Beast Studio

Seven hundred and thirty-eight sour and refreshing!

Liu Wei is actually still alive!

The audience was amazed.

In their guess, Liu Wei would be fine. After all, they had seen too many incredible things happen to Liu Wei, but the scene of the green anaconda's death entanglement just now frightened them.

There is a feeling that is both common sense and unexpected.

I have to say that the anchor Liu Wei is really admirable.

The gifts on the live broadcast screen kept scrolling and were dazzling.

"Awei, I have already knelt down for you!"

"This is my first time watching a live broadcast and I gave him a gift. Although it's not much, it shows my appreciation. The host is so awesome!"

"I have seen many videos of famous explorers around the world. They have some, and Ah Wei also has them. But when Ah Wei plays, they can only watch!"

"This is true wildness!"

"The anchor is too wild!"

Liu Wei regained his breath and turned his head to glance at the green anaconda. It was now a little uncomfortable due to Master De's tapping. Its body curled together and entered a resting state, looking much gentler.

"Master De, give me a hand!" Liu Wei raised his hand and said.

Mr. De shook his head and walked up to pull Liu Wei up. He reached out and patted Liu Wei's butt. This intimate gesture expressed his admiration for Liu Wei!

The two black men were still stuck in place, completely distracted.

They live in the Amazon Basin and have an impression of the terrifying creatures in the basin. They also think that they are people who can fight these terrifying creatures. When Emma was bitten, their thinking changed slightly. Some monsters can fight with their bare hands. Impossible to defeat.

But after watching the entire process of Liu Wei capturing the green anaconda, their ideas were once again affected.

No no no!

Liu Wei is no ordinary person!

He is a monster!

How could a normal person challenge the anaconda's entangling power?

The two black men shook their heads.

After coming back to his senses, he walked towards Liu Wei and asked timidly, "Are you okay?"

The reason for caring about Liu Wei is to earn one hundred reais from Liu Wei.

I just promised them!

Liu Wei smiled and said: "Fortunately, Mr. De, give them two hundred reais! I'll give it to you when we go back to the hotel!"

Mr. De smiled slightly and took out the money without taking it seriously.

"Liu, I suggest you go to the hospital for a full-body checkup now!" Master De suggested. Is he afraid that Liu Wei's challenge just now will leave any root causes?

Liu Wei shook his head and smiled: "Don't worry! Mr. De, I'm fine. I just need to rest for a while. It's a very lucky thing to meet this big guy today. I don't want to leave it yet!"

Mr. De's eyes were stunned. He was afraid that Liu Wei would do something that ordinary people could not understand again, so he quickly persuaded him, "Liu, you must consider your own life safety!"

Liu Wei stood up and picked up the live broadcast phone, smiled at Mr. De and said, "Master De, come and help me!"

Master De didn't know what Liu Wei was going to do, so he followed him.

Liu Wei walked up to the anaconda's head again, and the camera took a picture of its head. A pair of deep eyes glanced at Liu Wei, and he didn't know whether he meant dissatisfaction or anger.

"Sorry, I used force on you again!" Liu Wei reached out and touched its head and suddenly smiled, "But I will be even more rude next time!"

After saying that, he handed the live broadcast mobile phone to Mr. De, "Master De, please help me take a picture, I have no time for both hands!"

Master De took the live broadcast phone and watched Liu Wei's actions attentively.

"Brothers, I just felt the entangling power of the green anaconda for you. To sum it up, it can be described in two words - sour and refreshing.

However, here we must remind viewers who are watching the live broadcast not to imitate, even professionals should not try. "

"Friend, I'll wrong you again!" Liu Wei stretched out his left hand and dragged the green anaconda's lower jaw. It was very calm and spat out the snake letter twice without reacting excessively.

Liu Wei turned his head to look at the camera, "The two deadly weapons of the green anaconda are its body muscles and its big mouth. I have already felt the entanglement of its body muscles. Next, I will open its big mouth for everyone to feast their eyes on. Look clearly at the structure inside!"

This is the same thing.

The audience immediately became nervous.

"Awei, don't mess around!"

"Anchor, I advise you to be kind!"

"Are you the devil?"

"Aren't you afraid of being bitten?"

"Oh my god, watching Awei's live broadcast, my adrenal glands can't keep up!"

Liu Wei smiled lightly.

Holding the green anaconda's upper jaw with his right hand, he pulled hard towards the upper and lower directions with both hands, and the green anaconda's big mouth was forcefully opened.

The sound of "huhuhu~" came from his mouth, and he couldn't stop hearing it.

The green anaconda's body struggled and swayed again. Seeing this, the two black men took the initiative to run up and suppress the green anaconda's body.

Liu Wei warned: "Don't use force, it is very tired now, don't hurt it!"

The two black men nodded.

"Come on, Mr. De, get the camera closer!" Liu Wei ordered.

Mr. De moistened his throat and moved the camera forward.

"Brothers in the live broadcast room should have seen the process of a python devouring prey. It can swallow prey several times larger than its own body. Its upper and lower jaws can expand greatly and swallow the prey in one bite.

I told you that in the anaconda’s food chain there are adult caimans and pumas, both of which are very large. However, the mouth of the anaconda I am holding is only as wide as the width of my hand.

But in its mouth, there is a strong square bone. When it swallows large prey, the square bone will push the upper and lower jaws of the green forest anaconda to nearly 180 degrees, which is the upper and lower jaws. Parallelly, it is perfectly fine to swallow an adult with such a big mouth.

I am trying to open its big mouth with force, and the stimulation of external forces will also cause the square bones in the anaconda's mouth to move, gradually opening its big mouth!"

Liu Wei had almost completely opened the green anaconda's upper and lower jaws without using much force.

"OK! Beautiful, look at this scary big mouth!"

Liu Wei couldn't help but lowered his head and stretched his head towards the green anaconda's bloody mouth. As a comparison object, the audience could see it more intuitively.

"Fuck, fuck..."

"Anchor, don't get excited!"

"Awei, don't worry about it!"

"Fuck, it's so scary!"

"I just want to know if the anchor is really not nervous at all?"

"Why are you nervous?" Liu Wei said with a smile, "Everything is under control. I am safe now and will not hurt the green anaconda!"

"Master De, come here, let's take a look at its teeth!" Liu Wei greeted.

Mr. De nodded and walked around to Liu Wei's right, pushed the live broadcast phone into the anaconda's big mouth, and filmed its upper jaw.

The audience in the live broadcast room was suddenly shocked.

Extremely terrifying.

"Did you see it? Brothers!" Liu Wei tilted his head and observed, "The green anaconda's teeth are all distributed on its upper jaw. There are more than a hundred teeth in two rows, and each one is as sharp as a spike. , the most terrifying thing is that these teeth are curved inward. Once biting the prey, they will hook deeply into the prey's flesh. If the prey moves and struggles, it will cause secondary damage.

Just like Emma's wound, the sharp teeth can easily tear your flesh from your body.

You can imagine the feeling of the skin and flesh being pulled on the body.


Liu Wei shook his body unconsciously, "That's so sour!"

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