Beast Tamer

Chapter 3: Ice Crystal Bird Blood

Auspicious Beast Cauldron, a ore that was stained with the blood of a sacred beast in legend, was discovered and smelted into an auspicious cauldron. Ancient sacrificial runes were engraved on the cauldron, gathering the wishes of thousands of floating lives, gathering the infinite power of heaven and earth, and being born from the creation of heaven and earth.

As long as the auspicious beast cauldron encounters a treasure with the blood of a sacred beast, it can increase the effectiveness of the precious medicine by 30% out of thin air, which is quite precious.

Thinking of this, Youhuang told Youzhuang:

"Swim towards the east, there are good things there."

Although Youzhuang was puzzled, he nodded. He always believed in Ahuang's opinion.

After Youhuang told Youzhuang, he turned around and looked at the expressions of the people behind him.

Although most people were just confused by the phantom of the auspicious beast, there were still some people like Youhuang who observed the truth from the subtle details, looking thoughtful.

Youhuang counted and found that no more than ten people observed these strange phenomena.

Including several girls, one of the girls seemed to feel Youhuang's sight and turned her head to look at him.

You Huang smiled and nodded at her, and the girl turned her head suspiciously.

"You Huang, what are you and You Qingshui doing flirting with each other?" You Zhuang whispered, but You Huang ignored him.

You Zhuang chuckled and didn't care.

The discussion in the valley gradually stopped, and a large number of birds chirped in the valley. One by one, blue birds flew out and gathered on the valley.

The figure of the great witch appeared out of thin air from the flock of birds, looked at the eyes of everyone in the valley, and smiled at the children next to the auspicious beast tripod:

"Children, each of you choose a place, remember to come out in time when you can't bear it, otherwise the violent soul power will burst your body."

At this time, many strong family guards came to the side of the big tripod with wooden boards, put the wooden boards on the big tripod, and made a ladder.

One of the burly figures was particularly conspicuous.

"Dad, Dad, here, here."

You Zhuang waved his hands carelessly. Zhuang Hu looked up at him and was about to say something, but he closed his mouth in the indifferent eyes of the Great Witch.

Zhuang Hu turned his head helplessly and lowered his head to do things dully.

You Zhuang scratched his head, a little puzzled.

It was You Huang who understood something. He deliberately took You Zhuang to the west and felt the increasingly oppressive breath of You Zhuang's father.

You Huang smiled and stopped teasing Zhuang Hu. He turned around and took You Zhuang to the east and climbed onto the wooden board.

The other people observed by You Huang also chose this direction.

Looking at the bubbling liquid, You Zhuang was a little uneasy and had a little plan in his mind.

Will he get burned if he jumps down? You Zhuang's face was a little ugly.

Just when You Zhuang was hesitating, You Huang next to him raised his leg expressionlessly and kicked You Zhuang off the cauldron.

"Youhuang!! Gulp gulp..." Youzhuang widened his eyes and was gradually swallowed by the boiling liquid medicine.

Looking at the disappearing Youzhuang, Youhuang no longer hesitated, stepped forward, and sank into the liquid medicine.

In the darkness, a ray of light flashed on Youhuang's forehead, and the inexplicable soul power emitted a hazy light, which became more and more mysterious in the red potion.

Runes are the greatest and most wonderful power in this world. Through runes, rune beasts control the power of the five elements and destroy the world.

In ancient times, rune beasts were rampant and humans lived under oppression. Divine beasts fought and holy beasts were rampant. Humans died and were on the verge of extinction.

There are powerful people among humans. They observe rune beasts, study nature, and understand runes. Finally, they found that the rune-opening medicine made by mixing some rune plants and animal blood can open up the sea of ​​consciousness and stimulate the innate runes.

Humans finally developed their own unique twenty-four runes and opened up a new cultivation system.

Twenty-four runes, each with its own unique symbolic imprint, three runes for each level, eight levels in total.

