Similar to other magic beasts, the Four Seasons Deer stopped eating grass when they saw Li Changan.

However, since there was an evolved commander in the herd, the remaining deer did not flee immediately.

Li Changan left a few low-level wood crystals as a thank you gift, and then rushed to the location where he heard it.

After Li Changan left ten miles away, the Four Seasons Deer started eating again.

The leading Xia Yanlu lowered his head and picked up the few wood crystals left by Li Changan, put them next to a few newly born fawns, and looked up at the direction where Li Changan left.

Li Changan walked for half an hour and saw many new wood magic beasts.

But he never saw the wooden house mentioned by the Four Seasons Deer.

After walking another ten miles, Li Changan finally found a giant tree in the distance, and there were many ordinary trees next to the giant tree.

Although this small forest is not big, it is still quite tricky.

The trees are fine, but the problem is the thorn bushes all over the ground.

Which damn wood magic beast planted so many thorns here!

He couldn't let Maomao use the Prison Flame to clear a path, otherwise, when the smoke started, he would probably be sitting on the iron bench. The smart bracelet on his hand seamlessly switched to silver.

Just when Li Changan was at a loss, a ray of fire came from behind him, opening a path for him to the inside of the woods. Li

Changan looked back and could still see the figure of a Summer Flame Deer leaving.

Sure enough, the commander-level monsters already have a considerable degree of wisdom, and they will not rely entirely on instinct like the extraordinary monsters.

Li Changan sighed, and walked into the woods along the path opened by the Summer Flame Deer, extinguishing a lot of sparks by the way.

When he came to the foot of the giant tree, there was indeed a cave under the giant tree, which could accommodate monsters two people tall to enter and exit.

There was also a clear spring near the cave entrance.

"There is indeed an awakened thorn bear in the tree hole, but unfortunately this thorn bear seems unable to resist the aura on his body."

Li Changan sighed deeply. He couldn't even stand the breath on his body, let alone fighting side by side with Maomao.

Just when he was about to return the same way, the corner of his eye seemed to catch a white figure. A rabbit with a snow-white body and emerald green limbs, holding a wooden spoon, was fetching water near the spring. The ears of this rabbit are very special, they are in the shape of green leaves.

Li Changan thought for a moment. The green leaf-shaped rabbit ears are the characteristics of the extraordinary-level magical beast Shuangye Rabbit.

But the fur of Shuangye Rabbit is emerald green, and this rabbit only has emerald green limbs.


These two words appeared in Li Changan's mind. Looking at the appearance of this little rabbit, it seems that it is not scared by the breath on his body.

The most important thing is that it is very intelligent and knows how to use a wooden spoon to fetch water.

Li Changan quietly approached the little rabbit. After the little rabbit finished fetching water, he looked back and saw a large shadow hanging on his head.

Li Changan was facing the sun at this time, and the faint breath on his body made the shadow on his face more prominent.

Little rabbit:Σ(☉▽☉a!

Li Changan: ( ̄︶ ̄)↗

The little rabbit kicked and ran away. Li Changan was quick-witted and grabbed the little rabbit's neck and lifted it up.

The little guy didn't flinch even when he was lifted up in the air. Instead, he used the small wooden spoon in his hand to hit Li Changan's arm vigorously.

Unfortunately, Li Changan, who had strengthened his body, only felt that the little rabbit's attack was very light and soft.

The thorn bear in the tree hole saw the little rabbit being caught and hurried out of the hole, grinning, as if threatening Li Changan to let go of the little rabbit quickly.

Then Li Changan released Maomao. The pressure of the mixed-blood dragon level made the thorn bear roll his eyes and faint on the spot.

The little rabbit performed much better than the stupid big thorn bear. Although Li Changan could clearly feel that the little rabbit's body was shaking, the little guy's eyes were fixed on Li Changan.

Not bad, very courageous!

Li Changan put the little rabbit on the ground and let Maomao act as an interpreter.

Maomao didn't expect that after signing a contract with Li Changan, Maomao, a dignified ancient dragon, played the most, not in battle, but in translation.

Maomao, who has inherited memories, can be called the encyclopedia of the Warcraft world. For Li Changan now, the knowledge that Maomao possesses is much more useful than its combat power.

With Maomao's translation, Li Changan successfully chatted with the little rabbit.

This mutant double-leaf rabbit was raised by the mother of the thorn bear, and it is considered a brother and sister relationship with the thorn bear.

Perhaps because the thorn bears of this lineage are vegetarians, it is more gentle than its peers, but also more timid.

The thorn bushes outside the woods were planted by this thorn bear.

Although it lost the strong body of the thorn bear, it also gained a stronger ability to control wood energy. It successfully changed from a close combat warrior to a forest shaman.

And this little rabbit is responsible for finding food for the timid thorn bear, and it usually makes rough spiritual food.

Therefore, it has trained more flexible forelimbs.

Hearing this, Li Changan's eyes lit up, and then explained the purpose of his visit to the little rabbit.

As expected, the little rabbit refused.

The reason was that he was worried about the big fool Thorn Bear and was afraid that he would starve to death after he left.

Li Changan was thoughtful. According to the little rabbit's description of the useless Thorn Bear, this situation might really happen.

Because the Ecological Research Institute will not interfere too much in the ecological park, they are more about observation and recording.

The trust and fear of humans of the monsters in the ecological park is also the result of the hard work of generations of researchers.

"In other words, as long as I help this big fool find a good next home, you will be willing to follow me, right?"

After Mao Mao relayed Li Changan's meaning to the little rabbit, the little rabbit thought about it and nodded.

Li Changan saw this and his evaluation of the little rabbit's intelligence rose to a higher level.

"Maomao, go call the thorn bear that is pretending to be dead."

Maomao received the order, came to the thorn bear, and fired two cat punches, which made the thorn bear sit up in shock from its dying illness and jump three feet high!

It is hard to imagine that this silly bear that is more than two meters tall has such a strong jumping ability.

Maomao shook his head and growled, signaling the thorn bear to follow. The thorn bear came to Li Changan shyly like a wronged young wife.

Li Changan actually caught the emotions of regret and grievance in the eyes of the little rabbit and the thorn bear respectively.

Little rabbit, no, the intelligence of these two monsters is far beyond that of ordinary awakening monsters.

Only the commander-level Xia Yanlu before can compare with them.

Li Changan asked the thorn bear:"Show all your abilities."

Maomao growled twice dutifully, and the hair on the Thorn Bear's body trembled, but under Li Changan's calm gaze, he still chose to do as he was told.

In front of the Thorn Bear, yellow beams of light, green spots of light, and a slowly growing thorn appeared in turn.

"Solar beam, slow catalysis, and this."

Li Changan's eyes showed a hint of amazement. If this thorn bear hadn't been so timid, he would have wanted to take it back home.

He felt the amplification on this slowly growing thorn.

This is an aura skill that can amplify the attack power of nearby friendly units.

I didn't expect that this guy with thick eyebrows and big eyes actually has the qualifications of a forest shaman.

The awakened talent of the thorn bear is [Totem Amplification], which enhances the effect of the aura skill.

Okay, this bear's talent is too good.

The best case for the contractor is to inherit the talent of the thorn bear and perform double amplification with the thorn bear in the future.

At the very least, it is a solar beam to add some attack methods.

【Slow Catalysis] is one of the most suitable abilities for students who want to find a good job in the future.

However, it is really hard to find a candidate to introduce to Thorn Bear. Finding an ordinary one will bury its talent.

Who should I find?

The face of a cheerful boy slowly emerged in Li Changan's mind.


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