei heard a strange sound, he turned his head to look at Elena. She turned her head awkwardly to avoid Liu Wei's eyes. She smoothed the hair floating around her ears with one hand and held her belly with the other.

"Sorry, I'm hungry!"

Elena finally chose to admit it frankly.

Liu Wei smiled, took out some canned food and dry food from his backpack and handed them to her.


Thank you, I will definitely pay you when I walk out! "

Liu Wei smiled and said: "I am not a money-grubbing person, money does not have much temptation for me!"

Liu Wei is expressing his values ​​seriously.

Elena, who was eating while listening, showed a smile that seemed to see through people's hearts.

Not interested in money?

So what are you interested in?

She couldn't help but smile.

After eating, the two chatted for a while.

Elena suddenly asked to go for a convenience and looked back at the mine.

Liu Wei nodded and said: "It should be safe, be careful of poisonous snakes!"


Elena walked into the mine.

The passage in the mine is not as long as expected. After walking through the passage, there is a very large mining site inside, which has been abandoned for a long time and is a bit desolate and gloomy.

Only a glimmer of light shone in from outside.

Elena turned on the phone light and found a suitable place for convenience.

After finishing the work, he stood up, lifted up his pants, looked relaxed and smiled, and prepared to go out and chat with Liu Wei for a while.

The moment she turned around.

The mobile phone light flickered from the stone wall above her head. At that moment, she seemed to see something?

An ugly face?


It should be said that it is an extremely distorted face.

It seems that the face is still covered with hair.

Elena instantly felt a chill on her back.

But she didn't scream like other little girls. Her long-term participation in extreme sports made her develop the habit of calm thinking.

She tried to suppress her emotions and did not dare to look back. Instead, she persuaded herself to act as if she had not seen anything and walked out of the mine quietly.

In the first few steps, I walked very lightly and slowly.

After entering the passage and seeing Liu Wei's back, she started running.

He rushed to Liu Wei, grabbed Liu Wei's hand, and said in a panic, "Liu, there is a monster inside!"


This is the second time Liu Wei heard a "monster" after the Lake Jubilee Monster!

This time it seemed more real than last time because it happened before his eyes.

Elena reverts to the fear of an ordinary girl and tells what she saw.

Dog head?

Long ears?

And a hairy face?

The information Elena told made it really difficult for Liu Wei to piece together the specific appearance of the monster in his mind and deduce its identity.

However, Liu Wei was sure that there might be some kind of strange-looking animal living inside, but it was definitely not a monster.

Monster is just an extreme term used by Elena to describe it after being frightened.

"I'll go in and take a look!" Liu Wei said.

Elena shook her head, "Liu, let's get out of here quickly!"

Liu Wei took a look at the weather outside and said, "The sandstorm will continue for a while. It's dangerous to leave now!"

"I don't believe there are any monsters in this world. Even if there is, I will find out its true identity!"

Strong tone.

Full of energy.

Very strong!

This image is easy to attract the opposite sex.

Elena somewhat admired Liu Wei's courage, but she was more worried about what she saw.

Liu Wei saw the hesitation on her face, "Just stay outside! There is no need to be afraid as Xiao Wang is with you.

I’ll go in and take a look alone!”

Elena nodded, then shook her head.

She also wanted to figure out what exactly she saw?

So, when Liu Wei walked in, she followed closely behind.

The temperature inside the mine was very different from the temperature outside. The huge temperature difference formed a cool breeze that blew out from inside and hit Liu Wei's face.

Liu Wei held the live broadcast mobile phone and smiled: "Brothers, it's quite cool inside!"

Elena's hands were sweating at this time, and her eyes were a little blurry.

Indeed, even brave girls are afraid of snakes, insects and ants, as if they are their natural enemies in life.

Liu Wei turned back and smiled at her.

Her face was a little stiff, and she followed closely, not daring to fall behind.

After entering the mining site, Elena pointed in the direction of her convenient location, "It's right up there, I looked up and saw it!"

look up?

Liu Wei raised his head directly.

The weak light from the live broadcast mobile phone shines on the top of the mine. The top is rugged and uneven. It is easy to see that it is a private mine and the safety facilities are imperfect.

He took the live broadcast mobile phone and swept across the top of the mine.


He immediately turned back the light.

Stopped in a small crevice in the rock at the top.

Liu Wei stared.

"Is it it?" asked Elena back.

Elena looked at the place illuminated by the light of the mobile phone, and her whole body shook. She grabbed Liu Wei's arm with both hands, looked up at Liu Wei, looked pitiful, and nodded to Liu Wei.

Liu Weidao: "Don't be afraid, it's not a monster, it's a bat!"

"Bat?" Elena was a little skeptical. If it was really a bat, then the bats she was seeing now exceeded her understanding of bats.

Because it's too big.

Liu Wei looked at the barrage, and many viewers guessed it was a bat.

"Brothers, this is the Australian giant dog-headed bat, which is a subspecies of the giant flying fox. Its snout, nose, teeth and ears look very similar to those of canines, so it is called the dog-headed bat.

There are very few human studies on this type of bat, but its distribution range in Australia is very wide, ranging from rain forests to deserts. I didn’t expect that we would meet it in an abandoned mine today!" Liu Wei said excitedly .

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