Beast Tamer: I can simulate the eternal beast

Chapter 8: Super cool simulated pet skills! Continuous slaps

[You are eager to learn Iron Tail. 】

[Mother Seal started to teach you the Steel Tail, and found that your tail was naturally strong, and you were a good candidate for learning the Steel Tail. 】

[You actually learned Iron Tail after watching it once. The seal mother is very happy and thinks you are a unique seal genius. 】

[But she thought your steel tail was still lacking, so she gave you some pointers. 】

【Get a lot of skill proficiency! 】

[The skill level of Steel Tail has been improved! Currently for entry level! 】

Skill proficiency upgrade!

Is this from beginner to entry level?

To know the proficiency of pet beast skills, they are generally divided into five levels, namely beginner, entry, familiar, proficient, and master.

Some pet beasts may not be able to achieve master-level skill proficiency in their lifetime.

There are levels above the legendary master level, and there are levels that break through the limits, but that is not what we should consider now.


You can improve your proficiency level by simulating it, which is really cool.

One simulation is equivalent to countless sweat and training for others.

It was not easy to travel through time.

Open it a little, that’s reasonable, right?

[One year has passed and you are now 1 year old. (Remaining life span 24 years)】

[The level is Bronze Level 5. 】

[Your talent amazes the tribe. Patriarch Dada met with you personally. 】

[The patriarch Da Da is an oversized seal. He hopes you can follow his evolutionary path and promises to give you the best resources. 】




There was no such branch before.

That's the beauty of simulators.

Every choice, or different conditions, will change the subsequent direction.

Although he has the best equipment such as a thick tail and a steel tail.

Don’t forget about your body type, which is prone to obesity.

This talent is also a perfect match for the evolution route of the super seal.

But the evolutionary path of super-large seals is too conventional.

Take an unusual step!

Of course, we have to follow the hidden evolutionary path of the tail seal!

[You rejected the proposal of Patriarch Dada and stated that you planned to take other evolutionary routes. Chief Dada expresses regret for your choice. 】

[Clan Chief Dada wants to know the evolutionary route you want. 】

【①Tooth seal】

【② Swift Seal】

【③Charming Seal】

【④Tail Seal】

[You expressed your determination to evolve into a tail seal. Chief Dada said that after evolving into a tail seal, there is no further form. At least not in your tribe. It's not too late for you to regret it now. 】


【②The mind has been decided】


The evolutionary path of tail seals is actually incomplete.

No wonder it has not been passed down.

After all, there will be greater improvements with every evolution.

The difference between two evolutions and three evolutions is obvious.

There is no turning back when the bow is drawn!

Ye Yinchuan really doesn't want to take the conventional evolutionary route.

That's a waste of money.

So unambitious!

【You have a strong determination to evolve into a tail seal. Seeing that you have made up your mind, Chief Dada no longer tries to persuade you, but decides to support you. 】

[Clan Chief Dada’s favor for you has increased. 】

[Chief Dada will provide you with plenty of food. 】

[Clan Chief Dada promises that if you can perform well in the coming-of-age ceremony, he will personally teach you his unique skills. 】

[You get plenty of food. 】

[Physical strength has been greatly improved. 】

[This year, you have lived up to expectations and been promoted to the sixth level of Bronze. 】

[In the blink of an eye, 4 years have passed and you are 5 years old. (Remaining life span 20 years)]

[The level is Bronze Level 8. 】

【In the past three years. You keep practicing your steel tail. Although your lazy personality affects you. But your steel tail is still getting better day by day. 】

[The coming of age ceremony arrives. You will fight against other baby seals. If you perform well, you'll get mating rights and more resources. 】

[You need to choose a baby seal to fight against, and the opponent you decide is...]

【①Pinch ♦, a little seal known for its strength】

【②Liu Liu♦, a little seal known for its speed】

[③Ruanruan♦, the beauty among the little seals, looks easier to bully]


Live a new life and come back with hugs!

The coming-of-age ceremony is the time to avenge past shame!

