Beast Tamer: I can simulate the eternal beast

Chapter 91 Tiger Teeth and Leopard Tail, Si Tian Zhi Li, and Five Remnants! Little Dog: Turn yoursel

Queen Mother of the West, also known as Kunlun Divine Dog.

When Ye Yinchuan saw the information, he was also dumbfounded.

Isn't Queen Mother of the West a god? And it should be human-shaped, how can it be linked to a mythical dog?

But Ye Yinchuan understood it quickly.

The Queen Mother of the West in his impression is the culture before the time travel, and in this beast control world, Queen Mother of the West is the name of a mythical pet.

Especially the name Kunlun Divine Dog is much easier to accept.

There is also an explanation in the information.

According to the existing literature records, Queen Mother of the West is likely to be an ultimate evolution of Kunlun Divine Dog.

Not all Kunlun Divine Dogs can be called Queen Mother of the West. Some people even believe that there is only one Queen Mother of the West, and that is the top Kunlun Divine Dog.


The description of Queen Mother of the West in "Classic of Mountains and Seas" is like this-

Queen Mother of the West looks like a human, with a leopard tail, tiger teeth, and good at howling, with disheveled hair and a crested phoenix, and is the Sitianzhili and Wuchan.

Tiger teeth, leopard tail.

Doesn't it mean that it has the form of both a tiger and a leopard?

"Puffy hair and wearing a jade hair ornament" means messy hair and wearing jade hair ornaments.

It's hard to associate it with a small dog.

But here comes the powerful one.

The fierceness of the sky, and the five remnants.

It means that it is in charge of plague, disease, death and execution.

The five remnants here do not refer to five kinds of cruelty or anything else, but the name of the evil star.

Plague, disease, death, execution.

It sounds awesome, not inferior to Anubis, the god of death in the desert.

In short, this small dog is likely to have the blood of the Kunlun dog.

But the difference in form is still a bit big, and it may be very rare.

Ye Yinchuan stroked the dog's head and tried to calm the small dog down, but the small dog never gave up, just staring at the top of the mountain.

Ye Yinchuan had no doubt that as soon as he let go, the small dog would run to the top of the mountain and jump down.

This is impossible to contract.

But it is impossible to let the small dog go like this.

A pet with ancient bloodline may even be mythical. If something unexpected happens, or it is contracted by someone else, no one can stand it!


Xu Mu sneezed while walking on the road.

After he walked away, he calmed down and felt a little regretful.

"That's a pet with tiger bloodline, just give it up like that?"

Xu Mu was unwilling.

But in fact, he didn't have it. Even if he did find it first, he didn't have a contract, which was equivalent to handing it over to someone else.

When it came to Ye Yinchuan, he went to snatch it again? Xu Mu thought he couldn't bring himself to do this.

"But why don't I try? Maybe I can propose a duel, whoever wins the contract, maybe there will be a chance."

When Xu Mu thought of this, he slapped his thigh.

Yeah, why didn't I think of it just now? I was busy pretending, and ended up pitting myself!

Although Ye Yinchuan's mutant seal is a bit good, his own little white tiger has evolved into a gust of wind white tiger, so it shouldn't be possible to lose, right?

"Hey! Forget it, what am I thinking about? It's just a dog with tiger blood. It's still a dog after all. What's the pity?"

"If I, Xu Mu, want a contract, I should contract a real tiger! Don't you think so, Bai Jie!"

Xu Mu touched the Swift White Tiger.

The Swift White Tiger nudged him with its head, then turned over and exposed its belly, asking Xu Mu to stroke it.

Xu Mu stretched out his hand, then retracted it:

"Sorry, I'm not in the mood now."

The Swift White Tiger looked at him with disappointment and yawned.

Today's hunting class ended.

That night.

Before Xu Mu turned off the lights and went to bed, he said, "Forget it, we are all classmates. What's wrong with letting a thin dog that is not even a real tiger go?"

Four hours after turning off the lights, he suddenly opened his eyes: "Damn, that is ancient blood! I should have fought with Ye Yinchuan!"

But after calming down a little, Xu Mu said to himself:

"There is something wrong with the mountains of Dongbai Mountain. The breath of tigers is looming and lingering for a long time. Maybe there are not only that little thin dog, but also other tigers."

"I still have a chance. I have already let it go. Don't think about it anymore."

After saying that, when Xu Mu opened his eyes again, his tiger-protecting eyes were clear and he did not regret his decision.

At the same time.

Ye Yinchuan has already started the dog training mode at home.

Well... this little thin dog was put in a sack by him and taken back home.

What a joke, this is an ancient pet. If he lets him stay in Dongbai Mountain for another day, it will be disrespectful to him, Ye Yinchuan.

How to say it.

The current state of this little dog is very restless, and all he wants to do is run outside, return to Dongbai Mountain, and jump down from the mountain.

