Beast Studio

Nine hundred and twenty-two opening the door of the century (final chapter)

Liu Wei: "Brothers, Jiang Xiaobai is still a little uncomfortable with the new environment, so I won't bother him too much.

Let me give you a brief introduction to polar bears first, and then compare the combat effectiveness of bears. "

"The polar bear is the largest of the bear family and the most carnivorous. More than 90% of its diet is meat, such as seals, fish, etc., and sometimes it also eats herbs such as berries. plant.

Polar bears are the most picky eaters among all bears. The brown bears and black bears we have seen before have the habit of scavenging, but polar bears only like to eat fresh meat and have no habit of storing food.

Recently, however, scientists studying polar bears have discovered that polar bears are also devouring some stranded dead cetaceans, proving that they are changing their living habits.

An important reason for the change in the living habits of polar bears is that global warming causes the ice to melt, and the melting of the ice leads to the loss of habitat for seals, which directly leads to the reduction of food for polar bears.

In some areas where food is extremely scarce, polar bears will even kill their own children to satisfy their hunger.

Scientists predict that polar bears will become extinct around 2100! "

"There is not much time left for the polar bears!"

"There is not much time left for humans!"

"There is not much time left for all creatures!"

The barrage on the screen in the live broadcast room is the same.

It looks like some jokes, but the meaning is very deep.

Liu Wei continued: "The polar bear is also called the white bear. The name comes from the color of its transparent hair. In fact, the skin of the polar bear's body is black. Its hair is different from that of other creatures. It is a colorless hollow tube. Under the refraction of sunlight, the color we see is white.

This kind of hollow hair has a good water release and heat insulation effect, which is conducive to the survival of polar bears in the low temperature of the polar regions. "

"Then let's talk about the hunting methods of polar bears. There are two commonly used hunting methods.

The first is the method of sitting on the sidelines. For example, when preying on seals, it will find the breathing space of the seals on the ice in advance, and then wait for the seals to emerge, launch a surprise attack at the moment the seals emerge, and pierce the skin of the seals with sharp claws. With the strength of the limbs, the seal is dragged out of the water.

Another way is to dive directly into the water,

Cut off the retreat of the seals and launch a surprise attack on the seals close to the shore.

Polar bears are very capable of swimming. People living in polar regions once regarded them as sea beasts. As long as they avoid confrontation with seals in sea water, polar bears have a high chance of success in predation.

After eating the food, it will also clean its hair like a cat, and clean up the contaminated blood! "

The big brick mover sent Bing Kuo Luo × 999

Aquaman sends out support meow×166

A fish sends rhythm storm×20


"Thank you brothers for the gifts!" Liu Wei looked back at the polar bear. It had already calmed down and lay down on the rock, but it did not relax its guard and was consciously observing Liu Wei.

Liu Wei waved his hand with a smile, turned his head to face the camera, and continued, "Next, let's compare the combat effectiveness of bears to see who is the real boss of bears?

We compare the polar bear with the Kodiak brown bear, the largest of the brown bear subspecies, and the Asiatic black bear and the American black bear among the black bears.

First, let's look at their weight, which affects strength.

The average weight of an adult male polar bear is about 500kg, and the largest individual can reach a weight of one ton.

Kodiak brown bear and peninsular brown bear are the two largest subspecies of brown bear. The average weight of adult male Kodiak brown bear is about 400kg, and the largest individual can reach 750kg.

The largest individuals of the two subspecies of black bears, the American black bear and the Asian black bear, are only 400kg.

Polar bears can be said to crush the latter two! "

"Jiang Xiaobai has just grown into a brown bear!"

"Polar bears are truly the largest bear species!"

Liu Wei: "Let's look at the hardware again. The first is the length of the teeth. Polar bears have the most developed canines and cracked teeth among bears. The average length of canines reaches five centimeters.

The average length of the canines of the Kodiak brown bear is 4 cm, that of the Asiatic black bear is 3.5 cm, and that of the American black bear is 2.9 cm.

In terms of bite force, the polar bear is also the strongest, reaching 960 Newtons, the Kodiak brown bear is 749 Newtons, the Asian black bear is 722 Newtons, and the American black bear is 598 Newtons.

As I mentioned before, the bite force of beasts is affected by many factors, and the performance is not stable, so scientists have introduced the concept of bite force quotient for comparison.

The bite force quotient refers to the unit bite force, so that we can ignore the weight factor and simply compare the bite force.

The bite force quotient of polar bears is still the highest, reaching 107, Kodiak brown bears 89, Asian black bears 78, and American black bears 74. "

"Very objective!"

"Data comparison, at a glance!"

"I feel that there is no need to compare. I declare that the polar bear is the big bear!"

"Listen to Ah Wei again!"

Liu Wei continued: "Another piece of hardware, an important weapon of bears, is claws.

Let’s first look at the length of their claws. The average length of the paws of an adult male polar bear is more than 5 cm, and can reach 10 cm. The average length of the paws of an adult male Kodiak brown bear is about 8 cm.

In terms of the length of the claws, the Kodiak brown bear has the upper hand.

However, the polar bear's claws are the sharpest among bears, which is related to the fact that it often preys on other animals. The claws of brown bears and black bears are a bit blunt, and their lethality is not as strong as that of polar bears.