Rune potential also varies, level one is the worst, level eight is the highest, and level one is also divided into low, medium, and high levels.

Runes can be used to draw soul contracts, contract rune beasts, and reach an agreement of life and death. The heaven and earth recognize that time cannot change, and the sacred beast cannot be erased.

There are too many secrets in the runes, and no one knows what can be obtained from them. Too many secrets are waiting for humans to discover.

A flash of blue light passed by, and Youhuang suddenly opened his eyes and looked down. Countless filaments gathered into mottled soul liquid beside him, and the filaments drilled into his body.

Youhuang exhaled the air from his lungs, opened his mouth, and a large amount of hot liquid medicine submerged him, and a feeling of suffocation came.

Youhuang let go of his mind and gradually felt that he could breathe in the liquid medicine.

After swallowing a few mouthfuls of the precious medicine liquid, Youhuang soon adapted to the strange feeling of breathing underwater.

Seeing that several people around him were falling into the cauldron, Youhuang also fell with it.

The inside of the cauldron was even more vast than it looked from the outside. After flowing downward for dozens of breaths, it finally touched the bottom.

At this time, the medicine liquid inside the cauldron was viscous and powerful. The blue soul power gathered to form a brilliant blue ocean, like a dream.

Youhuang felt the extraordinaryness of the medicine liquid, sat cross-legged, swallowed and spit out the medicine liquid, the blue medicine liquid entered his body, and a large amount of water with impurities was exhaled.

In this breath, a gap in the sea of ​​consciousness quietly opened.

On the valley field, the clan witch patted Zhuanghu's shoulder with a smile in his eyes. You Dazhuang saluted quickly. The clan witch smiled and said:

"Youhuang has a good eye. I put a few drops of ice crystal bird blood in the east of the auspicious beast cauldron."

Zhuanghu stared at the Great Wizard in amazement. After thinking for a while, he spoke cautiously:

"Great Wizard, too much pure blood has been invested this year. Will this not consume the power of the Ice Crystal Bird?"

The Great Wizard shook his head, and everyone was relieved.

The Ice Crystal Bird is not a sacred beast, and it is far inferior to the precious blood of Jiaozi, Pixiu, and Phoenix.

But the Ice Crystal Bird can open up a water-attributed sea of ​​consciousness with a high probability, and the pure blood of the beast king can nourish the sea of ​​consciousness and heal hidden injuries, which is the most neutral and peaceful.

The pure blood of the Ice Crystal Bird is rare, and it is impossible for the Youshui family to supply it to all children. The family secretly made an agreement.

The precious blood is invested in the Ruiding, and the capable will get it. Youhuang took Youzhuang to choose the right position, which is enviable.

But it is a pity that only a dozen people chose the east, and more people chose the west where there are the most auspicious beast phantoms. It is really a pity that they missed an opportunity.

"How could my kid know the secret of the big tripod? It's all the credit of Youhuang." Zhuanghu said so, but he was very happy in his heart.

"You deserve it too. Youhuang has been alone in the family since he was a child. Although I secretly take care of him, I still don't care as much as you do." The white-bearded witch leaning on a cane said.

"This child has been smart since he was a child, making people worry less. He is much better than my child." Zhuanghu clasped his fists and saluted respectfully, sighing in his heart.

Youhuang was brought from the Great Wilderness by the witch in his cradle. No one knew who his parents were, and no one knew why he appeared in the Great Wilderness.

As he grew older, his Youshui blood was strong, and he was given the surname You by the elders of the clan, and the word Huang, representing the child born in the Great Wilderness.

Because of the surname You, many people claimed him in his name, and the door was trampled. A child is very sensitive, and he has never seen such a scene.

Seeing that things were not going well, the tribe witch waved her hand and incorporated You Huang into the direct line of the third elder, and You Dazhuang raised him on his behalf. Only then did the tribe members calm down.

"It's also your blessing." The guard on the side flattered Zhuang Hu and brought him back to his thoughts.

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