And this goal cannot be achieved, and it will not continue to jump up and down.

Now Ye Yinchuan's house is about to be demolished.

At the same time.

Ye Yinchuan also discovered the contradiction of the little dog. It is obviously very close to him, but it will show obsessive-compulsive behavior every once in a while.

This similar situation reminds him of Su Mu's short deer.

This should also be a psychological disease of pet animals.

The next day.

Ye Yinchuan got up early and came to Dongbai Mountain.

These days are hunting classes. As long as you come to Dongbai Mountain to punch in, you can move freely.

At this point, Hu Yue has not come yet. Two golden beast masters, that is, security guards, stopped Ye Yinchuan at the door.

"Two brothers, I want to ask, do you know anything about this little dog?"

Ye Yinchuan took out two Huazi, which made the security brother frown.

"Don't get me wrong, don't get me wrong, this is candy."

Ye Yinchuan tore open the outer packaging, and there was indeed candy inside.

The two security brothers recognized each other at a glance before taking it.

Putting the candy in his mouth, one of the brothers recalled:

"This dog belongs to the forest ranger, and that is an old man. Not long ago, he had liver cancer and was admitted to the hospital. I heard yesterday that he was rescued in the ICU. I don't know how he is now."

After asking around.

Ye Yinchuan learned about the situation.

He believed that the obsessive-compulsive disorder and abnormal behavior of the small dog might be related to its experience. This question really got some clues.

"Let's go to the hospital."

Ye Yinchuan really took Su Xiaoxiao to the family where the old man was hospitalized.

Strangely, since Ye Yinchuan said he was going to the hospital, the small dog became particularly well-behaved.

Those compulsive behaviors seemed to disappear all of a sudden.

"Brother, it's amazing."

Su Xiaoxiao was very surprised, and she didn't understand why.

"Dogs understand human nature. What's more, they are dogs with ancient, even mythical blood."

Ye Yinchuan had limited information, but he had already woven a complete possibility in his mind.

Perhaps, the little dog just wanted to see the old grandfather.

Ye Yinchuan found out that the little dog often tried to run away after the old grandfather went to the hospital.

But Dongbai Mountain is a wild area, and the pets in it cannot go out unless they are dead or claimed by a contract, especially running away on their own.

Under the watch of these gold-level security guards, the little dog repeatedly ran into obstacles.

It didn't take long for the little dog to give up.

But it was also during that period that it was frequently injured, that is, it kept climbing up high and then jumping down...

The security guard showed Ye Yinchuan some photos.

It was a photo of the old grandfather and the little dog living together, which the old grandfather shared on WeChat Moments.

The old grandfather had gray hair and curved eyes. He was a person who loved animals very much. He held the little dog and was very close to him.

At that time, there was light in the little dog's eyes.

There is also a photo of a small dog chasing a bird and jumping up, which should be taken by the old man himself.

"You must have seen those birds, which can fly high and not be bound."

"So you also want to turn into a bird, fly away, and find your old grandfather."

Ye Yinchuan touched the dog's head and imagined that the small dog had been waiting and searching for the old grandfather day and night after the old grandfather left.

Yes, it is inseparable from the front.

What should I do? Maybe if I learn to fly, I can go to find the old grandfather.

But silly child, even if you fall to death, you can't fly away, you will only hurt yourself again and again...

The old grandfather will feel sorry for you if he knows.

"It doesn't matter, I will take you to find him."

Ye Yinchuan suddenly fell silent.

I hope everything is still in time.

Even if it is the last time.

The taxi is very fast and the driver's driving skills are very smooth, but when I think of the old grandfather in the ICU, he may never get out at any time, every minute and every second becomes particularly tormenting.

The ICU only has two days of rescue, 48 hours.

Once the 48 hours are up, if the rescue fails, it means the rescue is ineffective.

The old man was on the second day of rescue.

Either the rescue is successful, or...

According to the information obtained, Ye Yinchuan came to the door of the ICU ward, but he saw the red light of failed rescue and the piercing alarm...

A bed was pushed out.

Ye Yinchuan's heart tightened, looking at the bed covered with white cloth, which kept sinking.

Could it be that he was just one step late?

Ye Yinchuan saw the hand exposed under the white cloth, which was the hand of an elderly man, covered with age spots and wrinkles.

Looking at the number and name on the bed again, there would be no mistake.

Holding the little dog in his arms, Ye Yinchuan felt that he was one step slower than death after all.

The little dog can't fly, just like the god of death will not wait for anyone.

Just when Ye Yinchuan was sad for the old grandfather he had never met.


The little dog in his arms barked at the other side.

(Friendly reminder, in Beast World, pets can be brought into the hospital, including the entrance to the ICU, but of course they are not allowed inside.)

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