In this spacious training ground, many strong men wearing talismans and protective gear have gathered.

They all look at the scene here with more or less interest.

Li Changan frowned and said,"Are all you hunters so idle?"

Duan Ben laughed and explained,"Don't worry, I don't mean any harm. It's just that this Hunter's Guild branch hasn't had any newcomers for a long time."

Li Changan was surprised. This is the Hunter's Guild, how could there be no newcomers?

Duan Ben's generous smile showed a trace of loneliness, and he said,"There is no way. Life has been much more peaceful in recent years. Many parents are unwilling to let their children face danger."

"You know, hunters face much more dangers than the beastmaster hunting group."

"Hunters will go where the hunting group goes, and hunters will go where the hunting group dares not go. At some point, someone needs to pass the information to the city."

Li Changan understood that we should be prepared for danger in times of peace. Now we only have peace, and we don't think about danger much.

This is also the reason why the people in the Hunters' Union are in a period of transition.

"I understand. So how do I choose the right weapon for myself?"

Duan Ben returned to his carefree state and pushed out a beast puppet over four meters tall from the hut next to the training ground.

"This is the selection method. People can only show their potential in dangerous situations, and the same is true for hunters. It depends on how long you can hold your weapon on this puppet."

Li Changan's face was stiff, and he asked,"Can I use a pet?"

Duan Ben showed a hint of"evil" smile,"What do you think?"

Fortunately, Li Changan was not allowed to test it without any foundation. Duan Ben handed Li Changan a bracelet.

There were more than ten switchable light spots on the bracelet.

"This is a temporary memory projection bracelet. Each switchable key position represents a weapon. After switching, the basic usage of the weapon will temporarily appear in your mind."

"Then just go up and test it, see how you feel and how long you can last, I will be watching you"

"Of course, a word of caution, don't think about using this bracelet to cheat in terms of skills. Although it is a standard basic skill, everyone's body and habits are different, and they need to be adjusted to the most suitable skills during training."

Li Changan said that he understood, and he took a rough look at the types of weapons on the bracelet.

Close-range heavy weapons include greatswords, war hammers, heavy axes, and spears, close-range light weapons include katana, one-handed swords, double-edged swords, and long sticks, and long-range weapons include heavy crossbows, light crossbows, and hunting bows.

Li Changan started with the greatsword in order, and easily picked up an iron greatsword the size of a door panel and two fingers thick. He swung it and almost sprained his waist.

Duan Ben took the greatsword from his hand in time and said regretfully:"It seems that you don't have a talent for heavy weapons."

Li Changan was puzzled, and Duan Ben pointed to his own and Li Changan's bodies and explained:"Do you see the gap between you and me?"

Li Changan raised his head slightly to look up at Duan Ben's head. As smart as he was, he immediately understood the reason.

The strength was enough, but the size difference was too big. He was 1.7 meters tall and Duan Ben was 2.1 meters tall.

Although he was not skinny, he was slim compared to the hunters.

Compared with Duan Ben, his center of gravity was unstable when using the broadsword, and he could easily be carried away by the broadsword and hurt himself.

Duan Ben pointed to another weapon rack next to the heavy weapons rack and said,"Try close-range light weapons."

Li Changan picked up the katana. Even though it was a light weapon, the size of the katana was different from that in his previous life.

The length of this katana when it was standing upright was taller than him!

Other light weapons were not much better. The one-handed sword was about the same size as the two-handed sword in his previous life.

According to Duan Ben's description, double-edged swords had the most styles, but most of them looked like swords.

When Li Changan heard the name of double-edged swords, he thought they were two daggers, but they were actually two one-handed swords of the same size as in his previous life.

It is worthy of being a weapon for hunters. One word stands out: big!

Li Changan held the katana and activated the temporary memory projection function of the bracelet. A basic usage of the katana appeared in his mind.

Duan Ben activated the field The beast puppet and the wooden puppet were moving slowly with a clacking sound.

Suddenly, a stream of water shot out from the mouth of the wooden puppet. Li Changan quickly turned his head, and the water beam cut off several strands of his hair.

Li Changan's eyes widened. You call this a newcomer test?

Before he had time to think about it, the next attack of the wooden puppet came.

Tail swing attack!

There is a prelude, the speed is not fast, but the force is heavy.

If you are hit, even with the assistance of the healing pet, you may have to lie in bed for a few days.

