Beast Tamer: I can simulate the eternal beast

Chapter 79 Simulation! Protect our Kong Kong! Powerful and beautiful dragons! Blue water dragon!

[Yes! ]

Ye Yinchuan confirmed happily.

[Thunder Beast Crystal Core Absorbing...]

Simulated perspective.

The little monkey Kongkong grabbed the Thunder Beast Crystal Core and sat cross-legged on a stone in a very formal manner.

The electric light overflowed, whipping around like countless whips, forming a circular force field that covered it.

Although his body was charred and emitting white smoke.

But his monkey eyes were clear and he remained rational.

"It's not easy for the Thunder Monkey to evolve."

Ye Yinchuan sighed.

If it were Baobao, it would probably be difficult to maintain such rationality, and he couldn't be as inspiring as Kongkong.

Ye Yinchuan didn't forget the difficulties in the early days of his business when he practiced the Iron Tail.

Baobao: (??ˇωˇ??)

Lychee? How do you want me to eat lychees! (Drooling)

Just when everything was going smoothly.

The output frequency of the Thunder Beast Crystal Core suddenly increased, the Thunder Whip became thick and ferocious, and the Thunder Electric Field expanded, as if it was going to swallow up everything around.

The trees were struck by lightning and caught fire, and the rocks were split into pieces by lightning.

Ye Yinchuan's eyes moved, something was wrong!

[The level of this thunder beast crystal core is silver, which is a bit too high for Kong Kong. This is not a problem, but it has some benefits. ]

[It just so happens that this crystal core contains the will of the pet before its death, and this will interferes with Kong Kong's absorption of energy...]

[As a hug, you decide...]

[① Guide part of the energy]

[② Stop Kong Kong from continuing to absorb energy]

[③ Leave it alone]

Ye Yinchuan frowned.

The situation in the simulation scenario is a bit serious.

If left alone, Kong Kong may be in danger.

But Kong Kong's eyes are full of determination to evolve, and it is impossible to stop and interrupt casually.

After thinking about it.

Option 1 is still the most appropriate.

[You decide to guide part of the energy so that Kong Kong can better complete the absorption. What method do you use? 】

[① Use the tail to conduct electricity, and the body bears it]

[② Use external objects around you to guide]

[③ Catch a passing pet and draw away some of the lightning energy]

Passing pet: Σ(????)?

First of all, I didn't mess with any of you!

Ye Yinchuan's eyes moved and he chose the second one.

Because... this external object around him made him think of something!

[You decided to use the external objects around you for guidance, what do you plan to do...]

[① A piece of dead wood of unknown species]

[② A stone on the roadside]

[③ The mysterious lightning scale on the body]

Seeing the options, Ye Yinchuan slightly twisted his mouth.

Sure enough, everything is under control!

Without hesitation, Ye Yinchuan chose three!

Dead wood? Stone? What a mess!

The mysterious lightning scale is the correct answer!

I can only say that the little thing called the Beast Taming Scroll is naughty again, hiding the option of the mysterious lightning scale so deeply.

If you don't think carefully enough, it's easy to miss it.

[You decided to use the mysterious thunder scale to help Kong Kong guide some of the violent lightning energy. ]

[This is a wise decision. The mysterious thunder scale itself has the ability to absorb lightning. ]

[Under the effect of the mysterious thunder scale, the violent energy of the pet beast crystal core gradually stabilized, giving Kong Kong a chance to breathe. ]

[The absorbed and transformed lightning energy began to temper and feed back to nourish Kong Kong's body. ]

[The mysterious thunder scale has been strengthened! ]

Ye Yinchuan was slightly excited.

Scored twice!

Has the mysterious thunder scale been upgraded again?

In the simulation scenario, Kong Kong was stable.

On Bao Bao's side, the thunder light on the mysterious thunder scale in his hand did not stop, and the beast-shaped thunder pattern on it became more ferocious.

When Bao Bao carried it again, he felt that his body became lighter and his agility improved!

The effect of the thunder scale clothing has also been strengthened. When the special effect is activated, it can consume the energy stored in the mysterious thunder scale, which has an explosive speed increase for the carrier!

This effect, depending on the amount of energy consumed, is almost equivalent to a high-speed movement, or even a flash of lightning.

Very good, very powerful!

