Although Wen Miaohua was very envious of Maomao's furry head, she also clearly realized that this was impossible.

After all, she herself was a lazy bug who slept every day, and she still refused to let her mother and others touch it.

Maomao's obedient appearance of eating attracted many adolescent high school students to frequently cast their eyes.

Girls were obsessed with Maomao's cute posture, while boys were concerned about Maomao's fire attribute.

But no one dared to come forward to observe,

Wen Miaohua was still here!

After eating and drinking, Maomao obediently returned to the beast control space.

This time, more students also saw the scene of Li Changan's contract formation, or showed a bitter smile, or a yearning.

But in general, they have already opened up too much distance with the male and female evil spirits of Hongyan No. 1 Middle School.

Not only academic performance, but also achievements in the field of beastmasters.

Constructing soul contracts and opening up beast control spaces, each of them is a natural barrier in front of the gate of beastmasters.

Without any of them, it is not a real beastmaster.

Li Changan filled a large cup invisibly, although he himself did not notice it.

Because in his opinion, constructing contracts and opening up space were not too difficult, and they did not cause him any obstacles.

On the contrary, the sudden appearance of the hunting notes, the sinful temptation that penetrated deep into the soul, made him nervous for several days.

The second-year high school students watched the departure of the male and female evil spirits, and the food in their mouths tasted like chewing wax.

It is said that in the geography and animal language exams in the afternoon, many students came out crying, their mentality was too bad.

Part of the reason is that the animal language this year is a bit difficult.

Of course, this has nothing to do with Li Changan, Maomao is also part of his strength.

The first day of the final exam ended like this. After Li Changan returned home, Mu Qingqing made a big meal to reward her son.

"Your father will be back the day after tomorrow, we'll talk about your affairs then."

Li Changan nodded to indicate that he understood. Mu Qingqing didn't teach him anything new today.

So he reviewed the preparation of pet food for tomorrow's test in the kitchen. For the final practical test of the second year of high school, each student prepares a basic pet food and is graded according to the final quality and effect.

The students of Hongyan No. 1 Middle School determined the direction of the second year of high school exam during their internship during the summer vacation of the first year of high school.

Everyone will decide at that time which basic pet food to make.

This choice is very important, because after passing the test, the people from the Hongyan Ecological Research Institute will arrange for students to choose a pet of which attribute according to the attribute food made by the students.

If you choose to make water-type food, choose the initial pet of the water system.

At this time, someone will say that if a student awakens the talent of the fire system in the awakening ceremony in the first semester of the third year of high school, and the initial pet selected is the water system So what to do?

The answer given in Xiao Changan’s memory is: Don’t worry at all.

Because the beastmaster chooses the initial pet not for powerful attributes at all, but which practical ability can be inherited from the initial pet.

After all, before the king-level beastmaster, only the initial pet can provide 100% ability inheritance.

Therefore, those awakening pets with a single practical skill and good racial talents have become hot commodities.

For example, the water-based bubble turtle has a high probability of only one skill appearing during the awakening period, [Clear Water Healing].

It has two racial talents, the hydrotherapy with the highest probability or the turtle breath with a very small probability.

The hydrotherapy talent is in a water attribute environment and can provide a continuous healing effect.

The turtle breath talent is even more outrageous. The effect of this talent is to reduce the passage of life.

In short, it has the effect of prolonging life. The effect can extend the lifespan by about 100-150 years.

Therefore, the price of the Bubble Turtle is several times more expensive than some dragon-type pet eggs.

There are many examples like the Bubble Turtle.

Many new beastmasters with deep backgrounds are not going for powerful initial pets, but for those abilities that are not very good on pets but shine on humans.

Nowadays, it is very common for beastmasters with fire talents to have water-type pets as their initial pets.

Xiao Changan originally planned to do so. He planned to contract a wood-type pet, preferably a wood-type pet with a talent for affinity with plants and trees.

Unfortunately, this vision cannot be realized.

Li Changan chose Maomao as his initial pet. The power of the ancient dragon is enough to cover all powerful abilities.

Not to mention, what if he inherits an ability unique to ancient dragons?

Anyway, good There are many places to go.

However, Li Changan still became interested in the pets provided by the Ecological Research Institute.

As the only son of the deputy director of the Ecological Research Institute, he naturally knew how unique the pets there were.

Even if he could not inherit the ability, it would be nice to contract a wood-type pet that can heal.

The comprehensive biology exam on Tuesday morning ended, and it was time for the pet food production exam in the afternoon.

The second-year high school students gathered at the entrance of the gymnasium and entered in batches to take the exam.

The playground was occupied by the third-year high school students, and today was also the day for their practical exam simulation.

In a few days, they will enter the battlefield of the college entrance examination. For students who choose the path of a beastmaster, the practical exam is the top priority.

Li Changan was the third batch of students to enter the examination room. Wen Miaohua was lucky enough to be in the first batch.

When the girl came out, Li Changan had already entered the gymnasium to take the exam.

After the second batch of students finished the exam, he came to the position marked for his draw.

"The basic pet food preparation exam is about to begin, candidates..."

After the teacher in front of him finished talking about the exam precautions for more than ten minutes, as soon as the exam bell rang, everyone, including Li Changan, began to prepare the food in a hurry.

In front of Li Changan were three portions of the ingredients for [Fresh Salad], and the same was true for everyone else, all with three portions of ingredients.

This means that everyone only has three chances.

20 points are awarded for a successful preparation, and a passing score of 60 is obtained only if all three portions of food are prepared. The prepared food will then be sent to the testing instrument and scored based on factors such as the life energy, element content, and material fusion degree in the food.

Each portion of food also has 10 points for evaluation, for a total of 30 points, and the last 10 points are based on how fast the student prepares the food.

At least 5 points can be obtained for preparing a portion of food within ten minutes.

Li Changan prepared very quickly, others took ten minutes to prepare one portion, and he took ten minutes to prepare three portions.

Three portions of [Fresh Salad] were prepared at the same time, which surprised the patrolling invigilator.

Ah, is there such an operation?

At 9 minutes and 10 seconds, the stopwatch above the gymnasium was on, and a crisp bell rang in the quiet gymnasium.

"Candidate No. 33 has finished making all the food."

Li Changan pressed the bell in front of the workbench. After the invigilator confirmed that everything was correct, he took away the three servings of [Fresh Salad] and sent them to a testing instrument in front of the table in time.

Considering the freshness of the food, this was also the only exam that gave results on the spot.

"9.6 points""9.7 points"、"9.7 points"

"The total production time is 9 points, and the final score of candidate No. 33 is 98 points."

The mechanical electronic sound reported Li Changan's score, and this score made all the students in the audience shudder. It was the first time for several invigilators to see such a high score.

At least in the past few years of their teaching, Hongyan No. 1 Middle School has not had such a high score in the pet food production exam.

An invigilator was a little dazed, and he asked his colleague next to him:"Old Ji, you are a history teacher, has this subject in our school ever had such a high score?"

The middle-aged bald teacher named Old Ji thought for a while and said in a hoarse voice:"No, the highest score for this subject since the establishment of the school is 96.8 points, and the last score exceeding 95 points was 20 years ago."

In other words, they witnessed history.

Some sharp-eared students in the audience also heard the teachers' chat, and their hands suddenly moved, almost destroying a portion of food. Fortunately, they reacted in time and saved it.

The gap between people is sometimes greater than the gap between people and dogs.

Many informed students silently said in their hearts,

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