Yaoyao stood in the middle of the evolution formation, with three main materials in front of her: a Qingtian wood the size of an elementary school student's arm, a bowl of colorful Baiwei soup, and a teardrop-like Moon Drop crystal.

Qingtian wood is a precious spiritual plant that is useful to many wood-type pets. It mostly grows near the medicine-pounding rabbit tribe.

Qingtian wood is occasionally born in other environments.

Baiwei soup is a blending product, and the long list of auxiliary materials on the list is mostly for the blending of Baiwei soup.

The Moon Drop crystal is the solidification of moon energy, condensed by special moon-type pets.

The original Moon Drop is a top-level healing skill, and one drop is enough to turn a serious injury into an uninjured state.

After processing the Moon Drop in a special way, you can get a solid Moon Drop.

This is also the most expensive part of the five million, and Qingtian wood can't compare to it.

Because [Moon Drop] is a super-level skill, and it is an extremely rare moon-type healing super-level skill.

A Moon Drop crystal represents a dominant pet that exceeds the monarch level.

Can get this thing���Relying on the authority and internal preferential treatment of Deputy Director Li Mingxuan.

Here, I sincerely thank Deputy Director Li Mingxuan for his generous sponsorship.

Li Changan activated the evolution formation under Yaoyao according to the process given by Li Mingxuan.

The moonlight in the sky was drawn down and turned into a misty white mist, covering Yaoyao.

""Guji! (It's so cold and painful!)"

Yaoyao's cry of pain came over the soul communication, and Li Changan quickly used the soul contract to cheer for Yaoyao.

"Hold on, Yaoyao! Take in all the moonlight, this is the key to evolution"

""Meow! Meow! (Come on! Come on!)"

Maomao was also cheering for Yaoyao. Yaoyao should be the first double-leaf rabbit blessed by the ancient dragon.

When Yaoyao heard the encouragement from her master and companions, the determination in her heart resurfaced. She endured the chill that pierced her soul and absorbed it.

When Yaoyao's white fur was covered with the light of moonlight, Li Changan shouted at the right time:"Use the Qingtian Wood!"

Yaoyao opened her eyes, grabbed the green branch and placed it on her chest.

The breath of moonlight flowed through Yaoyao's little claws and merged into the Qingtian Wood.

Suddenly, the chill in Yaoyao's body was reduced by half, but the increase in moonlight affinity brought by the moonlight infusion could not be taken away.

This is why Li Changan asked Yaoyao to endure it.

When the milky white moonlight completely permeated the Qingtian Wood and connected with the remaining moonlight in Yaoyao's body,

Li Changan shouted again:"Drink the Baiwei Soup."

Yaoyao endured the smell of the exploding Baiwei Soup and drank it down.

"Guji.. (I would rather have another moonlight infusion....)"

The fact that she complained meant that Yaoyao was in good condition.

However, it was indeed difficult for Yaoyao, who had a sensitive sense of taste, to drink the Hundred Flavors Soup. Because the Hundred Flavors Soup, as its name suggests, can really taste hundreds of flavors.

Of course, this is only limited to pets with a sensitive sense of taste. After drinking the Hundred Flavors Soup, the more flavors they can distinguish, the more sensitive their five senses will be after Yaoyao evolves.

Yaoyao also knew this, and she endured the nausea that kept surging in her body, and continued to identify the flavors.

When the colorful colors on Yaoyao's body faded, it meant that the effect of the Hundred Flavors Soup disappeared, leaving only the majestic energy.

Li Changan turned the evolution formation to the maximum level, and more intense moonlight gathered.

"Yaoyao doesn't have to endure it anymore, evolve."

After hearing Li Changan's permission, Yaoyao released the restrained power in her body.

An invisible mysterious power was drawn out from Yaoyao's body and wrapped around Yaoyao.

Suddenly, Yaoyao let out a piercing wail.

"Guji! Guji~! (It hurts! My whole body hurts! I feel like my blood is going to explode!)"

Li Changan clenched his fists, suppressed his worries, and kept comforting Yaoyao in the soul communication.

Yaoyao cried for a long time, and suddenly, the wailing in Li Changan's ears disappeared.

Yaoyao lost consciousness.

At this time, the Moon Drop Crystal placed in front of Yaoyao began to melt, turning into primitive moonlight, and merged into Yaoyao's body.

Like the goddess of the moon, gently soothing Yaoyao's broken soul and body

"It's the final stage. Don't worry, Yaoyao will be fine."Li Mingxuan comforted.