At this point, the mysterious thunder scale is no longer a simple active defense type, but also has some auxiliary effects, and its actual combat effect is even more powerful.

[The abnormal movement caused by Kong Kong's evolution will attract other creatures, including terrible predators. ]

[But you can't just leave Kong Kong alone, a fierce battle is about to begin. ]

[Fortunately, the blood produced by the death of Thunder Dragon has attracted a considerable number of predators, and their fighting has attracted more predators...]

Nesting dolls, right?

Ye Yinchuan smiled.

But this is indeed good news.

It means that there is something over there that is attracting hatred, so the resistance to Kong Kong's evolution will be much smaller.

But Ye Yinchuan wants to complain about one thing.

The way of Bao Bao's evolution is basically hibernation.

The way of Kong Kong's evolution is a bit like meditation and cultivation.

The difference between the two is obvious at a glance.

It's not that one is good or bad.

I just think it's interesting.

When I think of Baobao's lazy but steady character, I will have hungry dreams and drool.

Ye Yinchuan shook his head and showed a doting smile of an old father.

Now, it's the turn of Baobao, the little waste, to protect the younger generation Kongkong!

In the simulated scenario.

Baobao showed the characteristics of scale tail and water blade at the same time, attacking and defending at the same time, blocking Kongkong.

Kongkong raised his eyelids slightly, showing gratitude and peace of mind.

Baobao's savage body, thick dragon tail, and round back of the head are all filled with the word "security".

Quicksand worm, silver level 4.

It has the special power to suddenly transform the ground under its feet into quicksand, and its mouthparts are ferocious like alien creatures.

It fought with the earth leopard for several rounds underground, and was confined in the quicksand by the frost breath, and killed the leopard with one blow on the water surface.

Fire dragon lizard, silver level 6.

It looks like a giant lizard, but it has the blood of the dragon clan, controls the fire element, and even masters the powerful fire attribute skill of big character explosion, which is terrifying.

Baobao escaped underground to avoid the first wave of damage, and then stored water + frost breath, soaking the fire dragon lizard and freezing it, the effect is outstanding!

Then a steel hardening + continuous ten slaps, directly smashed the head.

It is worth mentioning here.

The continuous slaps in the water blade form are no longer a simple blunt attack, but cooperate with the fin blade and elemental water flow to cause more damage.

It can be understood as a slap with long and sharp nails and water-attribute attack enchantment... It hurts, but it's also very moist!


One fierce battle after another.

Bao Bao fully demonstrated the strength of the ancient evil beast, and lived up to the cultivation of his old father Ye Yinchuan.

[You repelled a large number of predators. ]

[Kong Kong's evolution has also reached the most critical final stage...]

[A terrible enemy is approaching. ]

[Blue Water Dragon! ]

[Gold Level 1! ]

[This is a powerful enemy that has just entered the gold level. ]

[A strong enemy is coming, you decide...]

[① Lure the enemy away and buy time for Kong Kong! ]

[② Face off and protect our Kong Kong! ]

[③ Leave Kong Kong behind, the leopard's life is at stake! ]

Gold level enemy...

For the option of leaving Kong Kong behind, just pretend you didn't see it.

So here comes the question.

Should we just fight head-on or lure the enemy away?

Ye Yinchuan captured the key information.

"Just stepped into the gold level."

You should know that after Baobao completed the evolution, although he completed the transition of life level, he was in a very weak state. He had to eat to completely reach the peak.

In addition.

This blue water dragon is obviously of water attribute.

If Kongkong successfully evolves into a spirit thunder monkey, it can play a restraining effect!

Even if Kongkong is just a little black iron after evolution, it can also play a role in assisting the battle!

There is another factor to consider.

Leading away the blue water dragon means that Baobao has to leave Kongkong.

Then Kongkong will be in a defenseless state.

What if there is another enemy?

In summary.

Option 2, head-on confrontation, is the best choice!

The blue water dragon in front of you looks like a big loach, but it is much more gorgeous, with sparkling scales on its body.

As an aquatic creature without limbs, it can ride on the elemental water flow and appear on land, which is enough to prove the power of this dragon.

If it weren't for the terrifying dragon pressure emanating from the other party, then the Blue Water Dragon would definitely be a beautiful creature worth stopping to admire.

No matter what.

Now, if the Blue Water Dragon doesn't die, Bao Bao and Kong Kong must die!

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