After leaving the reading room, Li Changan went straight to the training ground to start today's training.

He picked up a katana from the weapon rack at the edge of the training ground and practiced the basic techniques several times. After he had some insights, he began to practice advanced techniques.

The basic katana techniques in Li Changan's hand tended to quickly accumulate sword momentum.

It was written in the book in the reading room that a general katana player needs to effectively attack about fifteen to twenty times to accumulate a full layer of momentum.

Li Changan's was much less, and he could accumulate a full layer of momentum with ten attacks.

There are many such characteristics in the history of hunters, and the real difference is the realm of seeing the gods. The realm of seeing the gods is to leap forward on the original basis and achieve an effect that is impossible to achieve.

For example, some hunters who have reached the realm of seeing the gods in basic skills, similar to Li Changan, can achieve the effect of accumulating a layer of sword momentum with one sword.

Some hunters can seamlessly switch between the rapid accumulation of sword momentum and the broken blade attack and use them in a cycle.

Li Changan still doesn't know how he will develop in the future. Now he is a newbie among newbies.

I have seen too little, and I have too little experience as a hunter. Even with the blessing of talent, it is difficult to reach the state of seeing the gods in a short period of time.

Therefore, I need to see more and learn more. Li Changan usually focuses on the practice of advanced techniques.

The advanced techniques of the sword include the blade breaking attack and the air blade slash.

They correspond to the two aspects of momentum, release and accumulation.

""Broken Blade Strike" is to release the accumulated blade power of the sword at once, causing considerable damage.

Li Changan also saw the specific effect, which was quite powerful. Using the unsharpened sword, he could leave a clear cut mark on the puppet that was comparable to steel.

No, three, and two additional attacks also left marks.

""Air Blade Slash" is to continuously consume the accumulated sword energy of the sword user. However, in the process of consumption, the sword energy of the sword user will be gradually purified, making it purer and sharper.

After consumption, the sword energy of the sword user will start to accumulate again from a higher starting point.

The sword energy at this starting point is terrible, enough to be observed by the naked eye. At this time, a layer of inconspicuous white light will be attached to the blade of the sword.

After the second cumulative purification, the sword energy looks like a yellow light.

After the last cumulative purification, the sword will become a scarlet blade, which is why the sword user is called a"madman with a blood blade in hand." The sword user in the red blade state, whether it is a flat attack or a broken blade attack, is extremely powerful.

It is said that it is enough to break the dragon scales of a pure-blooded dragon of the same level.

You must know that the bloodline of the dragon clan seems to increase linearly, but in fact it is a cliff-like increase. The strength of pure-blooded dragons is extremely terrible. The bloodline of the dragon clan can be divided into pure blood, sub-dragon species, mixed-blood dragon species, mixed-blood dragon species, and rare blood dragon species from high to low. species and the lowest dragon beast.

With the same strength, each rank has absolute suppression power over the lower rank in terms of bloodline.

It is basically impossible for a rare blood dragon species to defeat a mixed blood dragon species of the same level.

Unless there is a beastmaster who uses beastmaster resonance to assist the rare blood dragon species to fight against the ownerless mixed blood dragon species in the wild.

Otherwise, there is no exception.

The attack of the swordsman can break through the defense of the pure blood dragon, which is enough to show the strong attack power of the swordsman.

However, in order to master the skills of the red blade, the swordsman needs to be proficient in the grasp of the momentum.

Although Li Changan's current advanced skills are in the subtle realm, it is reasonable to be able to initially superimpose the second layer of the yellow blade state.

But he had just used the air blade slashing technique to condense the white blade, and he was exhausted, and even almost failed to stabilize the white blade's blade momentum.

Li Changan tried several times, and the effect was the same.

So he chose to ask Lao Mu the reason.

After Lao Mu learned about Li Changan's current predicament, he laughed and said,"The accumulation of sword momentum is different from skills."

"Even if you have superb skills, without the baptism of actual combat, you are just a flower in the mirror or a moon in the water."

"How can the sword force that is condensed like this be strong? For example, compared with the white blade of a formal katana user, yours is like cotton, beautiful but useless."

"The sword of a sword master who has experienced bloody battles is as sharp as a steel bar. If you touch him, it will break. How can you be the same?"

