Beast Studio

Seven hundred and sixty-five: A sense of déjà vu in Hollywood blockbusters

Wallace "Liu Wei used his body to lure sharks. We have seen too many impossibilities in this person. What unexpected things will he do again?"

The explanation is in full swing.

Suddenly the tone changed, "Oh my god, shark! The big shark appeared again. It floated on the water and swam in the direction of Liu Wei.

high speed! "

On the speedboat, Box made continuous hand signals to Liu Wei.

Liu Wei has locked the direction of the shark.

He made an OK gesture to the members on the speedboat, then turned his body and began to swim widely, making more noise to attract sharks. This is an extreme provocation for the Bull Shark's violent character.

"Here we come, brothers!" Liu Wei was fully prepared.

The black technology equipment provided by the system can resist shark attacks. What he has to do is to insert the fishhook in his hand into the lower end of the shark's gills while the bull shark rushes towards his body.

This position is very hard and tests Liu Wei's strength. It is not an easy task to release powerful force in the water.

Moreover, it is even more difficult to accurately capture the attack position on the shimmering water.

Therefore, Liu Wei must find the best time.

The thoughts in my mind were suddenly disconnected and fell into a state of emptiness.

In his eyes, the bull shark's huge body impacted.

He jumped up and tried to use the power to knock Liu Wei away.

"It's now!"

Liu Wei grabbed the fishhook tightly and thrust it in while the bull shark's head was close to his body.

Suddenly a red ribbon floated on the water.

The blood quickly spread around.

The bull shark's temper flared up and it swung its body vigorously. To a normal person, every impact would be fatal.

Liu Wei grabbed the fishhook with both hands. He knew very well that the next time would be the most test of human strength.

Bull sharks don’t give up easily.

It can only consume it until its body is exhausted.

"Fuck, so cruel!"

"I feel like I'm watching a Hollywood blockbuster!"

"It's bloody, it's over, I'm going to have a nightmare tonight!"

"The shark is so strong, I feel like Ah Wei can't catch it!"

Standing on the deck, Box closely observed the movements on the water. He knew that the shark's struggle would seriously consume Liu Wei's physical strength, and immediately asked the speedboat driver to increase the horsepower.

The speedboat was traveling at high speed on the wide river, stirring up dense waves at its rear, as if it was about to fly.

The drag of a speedboat,

This puts Bull Shark in a dilemma. On the one hand, he has to break away from Liu Wei's constraints, and on the other hand, he has to challenge the friction of the river water.

Its stamina was quickly exhausted.

Box observed the bull shark's condition and asked the speedboat driver to slow down.

Bull Shark didn't seem to be ready to surrender. Just when the speedboat slowed down, he moved his body again and almost threw Liu Wei out.

Liu Wei also spent too much energy.

If you use artificial fishing to catch this bull shark, you have to be entangled with it for at least two hours, and you have to ensure that it does not decouple. You must be a master fisherman.

Finally, the bull shark calmed down and floated on the water. Liu Wei lay on it to take a breath and waved to Box.

Box excitedly said, "Come ashore!"

The speedboat tows the bull shark toward the shore.

Reporters and cameramen on the shore crowded up to take pictures of the first scene, but were stopped by Box's team members outside the security line.

Liu Wei stood in the shallow water, held the bull shark's back with his hands, and picked it up with all his strength. However, its back was too wide and thick, and it fell into the shallow water without holding it firmly.

Mr. De and two other crew members rushed to help, and the four of them lifted the bull shark to the soft sand.

Box collected water from a hose and kept watering the bull shark's plug to keep it moist so that it would not die of dehydration in a short period of time.

Liu Wei pulled out the fishhook inserted at the lower end of the bull shark's gills. There was still a little blood seeping out, but it was not a big problem for its strong body.

Liu Wei took off his mask and took a few breaths.

"Brothers, look at this guy! He's so big!" Liu Wei asked the members of the scientific expedition team who measured the body length, "How long is it?"

Then he walked to the belly of the bull shark, took a look, and confirmed, "It's a male shark!"

Box nodded, "This is the largest male bull shark we have ever found in the Amazon basin!"

Liu Wei “Brothers, female bull sharks are usually larger than males. Overall, bull sharks are small and medium-sized sharks. Male bull sharks that can grow to 29 meters in fresh water are very rare.


But it still hasn’t escaped my capture!”

Box quickly organized the scientific expedition members to start work.

Liu Wei walked up to the bull shark's head, stretched out his hand and made a move that made the media friends behind him cringe. He opened the bull shark's mouth with both hands.

"The bull shark is different from the great white shark. In daily life, its upper and lower jaws are closed tightly and it does not expose its teeth.

But compared to the teeth of the great white shark, the bull shark is not inferior. Liu Wei said, turning back and smiling at his media friends, everyone trembled immediately.

This smile is a bit scary!

I looked back at the bull shark's big mouth again. The bull shark was out of the water, and due to severe physical exertion, it was now very calm.

Liu Weiwan doesn't have to worry about its aggressiveness, "The bull shark's mouth is large but disproportionate. It looks like a cracked arc shape, with dense teeth distributed at the end of its snout.

The teeth in the upper jaw are flat and wide, with slender serrations on the edges, and the tips of the teeth are upright and inclined outward.

The teeth in the lower jaw are narrower, have serrated edges, and have smooth roots.

The division of labor between the upper and lower teeth is very clear. The sharp lower teeth are used to hook the skin and flesh of the prey and catch the prey to death.

The triangular serrations on the upper jaw are used to tear and cut prey.

The force generated by the impact of the upper and lower teeth is enough to chop any hard object into pieces.

So what we usually see when prey is bitten by a bull shark is that its main wound is very flat, like a knife edge, with large and small small wounds scattered around the edges, and the skin and flesh of these wounds fly.

It is necessary to remind all swimmers and divers to beware of bull sharks. If it attacks you, your chance of escape is only a short time after it hits you with its body.

Otherwise, you can notify your family to collect the body! "

"Hahaha, luckily we don't have bull sharks here!"

"It doesn't sound any weaker than a great white shark!"

"The strength is still weaker, but if the target is a human, it will be easy for the bull shark!"

Liu Wei reminded that “bull sharks are not only found in the Amazon basin, they widely inhabit along the coasts of large rivers, bays, estuaries, and even in the middle of rivers.

Bull sharks have been found in the Mississippi River Basin, the Ganges River Basin, and the estuaries of major rivers in China.

We are in the light and it is in the dark, so be careful!”

"My palms are sweating when I hear it!"

"So don't get into the water easily!"

"Anchor, don't scare them, the chance of encountering them is very low!"

"Don't be afraid of ten thousand, just be afraid of what happens!"

Liu Wei turned back and asked his media friends, "Have you taken enough photos?"

Someone nodded.

Liu Wei closed the bull shark's upper and lower jaws again.

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