Li Changan quickly blocked the sword in front of him and took the blow.

With a clang, there was a violent tremor from the blade. Li Changan's hands were numb and he almost couldn't hold the sword.

No He could not go on like this. Li Changan dodged a hit from a puppet and began to use the basic techniques of the katana.

Vertical slash, upward slash, cassock slash (left and right), thrust.

Every time Li Changan used a slash to dodge the attack of the wooden puppet, he would gain more insights in his mind.

The knife in his hand would also be more stable and he could use it faster.

Duan Ben, who was watching, felt his scalp tingling. What the hell is this monster!

From Li Changan's performance at the beginning, it is not difficult to see that he had no professional training before.

His steps were weak and unsteady, and his moves were chaotic. But he was improving so fast! It wasn't long after that, but he already had a good way of using the knife, his steps were well-arranged, and he looked like a master swordsman. He has already gotten started.

How many times did he get beaten when he was choosing his weapon?

Duan Ben looked up to the sky and sighed. The gap between people in this world is too big.

Not only Duan Ben had this feeling, but the hunters watching around also had this idea.

As Li Changan's understanding deepened, there was something thriving and accumulating, as if it was eager to break out of the ground.

Li Changan didn't know what to do, and there was no relevant matter recorded in the memory projection. This feeling of holding it in his heart became more and more uncomfortable.

Some sharp-eyed hunters saw Li Changan's state at this time and took the initiative to remind him:"Keep your mind focused, infuse the blade, and then release it."

Li Changan was reminded, but he didn't know what to do specifically. He could only send that thing into the sword in his hand again and again according to his feeling. With each failure, the more insights accumulated in his heart.

Finally, when he stepped forward and slashed, a white light popped out from the blade of the sword.

Following the slash, a shallow mark was left on the beast wooden puppet's body that was comparable to steel.

Then two pursuits fell from the void onto the beast puppet.

Broken Blade Strike!

The double blow of the Shadow of Prison!

There was silence on the training ground.

Duan Ben opened his mouth wide, looking at Li Changan who was standing there in disbelief.

At this time, a hunter asked in a low voice:"Is there a tutorial on Broken Blade Strike in the memory projector?"

"How could it be possible? That is advanced teaching. The instructor will not teach it before you have mastered the basics of the sword."

The hunter who reminded Li Changan was also very surprised. He hadn't seen a newcomer with such good talent for a long time.

With just one reminder, he was able to figure out how to use the advanced technique of Blade Breaking.

Duan Ben quickly stopped the beast puppet and gave Li Changan a thumbs up.

"You are this, Old Duan, I am ashamed of myself. It seems that there is no need to test, you are more suitable for the katana."

Li Changan still rejected this proposal. He was sure why his parents recommended him to be a hunter.

The talent of being dexterous is really useful!

As long as it is something that can be mastered, Li Changan can continuously generate insights through training.

When the insights accumulate to a certain level, there will be an eruption period, achieving an effect similar to enlightenment.

The appearance of the attack just now was the result of the inspiration burst.

And because of this enlightenment, his mental power has increased a lot, and the surrounding life energy is constantly gathering on him. The speed of the accumulation of spell power is far greater than the usual meditation practice. According to this progress, with two more enlightenments, he can break through to the level 2 beastmaster.

Therefore, other light weapons that can be mastered cannot be let go!

Looking at Li Changan's shining eyes, Duan Ben couldn't refuse, so he could only let Li Changan accumulate some time for testing. Go.

He tried the one-handed sword, double-edged sword and long stick, and the effect was not bad.

Then Li Changan sat cross-legged on the spot in front of Duan Ben, and the life energy around him gathered from the void in large quantities, rolling up gusts of breeze. He looked like he was about to break through the realm.

Not only Duan Ben was numb, but all the onlookers were also numb.

They have seen people who broke through the realm in battle, but they were all high-level beastmasters. They have never seen a level 1 beastmaster break through the realm after touching a few weapons for teaching.

As the life energy merged with the mental power in the beast taming space.

Life, void and mind are intersecting, and a large amount of mana continues to pour out, filling the wide beast taming space.


The sound of water drops falling rang in Li Changan's heart, and a dark crack appeared on the star pearl in the soul contract again.

The beast taming space expanded rapidly, 1,100 cubic meters...1200 cubic meters....1500 cubic expanded to 2000 cubic meters before the spatial transformation stopped.

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