Beast Tamer: I can simulate the eternal beast

Chapter 87 Hunting! Hugs from the butcher! Cutting a piece of tenderloin with a knife, it's so

Ye Yinchuan is the most qualified person to speak about the strength of platinum pets.

Killing Black Sky Beast, Blood Angel Fuck Squid, these two bugs are.

However, when it comes to oppression, whether it is Shadow Swallowtail Butterfly or Light Goddess Butterfly, they are a little bit worse.

After all, the first two are from the Dragon Era and the other from the Ice Age. Whether it is blood or experience, are modern pets comparable?

In comparison, the current environment of the new generation is simply a greenhouse... Those who come out are naturally flowers in the greenhouse.

Of course, as a silver summoner who has just left Little Black Iron, Ye Yinchuan is a little arrogant.

After all, platinum is platinum, not laughing with you!

Under Hu Yue's arrangement, everyone started hunting activities.

Hunting, including gathering.

It is an important way for beastmasters to obtain resources.

After all, many parts of pets are valuable materials in themselves, not to mention crystal cores.

If you encounter some pets with contract value, you can also try to capture them alive, which can often be sold at a good price.

However, it is difficult because pets in the wild are very wild.

First, it is not easy to catch them alive. Second, if you don't handle them well, they will rather die than surrender and commit suicide directly.

Therefore, living pets are the most valuable.

Except for the little grass rabbit.

The reason why pets like the little grass rabbit are expensive to buy is not because they are valuable.

But the expenses of domestication, vaccination, and certification.

After all, if they can be sold as contractable pets, at least they must be guaranteed not to die suddenly due to illness, and they must also be guaranteed that there are no major problems with the pet's personality.

Otherwise, if the pet is disobedient and runs to the road and is hit by a car, as happened to Chen Ye's family, the loss will be unbearable.

Even if Chen Ye's family now has a pet ring and a little stone monkey as a substitute, he has lost a natal ring forever, and it is almost impossible to repair it.

There will be considerable restrictions in all aspects.

"Let's go."

Before Ye Yinchuan came, he had made a strategy. If you want to say that the most valuable pet in Dongbai Mountain is a pig-like pet called Liangtouwu.

The meat of the two-headed black carp is very delicious. The tenderloin and ribs are very valuable, and the pig legs can be used to make the local specialty, Jinhua ham.

Since you are going to hunt, you naturally have to make money.


Su Xiaoxiao's face was flushed. It was her first time hunting, which made her a little excited.

"Brother, this is for you."

Su Xiaoxiao had taken out a large off-road bag without knowing when, and there was a water bottle on the side of the bag.

"What is this?"

Ye Yinchuan was a little surprised.

Where did Su Xiaoxiao get this equipment from? And I didn't see her take it when she got on the car just now.

It turned out that Su Xiaoxiao prepared it in advance and asked Hu Yue to help her bring it with the storage space of the pet ring.

She and Ye Yinchuan each had one, and hers was a little smaller.

Her off-road bag was also black and green, which was conducive to concealment in the wild, but there was a little rabbit pendant on it... Tsk tsk, the girl's heart can't be hidden!


Ye Yinchuan looked at Su Xiaoxiao with some surprise.

With the off-road bag, water and food can be carried with you, as well as some medical first aid supplies.

"How much? I'll transfer it to you."

Ye Yinchuan felt sorry for his cousin. Her family conditions were not very good, and she spent money to buy this for herself.

"Hehe, no money."

Su Xiaoxiao's fingers were entwined and swirled, a little proud and a little embarrassed,

"Brother has never asked me for money."

Su Xiaoxiao was silent, but Ye Yinchuan understood what she meant.

It refers to the evolution method of the charm seal eggs and the little grass rabbit.

"Drink, grow up."

"Drink, must."

The brother and sister met each other and smiled cheerfully.

At this time, the sun was warm, the breeze blew on the face, the surroundings were green, the air was fresh, and it made people feel very comfortable.

In the clear blue sky, the outline of the white clouds was clear, and the shadow swallowtail butterfly and the goddess of light butterfly flew from time to time, giving people a leisurely feeling that time was very slow.

This is more comfortable than the spring outing in elementary school.

Ye Yinchuan praised in his heart.

He summoned Baobao and Kongkong.

Su Xiaoxiao summoned Taozi, the little grass rabbit.

At this time, Su Xiaoxiao's little grass rabbit has evolved into a little seed rabbit.

It is the same shape that Ye Yinchuan has seen in the simulation.

The body has become a little bigger, and the grass at the ears and tail has become a morning glory-like turret, from which seeds can be fired.

The talent of herbivory has been upgraded, and it can eat its own seeds.

The talent of seed control has also been added.

In addition to the original parasitic seeds, there are two more skills, chaos seeds and slow seeds.

The collision skill has been forgotten.

And the skill of playing dead has been advanced to natural camouflage.

In an environment with plants, the little seed rabbit can use the growth of seeds to create a camouflage effect, which is difficult to detect if you don't pay attention.

Seeing Taozi evolve successfully, Ye Yinchuan also felt a sense of relief.

Maybe Taozi is like Su Xiaoxiao's child, and he, as a brother, is the uncle?