"To achieve success in swordplay, one needs not only mature skills, but also murderous aura, killing intent, and an absolute will that is not afraid of life and death."

Li Changan sighed deeply. He was just a student and was not qualified to take on hunting missions. How could he possibly enter actual combat?

Old Mu knew Li Changan's current predicament and knocked on Li Changan's head with his pipe.

""Ouch!" Li Changan cried out in pain.

Lao Mu took a puff of his cigarette and said,"You are so stubborn that you can't change your mind! Just because you are not qualified in the Hunter's Guild doesn't mean you are not qualified in the Beast Tamer Association!"

"Don't you know? Hunters from the Hunter Guild can also register as a formal Beast Tamer in the Beast Tamer Association."

"Your realm and pet's strength have reached the standard, right? Go to the Beast Taming Association to take the assessment and become a formal Beast Tamer, and then accept the mission."

"Others use pets to fight, so it's the same if you use a sword. The Beast Tamer Association doesn't care what method you use to complete the task, as long as it's legal."

Li Changan's eyes lit up immediately. Yes, there is a way to exploit this loophole.

He also remembered that the young receptionist had mentioned that the identity of the Hunter's Union did not conflict with the Beast Tamer Association.

Maomao already has a strength of 1 star, which is enough to complete the assessment of a formal Beast Tamer.

Li Changan thanked Lao Mu and said that he would bring some good wine next time.

Lao Mu pretended to be indifferent, but the look in his eyes was very satisfied. Before Li Changan left excitedly, he reminded:

"Remember to use a wooden sword. An iron sword will kill the enemy in one blow, and it won't be of any use in training."

Li Changan waved his hand without looking back and shouted,"Got it!"

At the logistics department of the Hunter's Guild, Li Changan purchased ten wooden training swords and put them into his space ring.

The receptionist at the logistics department glanced at Li Changan, who still had some anticipation on his face, pointed to the name of a potion on the purchase list, and said,"Buy some more healing potions. It's better to be safe than sorry. Even if you are confident in yourself, you must be prepared."

Li Changan was a little surprised because he realized that the receptionist had no intention of taking the opportunity to bring in goods.

At this time, the receptionist was heard saying,"I have seen countless young people like you over the years. Oh, forget it. There are indeed some omissions in the regulations between the two organizations."

"But I still want to remind you that there are many students who have lost their lives due to carelessness, so you'd better be mentally prepared."

Li Changan's expression became serious, and he immediately ordered ten bottles of healing medicine, spending all his pocket money for this month.

The logistics receptionist took out ten bottles of light green healing medicine and said,"It can be used externally or internally. If there is infection and pus, remember to treat the wound well before applying the medicine."

Li Changan thanked the logistics receptionist who had worked for more than ten years.

The Beast Taming Association and the Hunter's Guild are not far away. After leaving the Hunter's Guild, he took bus No. 11 and arrived at the Beast Taming Association after a few stops.

Compared with the old wooden door of the Hunter's Guild, the Beast Taming Association is much more imposing, with high doors and white walls, and the shiny floor alone is better than the bluestone bricks of the Hunter's Guild. It is also much more popular than the Hunter's Guild.

People come and go inside and outside the gate, and the pets are also very diverse, including the Blue Lake Dog, the White Electric Cat, the Indian Orchid, and so on.

Li Changan even saw a rare pet such as the Dark Scale Horse, and it seems that its owner is still a high school student.

He can only say that he admires it. Those who dare to contract the dark system at the beginning of the beast are all ruthless.

Without the relevant talent to resist, the invasion of the dark element alone will make the body weak, and it will shorten the life span if it lasts for a long time.

How much your life span will be shortened depends on whether you break through the realm quickly or your life span is consumed quickly.

As long as you break through to the king-level beastmaster before your life span is exhausted, you don't have to worry about the invasion of dark elements.

The same is true for light-type pets, except that the shortened life span is transformed into emotional excitement.

Due to the purification effect of the light element, the body of the beastmaster will remain awake for a long time.

Being forced to be 007 every day is even worse.

In the long run, the probability of sudden death is extremely high, which is even more deceptive than the dark elements.

Li Changan dare not go for this kind of krypton life flow, which is more dangerous than hunters.

This is why the school always emphasizes not to covet pets with powerful attributes, because they can really kill people.

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