Li Changan also knew that this was all they could do, and the rest depended on Yaoyao's own luck.

The evolution of pets is so cruel. The more potential for evolutionary leap, the greater the risk and cost.

Yaoyao's leap from a low-level elite to a medicine-pounding rabbit with medium potential is still related to the mythical race, and the risks involved are far beyond imagination. The

Moon Drop Crystal is a backup for Yaoyao.

Now it seems that this valuable crystal has indeed played its greatest role.

After Li Changan sat restlessly for an hour, a crack appeared in the milky white light cocoon that Yaoyao turned into.

Then the crack became larger and larger, and many smaller cracks appeared around it.

Crack, crack.

Most of the milky white light cocoon was broken, A rabbit head was revealed, hidden by the moonlight.

In an instant, a silver-white moonlight fell from the void, and it was printed right on Yaoyao's head.

The milky white cocoon of light was completely broken.

Revealing the pure white body inside.

At this time, Yaoyao's hair was snow-white all over, and her limbs were no longer green. The two front paws were printed with tree ring marks, and the two green leaf-shaped ears turned into a pair of moonlight ribbons, which were the characteristics of the medicine-pounding rabbit.

And on the forehead was a faint mark of a waning moon, which was very beautiful.

Li Changan and Maomao immediately pounced on him. Li Changan hugged Yaoyao tightly, while Maomao curiously touched the pendant on Yaoyao's rabbit ear.

This pendant was made from the arm-sized Qingtian wood.

Yaoyao's already red glasses became even redder with the excited tears.

""Guji! Guji! (Chang'an, thank you! It's so great to meet you!)"

Yaoyao buried her head in the collar of Li Chang'an's chest and breathed in his scent.

Mu Qingqing, who was watching, was also full of emotion. What kind of magic did her son have that could make the pets stick to him so much.

Does he have a second talent similar to affinity with living things?

Ms. Mu Qingqing almost grasped the point.

After the man and the two pets calmed down, Li Mingxuan made a brilliant appearance at this time and checked Yaoyao's physical condition attentively.

Originally, he also wanted to check Maomao, but Maomao cleverly returned to the beast control space and did not give Comrade Lao Li a chance at all.

After Li Mingxuan checked Yaoyao, he said with satisfaction:"Yaoyao is fine, all the data are very healthy, and they are similar to the same kind in the Donghuang Kingdom database."

Hearing this, Li Chang'an finally put his heart at ease and began to check Yaoyao's information changes.

【Name: Yaoyao

Race: Medicine Rabbit

Attributes: Wood, Moon

Level: Awakening

Potential: High Commander

Talented Abilities: Moon People, Hundred Herb Hammer

Low-level Skills: Moonlight Condensation (Mastery Level)

Intermediate Skills: Thousand Flowers (Contact Level), Moon Twin Blades (Proficiency Level), Green Grass Blessing (Mastery Level)

Status: Touched, Attached to the Master. 】

There are two new skills and one mutation skill, and the attributes have become both wood and moon attributes.

Not to mention the talent, both have transformed.

【Moonlight Condensation】This skill may seem like a low-level skill, but in fact, for moon-type pets, its status is no less than the Prison Flame skill of the Prison Flame Dragon.

Both are important cornerstones of the core system.

【Thousand Flowers] This skill is a wood skill that releases a large amount of energy petals to attack the enemy, with a chance of causing confusion to the enemy.

【Moon Twin Blades: This skill is a variation of Leaf Blade. Its attributes are changed from wood to two energy attacks mixed with wood and moon. It has extraordinary potential and its proficiency is on par with Leaf Blade.

【It goes without saying that the"Blessing of Green Grass" has also increased its skill proficiency by one level, reaching the mastery level, due to this evolution.

The effect of the talent"Moon Citizen" is very simple: increase the affinity of the moon by 50%, and increase the power of moon skills by 20%.

It is a panacea talent that combines both cultivation and combat.

The talent"Hundred Herbs Hammer" should be an advanced version of"Pounding Medicine".

Its effect is even greater than that of pounding medicine:"Increase the success rate of blending by 25%, and the probability of sublimating the quality of the blended material by 1%. The more complex the blend, the higher the probability of sublimation."

Increasing the success rate by one quarter is enough to make most blenders envious and jealous.

Not to mention the sublimation characteristics behind it, and the extra suffix, the more complex the blend, the higher the probability of sublimation.

Li Changan has confirmed that this is a talent for blenders that becomes more powerful in the later stages.

Forget it, I'll put the skills aside for now.

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