Then rounding off, Taozi is his niece! Rounding off again, the feeling of an old father suddenly came up!

Plus, the eldest brother is like a father, super seniority! Ye Yinchuan looked at the little seed rabbit with a loving look.

/) /)

Taozi:?(? ? ? )??

Tu Meijiang's eyes became sharp, smelling something wrong!

Outskirts of Dongbai Mountain.

A two-headed crow was humming and eating grass.

Two-headed crows are ordinary pig-like pets. As the name suggests, their heads and buttocks are black.

It is said that when two-headed crows evolve to a certain level, they can awaken the dark attribute.

But generally speaking, two-headed crows are made into sweet and sour spare ribs, braised spare ribs, bridge ribs, sweet and sour pork tenderloin, pot-baked pork, Jinhua ham, etc.


A water blade flew over.

The two-headed crow hummed, straightened its limbs, and fell down. A wound directly cut it from the neck.

Then there was another whip tail, with flowing water elements, and the fin blade flashing with cold light cut, dismembering the two-headed crow on the spot.

Greedy leopard! It was really greedy!

After killing the two-headed crow, a bloody light flew into Baobao's fat mouth. It was the killing fangs absorbing the killing and blood.

The two-headed crow is also a living life!

If pork wasn't so fragrant, how could it have ended up like this!

Thinking of this, Baobao's tears flowed from the corners of his mouth.

For pets, raw meat is also very delicious.

"Well done, Baobao, I got one!"

Ye Yinchuan fed a piece of cut tenderloin to Baobao, and then asked Baobao to help pack it in a bag, and then let Baobao carry it on his back.

Only the most valuable ribs, tenderloin, front legs and hind legs were taken.

At the entrance of Dongbai Mountain, there are pork vendors buying meat. Slaughtering one like this will make about 800 yuan.

It's just a little hard to move it over, but anyway, Baobao is carrying it, so just take it slowly.

Baobao, who is lazy and greedy, can only remain calm at this moment.

For Baobao's physique, it's really not tiring, and he's very happy to have something to eat.


Don't think that Baobao kills so easily.

It may not be the same if Kongkong comes.

In the simulation, it has evolved into a spirit thunder monkey, and it may be able to easily electrocute the two crows.

But now, Kongkong has not evolved yet, it is just a bronze-level little monkey.

It sat on the ground and meditated for a while, then rushed up to scratch a two-headed crow, and fought for a long time, and was pushed by the two-headed crow several times.

In the end, Baobao came to help and chopped off the pig's head with a knife.


Kongkong was anxious and said that he could do it!


"Baobao! Baobao!"

A seal patted a monkey on the shoulder and said in pet language:

Brother Kongkong, I know you are anxious, but don't be anxious, wait until you evolve!

(?`ω′) ?

Kongkong nodded, and he still had to listen to the words of the big brother.

In addition to Kongkong, Su Xiaoxiao's peach, that is, the little seed rabbit, was also difficult to kill the pig.

However, Su Xiaoxiao also discovered the power of the little seed rabbit's chaos seeds.

By luring the two two-headed crows together and using the chaos seeds, they can kill each other.

One dead and one injured, Baobao used a water whip blade to complete the harvest.

Ye Yinchuan could see the difference between Baobao and Kongkong, and Taozi.

The former was really lethal, killing pigs was just like cutting tofu! Ye Yinchuan's multiple simulations and hard work were worth it.

With Baobao's efficiency, the two-headed black pigs in this area were almost killed.

Ye Yinchuan also had a good harvest. Not counting the two-headed black pigs that Su Xiaoxiao knocked down, he had killed more than 20 of them and earned more than 16,000 yuan.

"Is this hunting?"

Ye Yinchuan was secretly happy when he saw the extra balance in his account.

The pork dealer was stunned. Are you sure this is the efficiency of a freshman?

After killing two-headed black pigs for a while, Ye Yinchuan was a little bored.

The main thing was that the pork dealer, seeing that Ye Yinchuan killed so many pigs quickly, actually lowered the purchase price!

It turns out that there is no business without fraud!

Ye Yinchuan planned to change his prey. Meanwhile, Su Xiaoxiao was also looking at the task wall to see if he could do some tasks along the way.

"Hey, brother, someone wants this chicken mimicry berry. No matter if it's dead or alive, 5,000 each. Is it worth more than two crows?"

"Chicken mimicry berry? Let me see."

Hearing the price of 5,000, Ye Yinchuan became interested.

Chicken mimicry berry is a plant-based pet. It is not very powerful in combat. It just likes to live on branches. It is not easy to reach, but Baobao should be able to hunt it easily.

But what disappointed him was that the other party said that he could only buy two and a half, which is 12,500 alliance coins.

"Chicken mimicry berry is available in Dongbai Mountain, but we should go a little deeper. Let's go."

"Brother, do you want to eat oil cake?"

Su Xiaoxiao took out a piece of oil cake, which was prepared by the aunt for them.

"Eat! Eat it all!"

Ye Yinchuan killed the pig for a long time and was indeed a little hungry.

The oil cake made by the aunt was fragrant and crispy, and it was really delicious.

He also made portions for Kongkong and Baobao.

As for Peach, just likes to eat grass!

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