Beast Tamer: I can simulate the eternal beast

Chapter 67 Beast Taming Class! The record holder for the maximum number of relics he can carry! Unsc

"I know this question!"

Chen Yejia raised his hand.

He is sponsored by the school and has been working hard recently.

It's all a bit deliberate.


You have to work hard, but the effect is hard to say.

"Ye Yinchuan's mysterious scales can improve the existing defense capabilities. Doesn't that fit the characteristics of a auxiliary type!"

"So it's the auxiliary type, it must be right!"

"The second question, how many relics you can carry, of course depends on how many you have! If I have ten, I will bring them all to my little stone monkey!"

The little stone monkey has a dark square face.

It’s full of words: I don’t know him【 -`ェ′- 】

Hu Yue showed a forced smile:

"Good answer."

Don’t answer next time!


first question.

There were two waves of people who started a controversy.

Yibo thinks it is an auxiliary type. After all, as Chen Yejia said, it can improve the original defense.

The other wave thinks it is a defensive type, after all, it has special effects like scaled clothing.

Some of the remaining ones have been deceived.

Because both sides are quite consistent.

"Don't be confused by this question."

"Although this mysterious scale in Ye Yinchuan's hand can improve defense, it sounds like an auxiliary type."

"But in fact, almost all relics have such a function. What really depends on it is the effect it shows after activating the special effect."

"The types classified by the beast control academic community, the judgment is based on giving priority to special effects."

"If this mysterious scale does not have special effects, you can say it is an auxiliary type, but since it does, and it has defensive special effects, it is a direct defensive type."

"But please note the difference between the concept of special effects relics and relic special effects."

"Some people also suggest that special-effect relics be called special-type relics for the convenience of distinction. There is no problem in this."

On to the second question.

Hu Yue did not make a statement immediately, allowing the students to discuss it openly.

Some people believe that a pet can carry no more than one relic.

Some people think that there is definitely more than one, maybe three, maybe nine.

But nine is definitely the upper limit, because nine is the ultimate number.

The information on the Internet is also very complicated, with different opinions, and it can be confusing at once.

Because the relic is in the imperial beast, it is equivalent to advanced mathematics in mathematics, and it has some depth in it.

When the students were almost finished discussing, Hu Yue clapped her hands and said:

"Okay, some of the students are right."

"Currently, the academic community of beast control generally believes that the theoretical limit of the relics that a pet beast can carry should be around 16."

"Sixteen kinds? So many!"

"Wait, why is it a species? Not a person?"

The classmates were surprised.

Hu Yue nodded:

"Remember, there is one principle when carrying beast-controlling relics, that is, you can only carry one kind of relic of the same part."

"For example, the mysterious scales are scale relics. So after carrying the mysterious scales, you should not carry other scales, otherwise there is a high probability of rejection."

"If you carry it forcibly, the relics may be damaged, or the pet beast may die!"

Hearing this, the students held their breath slightly.

The pet beast is the companion of the beast master, and many people even raise the pet beast as a son.

Any beast master with any conscience would not want to see his pet beast injured for no reason, let alone die.

"There are currently sixteen known basic types of relics. Come with me and memorize the formula."

"Scale Feather Carapace Skin."

"Minions limbs bones hearts."

"Eye, ear, mouth, tongue, nose."

"Teacher, these are only 15 kinds? Is there another one?"

Facing questions from classmates.

Hu Yue smiled slightly: "Let me ask you, is it difficult to learn about beast-control relics?"

Everyone hesitated for a moment: "It's difficult!"

"Yes, the last one is the sac!"

"Poison sacs, silk sacs, ink sacs... all belong to the sac category. This is the sixteenth relic part!"

Damn it?

Can you still remember it like this? The students were shocked.

I want to laugh a little bit.

I feel like I'm jumping back and forth between learning and failing.

"As for why it's not 16, but 16 types."

