Beast Studio

Eight Hundred Hippopotamus VS Nile Crocodile

Liu Wei took a sip of water, adjusted his sitting posture and said: "In the comparison of beast strength, we will all mention a very important factor, the weight advantage.

The advantage of weight is particularly obvious in beast fighting. For players such as hippopotamus and Nile crocodiles, the advantages brought by weight are not only physical strength, but also bite force and larger attack range.

So let's first compare the size of the two. In today's African savannah, it is almost impossible to see a four-ton hippopotamus. The nearly three-ton hippopotamus we encountered today is also very rare.

Generally speaking, the average weight of an adult male hippopotamus is only 1.5 tons, but compared to the weight of the Nile crocodile, it is far behind.

The largest known Nile crocodile in the world is Gustave, who lives in the Taihu District of Burundi. It is more than 6 meters long and weighs more than 1 ton. If this legendary crocodile is still alive, it should be able to compete with the four-ton crocodile. Hippopotamus fight.

But most Nile crocodiles rarely reach a length of four or five meters in their lifetime. When the Nile crocodile reaches sexual maturity at the age of 15, the female crocodile is about 2 to 3 meters tall, the male crocodile is about 3 meters tall, and the weight is only about 200 to 300 kg. When placed in front of a hippopotamus based on tonnage, it looks a bit thin! "

"Agree! The weight advantage is obvious!"

"The brains of beasts are not as flexible as human brains. They are more direct and efficient! So the weight advantage is very obvious!"

“The anchor’s analysis is very objective!”

"Is Gustav still alive?"

"Awei, take us to find Gustav!"

"If I have a chance, I'll take you to take a look!" Liu Wei continued, "Let's take a look at the attack methods between the two!

There is no doubt that whether it is a hippopotamus or a Nile crocodile, their big mouth is their most powerful weapon.

Although the hippo's upper and lower jaws expand more horribly, in fact, the bite force provided by the masseter muscles is not as strong as that of the Nile crocodile.

We just measured the bite force of the adult male hippopotamus, which weighs nearly three tons, and is close to 1,000 kilograms. The bite force of the adult male Nile crocodile is over 1,000 kilograms. As the weight increases, the bite force will increase.

Just looking at the bite force, the Nile crocodile is indeed stronger than the hippopotamus.

However, the Nile crocodile's attack range is very narrow. Faced with the round body of the hippopotamus, there are not many places where it can bite, and its limbs and tail are easy to bite.

In turn, the hippopotamus' large mouth can bite any part of the Nile crocodile's body! "

"Hahaha, there are advantages to having a big mouth!"

"This is also an advantage of being large!"

"Hippo: bite me! Nile crocodile: MMP, you can only bite it!"

"I just like people with big mouths!"

“Dirty, dirty, dirty~ drive everywhere!”

Liu Wei looked at the barrage and smiled, "The Nile crocodile's defense ability is very strong. Although the hippo's big mouth can easily bite it, its body is flat and smooth, and its back is covered with hard scales. Hippo When attacking, the lower canine teeth are mainly used to stab the opponent, which is not very practical in actual combat against Nile crocodiles. Therefore, the information rumored on the Internet that the Nile crocodile's body was bitten into two pieces by a hippopotamus is unrealistic.

More often than not, hippopotamus attacks on Nile crocodiles are not fatal but rather drive them away.

On the other hand, although the Nile crocodile has a strong bite force, we have mentioned many times the shortcomings of crocodile teeth, which lack the ability to bite and chew. A large prey requires the cooperation of multiple crocodiles to tear it into pieces through the death roll method. , and then eat.

But this method is used on hippos..."

Liu Wei smiled faintly: "Even if it bites, it can't roll over!"

"Hahaha! There is that scene!"

"Crying with laughter! The hippopotamus is so round!"

"In this comparison, it seems that the hippopotamus has a greater advantage!"

"I bet a hippopotamus will crush a Nile crocodile!"

"The Nile crocodile is not jealous, okay?"

The audience took different sides and started a passionate discussion.

The popularity of the live broadcast room skyrocketed.

The gifts and barrages keep coming.

Liu Wei took out the kettle and took a sip of water, then continued: "The crocodile's hunting skills are very single. When hunting terrestrial creatures, especially large terrestrial creatures, they will bite the prey and drag it into the water to take advantage of their territory. , letting the prey drown in the water, this method is very labor-saving and efficient.

Even lions will be a little afraid of Nile crocodiles when they go into the water, but hippos are semi-aquatic creatures themselves, and their combat effectiveness in the water is also explosive. Except for grassland elephants, they are not afraid of any opponents in the water.

As a result, the Nile crocodile's most effective attack method is greatly reduced, and it plays a minimal role in front of the hippopotamus! "

"From a comparison of various data, the hippopotamus has a more obvious advantage in combat effectiveness, but judging from the results of the mutual attacks between the two sides, the Nile crocodile has the upper hand.

The reason is very simple. The Nile crocodile is a carnivorous animal, and the food chain includes hippos. Although you cannot target adult hippos, you can target hippopotamus calves. It can be said that the biggest natural enemy of hippos when they are young is the Nile crocodile, which is also the mother of hippos. An important reason to take care of your children every step of the way.

On the contrary, the hippopotamus' main food is aquatic plants and herbs. It will also eat meat when food is scarce, but it mainly eats scavengers. It has no motivation to actively harass and attack Nile crocodiles!

The fundamental difference between hippos and carnivores is the lack of predatory behavior. Their attacks on other creatures are territorial defense behaviors and they will not attack each other with any predatory purpose! "

"Very professional!"

“Meat eaters shall eat meat!”

"Although bullying the hippopotamus is a bit too much, but natural selection, understand the Nile crocodile!"

"Those who eat meat are just dragging them!"

"Mom! I want to eat meat!"

"Call daddy and give it to you!"

Liu Wei finally concluded: “As far as the coexistence relationship between wild beasts on the grassland is concerned, although hippopotamus and crocodiles have friction, they are already considered a relatively harmonious pair of neighbors.

Their living spaces overlap greatly, and they often meet each other. In fact, bloody conflicts rarely occur.

It can be said that adult hippos and crocodiles have reached a certain tacit understanding, a balance of strength, and no one wants to provoke the other.

Hippos do not need to be afraid of crocodiles in the same way that land creatures on the grasslands are afraid of lions. The young and weak hippos also have strong backing from adult hippos. Nile crocodiles will not hunt hippopotamus calves unless absolutely necessary!

A special feeling developed between the two! "

Qingfeng sent out a small TV spaceship x 5

The unknown little guy gave away Ice Kuo Fall ×30

The idle people in the valley send out support cats×99

The gifts kept rolling in.

"Thank you brothers for the gifts!" Liu Wei said with a smile, "Just pay a ticket and spend rationally. It will not be easy to make money this year!"

"Wild consumption! Wild consumption!"

"Awei is so happy!"

"It's rare to charge money. The live broadcast content of the anchor is worth a ticket!"

"It's over, it's over, another brother has fallen into the trap. Believe me, if there's a first time, there's a second time!"

"It's okay! I'll bring it back to the next fan meeting!"

"You didn't go there last time. The crayfish at the Lobster Club is really good!"


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