Last simulation.

Ye Yinchuan has not forgotten it.

If the mother seal hadn't been injured while protecting him, she might not have died so early.

At that time, I was not strong enough.

There is self-blame and regret.


Wherever you fall, get up!

Hug me.

I want to kill my sister to prove it!

Want to avenge previous shame!

[You finally chose the little seal Ruanruan as your opponent. 】

[Sure enough, the soft admirer casts a hostile look at you. But you are the genius of the tribe, and they don't dare to be too obvious. 】

[The male seals' favorability towards you has decreased. 】

[Ruanruan is very surprised that you chose her as your opponent. 】

[You attracted the soft attention of the little seal. 】

【The battle begins】

[The soft beauty makes your legs feel weak and your body feels weak. 】

[You enter a weak state. 】

[Your strength is far greater than that of Soft, please choose a battle strategy. 】

【① Full output】

【②Be merciful】

Ye Yinchuan was stunned.

you still need to ask?

Today is all about destroying flowers!

[You decide to exert all your strength, and your thick and long tail straightens, blood and energy gather in it, and it becomes hard. 】

[You use your iron tail to whip Ruanruan fiercely. ]

[Ruanruan is no match for you at all, and soon begs for mercy with tears in her eyes. ]

[You win! ]

[Little seal Nienie rushes out excitedly, and under his leadership, all the male little seals are excited and think that you have gone too far. ]

[You decide...]

[① Admit your mistakes]

[② Insist that you have done nothing wrong]

[You insist that you have done nothing wrong and argue with reason, and little seal Nienie decides to teach you a lesson. ]

[① Have a one-on-one fight if you dare]

[① Let's go together, I want to beat ten of them]

Ye Yinchuan looked at the dozen angry little seals and decided to follow his heart.

Let's go together! I want to beat ten of them!

[You directly provoke a group of male little seals, and they rush forward, and now there is chaos. ]

[You decide...]

[①One man guards the pass, ten thousand men cannot open it]

[②Catch Nienie and beat her to death]

[③Run while beating her]

Ye Yinchuan raised his eyebrows.

The experience of his previous life told him that if he was beaten up by a group of people.

Just catch one and beat him to death!

The more fierce the better!

This way others will be afraid of you!

In addition.

In the game, you also need to focus fire and kill one in seconds!

[In the chaos, you caught Nienie, who was the most arrogant. ]

[You used your iron tail and whipped him wildly. ]

[He was beaten so badly that his nose and face were swollen and his teeth were all over the ground. ]

[Because of your iron tail sweeping across, other little seals dared not get close. ]

[Other little seals were frightened by your ferocity and their awe of you increased. ]

[Nienie was beaten to death by you. ]

[Chief Dada arrived in time and stopped you. ]

[Otherwise, he would really die! ]

[Because you performed well in the coming-of-age ceremony, the chieftain fulfilled his promise and taught you his special move "serial slaps". ]

[You are loved by the female seals. Ruanruan, who was beaten by you, was not angry, but wanted to pursue you to be her spouse. ]

[You began to learn serial slaps. ]

[Chief Dada believed that you had mastered the key to serial slaps in advance based on your performance in the coming-of-age ceremony. ]

[What is the key to serial slaps? ]

[① Killing the sister to prove the truth]

[② One-on-many]

[③ Beat them to death if caught]

Ye Yinchuan smiled.

This question is too simple!

Of course, beat them to death if caught!

[That's right! The key to serial slaps is to beat them to death if caught! ]

[Chief Dada excitedly introduced the power of this move to you. Once used successfully, the opponent will have no chance to fight back! ]

[You have learned the skill serial slaps! 】

【Since you have mastered the key points, your proficiency in the chain slaps has greatly improved! 】

【Current skill proficiency level: beginner】

New skill!

And the proficiency level directly skips the beginner level.

It's the beginner level right from the start!

So cool!

Avenge the previous shame + guidance from an expert!

This simulation is not over yet!

Do you dare to be more excited!

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