Beast Studio

61 Departing from the tropical rainforest

Liu Wei clicked to open the potion treasure chest.

[Congratulations to the host for obtaining the speed potion x 1]

Avoid the camera and drink directly.

Various coefficients of body function change.

【Physical strength: 3】

【Power: 4】

【Guts: 3】

[Reaction Speed: 4]

[Anti-virus factor: 2]

【Digestive capacity: 2】

[Animal intimacy: 3]

The reaction speed has increased a little.

Although the king cobra has a swift temperament and agility, Liu Wei is confident to entangle with it.

Pick up the phone, "Brothers, I'm going to take the car now, and rush to the next place, the broadcast will start at noon tomorrow!"

Went up to Mangshan Mountain, spent the night in Mangshan Mountain, and went down the mountain to popularize science on Zhoushan Cobra. In two days, Liu Wei’s high-intensity live broadcast required a good rest.

Before tonight, rush to the next place, Xishuangbanna Tropical Rainforest, and then get a good night's sleep, and get ready to fight the King Cobra at noon tomorrow.

Eye kings are also distributed in Guangdong and Guangxi. There are eye king activities in Guangdong province, but Liu Wei wanted to find bigger eye kings, so he chose the next stop to go to the tropical rainforest, which is a paradise for animals and plants. Eye kings are in the tropical rainforest Able to get more adequate food and a more comfortable living environment.

The audience in the live broadcast room also felt sorry for Liu Wei.

The wonderful programs he brought for two days were not picky.

Although the die-hard fans are reluctant to let him broadcast and wish to let Liu Wei accompany them all day, they also know that as an anchor, they need to rest and adjust.

"Awei, rest well, we will protect you with a black screen!"

"Awei, we're here, post a post in the fish bar, and let us know you're safe!"

"Ah Wei, you have worked hard!"

"Brothers, Ah Wei runs around doing shows for us every day, pay him for air tickets, accommodation, and living expenses!"

"Brothers, put up the presents!"

Liu Wei: "Rational consumption, rational consumption."

The Millennium bastard sent the plane × 1

Datang prostitute sends out plane × 1

I left hundreds of millions of descendants to send out the plane × 1

Awei's shaking head battle will send out the plane × 1

Awei's aunt sent the plane x 1


The aircraft brigade flew continuously for more than ten minutes.

Liu Wei: "Thank you brothers for the plane, I'm already on the road, now stop a bus or two to go to the city, goodbye, brothers."

"Awei, remember to wash off the snake venom on your face!"

"OK!" Liu Wei made a gesture and turned off the live broadcast room.

Someone still remembers it, not to mention that he has forgotten it.

Liu Wei didn't care, he had a gas mask on his face, so he couldn't pose a threat to him.

After waiting for a few minutes, a bus from Mangshan Scenic Area to the city came.

Liu Wei got into the car with a wave, gave the money, and found a seat at random.

People around were attracted by his live broadcast equipment.

The people in the back seat discussed it.

A girl said to her boyfriend, "It seems to be a live broadcast!"

The boy replied: "What's so strange, there are too many anchors to count, and they are all rotten fish and rotten shrimps. I guess he should be doing some kind of hiking live broadcast.

See it! I can't walk anymore, I have no energy, now I'm in a car! "

Liu Wei ignored them.

A middle-aged man sitting next to him turned his head and asked, "Young man, are you a live broadcaster?"

Liu Wei nodded, "Yes, Uncle."

"Which platform is it broadcasting on? I usually like to watch live broadcasts, so I'll pay attention to you!"

Liu Wei smiled and said, "Betta Fish Outdoors!"

"Outdoor, interesting, I usually watch outdoor, what is your live broadcast number?"

"You can find it by searching for Awei or Beast Science Popularization!"

The couple in the back row were taken aback.

Wild beast science, it sounds a bit powerful.

The middle-aged uncle next to Liu Wei clicked in, "There are so many people chatting on a black screen, you are a great anchor!"

Liu Wei said modestly: "It's just started broadcasting not long ago!"

"It's level 55 just after the broadcast, it's amazing, young man, I'll go to your fish bar for a stroll!"

After the middle-aged man clicked into the fish bar, he opened his mouth wide and never closed it again.

The fish bar is full of photos of Liu Wei intimately interacting with various poisonous snakes.

He actually saw Mangshan's soldering iron head, "Young man, is this Xiao Qinglong?"

Liu Wei nodded, "Last night, I slept with it all night!"

The man raised his head, his eyes widened a lot, and a few wrinkles appeared on his forehead.

He was imagining the scene of spending the night with Xiao Qinglong.




"I saw a mang mountain at Dr. Snake's place before, but it's not as big as you, and you still met it in the wild. It's unbelievable."

Liu Wei: "Mr. Chen also took me to see the one in the snake museum. He also gave me the route I went up the mountain to find the little green dragon!"

The middle-aged man asked, "Do you know Dr. Snake?"

Liu Wei: "Yes, we are both engaged in animal research. He prefers to study snakes. My research scope is the entire animal circle!"

The girl in the back row pinched her boyfriend, "Didn't you say that he is a rotten fish and shrimp?"

"Cut!" The boy didn't take it seriously, thinking that Liu Wei was bragging, he immediately took out his mobile phone and searched for the beast science that Liu Wei just said.

Click in and take a look.

He was a little frightened, his girlfriend had already covered her mouth, and her eyes kept moving on Liu Wei's profile and the photo in the fish bar in the live broadcast room.

The girl pointed to the introduction of the live broadcast and said, "Look, the top beast expert in the country, you still say that other people rotten fish and rotten shrimp, you are the rotten fish and rotten shrimp!"

"Keep your voice down so others can hear you!"

The middle-aged man next to Liu Wei sent an application card and a plane, "I'll get you an application card, do you broadcast live every day? I come to check in every day!"

Liu Wei nodded, "I'm going to the tropical rainforest in Xishuangbanna to find the king cobra, and the broadcast will start at noon tomorrow!"

Front, back, left, and right, the eyes of men, women and children focused on Liu Wei at the same time, not because Liu Wei was so handsome, but because he was frightened by what he said.

Along the way, Liu Wei chatted a lot with the middle-aged man around him. The most important information he got was that the middle-aged man was an outdoor fan, and he was also an earl user with good spending power.

When the car arrived at the station, Liu Wei said goodbye to him and went straight to the airport at the next stop.

One day on the road.

Finally arrived at JH City in Xishuangbanna at night, booked a comfortable hotel on the phone, washed up, and went to bed.

I got up at ten o'clock the next morning, took a taxi to a Dai village on the edge of the rainforest in the suburbs, and entered the tropical rainforest directly.

After walking for more than ten minutes, Liu Wei started the live broadcast.

"I'm coming!"

"I don't see Awei for a day, I'm going crazy."

“There is still a sense of belonging here!”

The water friends sighed for a while.

"Awei, where is this?"

"Is it still around Mang Mountain?"

Liu Wei: "I am now in the tropical rainforest of Xishuangbanna, Yunnan. Today I will take you to look for king cobras in the rainforest."

"Yesterday I was in Hunan, and today I am in Xishuangbanna. The speed is too fast!"

"I lost it, King Cobra, awesome!"

"This episode is supposed to be good, let me have breakfast first!"

"King of eyes? Ah Wei, your uncle, the more you play, the more exciting you are!"

"Be careful, Ah Wei, we are ready to call 120 for you at any time!"

Liu Wei smiled slightly, "Don't worry, brothers, everything is under control."


PS: Thanks for the reward from "Setsuna Xue Wuhen", thank you.

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