"It's because some parts are special, such as eyes and limbs. Eyes are divided into left and right sides, and limbs are divided into four limbs, including external appendages, such as tails and tentacles."

"Then the left eye and the right eye are more likely to carry two different relics. The limbs can theoretically carry four, or even more. It depends on the species..."

"So the number of relics that a pet beast can carry is theoretically definitely greater than 16."

"But theories are always theories. Why do you find one, three, or even nine theories on the Internet?"

"Because carrying relics is a very complicated matter. Not only must the fit be considered, but also the endurance of the pet beast."

"Sixteen types or more are based on the fact that the pet beast has unlimited endurance and the compatibility is 100%."

"In fact, the compatibility between most pet beasts and relics is above 80%, which is already very good!"

"More than 90% is relatively rare, and 100% is almost impossible!"

"Of course, that doesn't mean there's no way around it. There's a saying in academic circles called cultivating relics, which means that if a pet carries a relic for a long time, its compatibility will improve."

"It takes years of accumulation. So many people who get a top-quality relic may keep their pets with them and will not easily change them."

"It is to improve the degree of compatibility, so that one day they will have the opportunity to carry more relics."

Hu Yue said.

She found that the classmates were all confused and dumbfounded.

She was not very surprised.

It was the same when she was studying.

The amount of information was too much, and the CPU almost burned out!

Relic-related courses are not easy to learn, and it is also difficult for her to teach.

But there is no rush.

This is only the first year of high school, there is plenty of time to learn slowly.

In the golden age, everyone should be able to master the knowledge of these relics.

"So, teacher, what is the actual upper limit of relics that can be carried?"

Some people couldn't help asking.

And some people have already checked the information on their mobile phones.

"A half-step titled king named Shi Yu, the champion of the last Huaxia League, the holder of the record for the maximum number of relics he can carry..."

"His pet Chiyou Swallowing Heaven Beast has a maximum number of relics he can carry, which has not been broken so far..."

Hearing Shi Yu's name.

Many students showed an expression of "WTF, it's him".

Because Shi Yu is not only a half-step titled king, but also a relic history expert, who often appears on TV.

The so-called half-step titled king refers to those who are above the king, only one step away from the legendary title.

Shi Yu once threatened on TV that if he succeeded in getting the title, he would call himself an "unscientific" beastmaster king.

Many people were powerless to complain about this statement.

Shi Yu himself said that he had studied scientific beastmastering for a lifetime, and he just wanted to be unscientific for once, what's wrong!

"So, nine is the extreme number, not just talk?"

A classmate took a deep breath and put his attention back on the number of relics he could carry.

Hu Yue nodded:

"It sounds a bit unscientific, but it seems to be the case."

"No matter how brilliant a person in history is, even if he is a titled king, no one can break the upper limit of nine relics. This is an indisputable fact."

Hu Yue said, his eyes moved slightly.

But there is a way to break the limit on the number of relics carried on another level.

But that method is too early for these first-year high school students.

And it can't be regarded as a real breakthrough of the extreme number of nine.

A question aroused more enthusiasm and curiosity among the students.

They really have too many questions to ask about relics.

There is a lot of information on the Internet.

But it's the same as cultural knowledge.

The knowledge is there.

If anyone can learn by themselves and have the ability to eliminate interfering information, then there is no need for schools to exist.

For these students.

Hu Yue is the authority and their teacher.

"Students, the teacher has a headache. Let's stop talking about relics today..."

Hu Yue rubbed his temples.

After teaching so many classes, it turns out that the relic class is the hardest to teach.

Look at Hu Huanjing, the smartest in the class, he is already scratching his head.

Ye Yinchuan is also like that, he feels that his CPU is about to burn out.

However, he quickly jumped out of his thoughts.

After listening to what Hu Yue said.

The simulation with the mysterious scales as the medium.

He is even more excited.

The upper limit of the relics is difficult to break even for the titled king.

Then, what about his own beast scroll?

Let's say~

Among the infinite possibilities, is there a possibility...

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