The palms of polar bears are also the largest among bears, and the palm strength can reach more than one ton. When they hunt seals on the ice, they often launch surprise attacks, directly slap the seals on the head, and slap the seals to death on the shore. .

Kodiak brown bears are not as big as polar bears in terms of weight and palms, but their shoulder muscles are very well developed. The high shoulders can provide strong power for the palms, and the palm strength is not inferior to that of polar bears. "

"Between brothers!"

"The lethality is better than the polar bear!"

"The black bear no longer exists!"

"Really hammer the third child of Black Bear Ten Thousand Years!"

Liu Wei: "Finally, let's take a look at the competitive relationship between the three species of bears. The overlap between the living spaces of polar bears and black bears is extremely small, and they will only meet in a few bays in North America and Canada. When black bears encounter polar bears, they will choose to run away." , Polar bears have a strong deterrent effect on black bears.

Polar bears and brown bears have more chances to meet each other. Generally speaking, if there is no huge weight difference between the two, polar bears will keep a distance from brown bears when facing brown bears, and will not easily disturb brown bears.

It may be caused by the difference in the way of life of the two animals. Polar bears live on the ice all year round and are good at dealing with sea beasts. Facing pure land beasts like brown bears, they are a little at a loss when it comes to fighting methods, while brown bears It is also a very territorial animal, full of aggressiveness, and polar bears will be afraid of it.

But if the two really want to fight, I believe that the polar bear's weight advantage and hunting experience will give it a higher chance of winning.

There is also a high chance of brown bears and black bears encountering each other, but black bears are too weak in front of brown bears, and there are often cases of brown bears preying on black bears. "

"Black Bear is a war scum!"

"Black Bear: Brothers, can you save some face?"

"Awei, when will you take us to see the Kodiak brown bear!"

"I have a chance to take you there!" Liu Wei replied, "To sum it up, plus the temper and aggressiveness of the beast, I personally think that the carnivorous polar bear is stronger than other bears that mainly eat vegetarian food!"

"Finally, a brief word on the competition between bears and cats.

Of course, what we are talking about refers to tigers and lions, the big cats. Lions have no intersection with bears, and there are no case studies of lions and bears fighting in the wild.

We mainly mention tigers.

In the Russian Far East, Northeast my country, and Southeast Asia, the living space of tigers and bears overlaps very much.

There are brown bears and black bears in the diet of tigers, but they only account for about 1%.

There is no doubt that the natural enemy of the black bear is the tiger, and the chance of defeating the tiger is very small.

Not bad. The relationship between brown bears and tigers can be said to be mutual natural enemies. There are real cases of Siberian tigers preying on brown bears, most of which are female brown bears.

Conversely, there are also real cases of brown bears killing Siberian tigers.

There is not much difference in strength between the two, only in terms of weight comparison, brown bear Xiaoyou! "

The audience agreed with Liu Wei's analysis very much, and on the live broadcast screen, the gifts began to scroll quickly again.

Liu Wei got up and patted the dust off his butt, then looked back at the polar bear again, "Hey! Jiang Xiaobai, do you want to come and play with me for a while?"

Try taking two steps forward.

The polar bear immediately moved and stood up.

Be very cautious.

"When the breeder feeds it well, let's see it again!" Liu Wei remembered what happened to Director Zhou, and smiled at the camera, "Brothers, insert a hard advertisement, this polar bear was just introduced by Jiangcheng Zoo The new members of the Polar Bear, viewers who like polar bears can come to Jiangcheng Zoo to watch!"

After speaking, Liu Wei opened the door and walked out.

Director Zhou came up to meet him, stretched out his hand and said, "Mr. Liu, thank you for your help in publicizing!"

Liu Wei said: "With little effort, I am also very happy that a star has come to Jiangcheng. By the way, I named it Jiang Xiaobai!"

"Jiang Xiaobai!", Director Zhou said it twice, familiar with it, and then smiled, "Jiang Xiaobai's name is very cute!"

In his opinion, what a polar bear is called is not important, what matters is the person who named it.

It can also use Liu Wei's fame to promote a wave.

"Old Zhou, Jiang Xiaobai may have to get used to it for a while, let the breeders and experts pay more attention. If you find any abnormal behavior of the polar bear, please contact me at any time!"

"Okay! Mr. Liu, I'll see you off!"

Director Zhou sent Liu Wei out of the zoo and waved, "Mr. Liu, go slowly!"

Liu Wei got into the car.

A system image appeared in my mind.

【Popular Science Animals: Polar Bear】

[Danger index: five stars]

【System Upgrade】

【Are you sure? 】

Liu Wei clicked OK.


[The gate of the century opens, the host can choose to enter any time period]

Several geological age options are arranged in sequence on the screen.

【Prime Ancient】




【New generation】


Liu Wei saw an [End] option in the lower right corner of the screen, smiled, and clicked [End] without hesitation.

[The popular beast science game is officially over! 】


PS: The exemption is limited to five times. Isn’t it cool to go whoring for nothing? Whoring for nothing, whoring for nothing, and deliberately leaving messages to annoy me, hum~, I know you are very owed, why don't you make up a subscription? Ha ha ha ha!


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