Beast Tamer

Chapter 61 Breakthrough and Siege

After Youhuang put away the snow lotus, he took the girl to observe the surroundings quietly. After a while, Youhuang looked up and said:

"The water here is several feet deep, which is where the Youshui Spirit Spring is. You can remove the mark by immersing your whole body in the Spirit Spring."

Youhuang took off his black robe and walked into the water. The girl nodded and followed Youhuang into the cold pond.

After the soul power covered their bodies and isolated the icy breath, the two took a deep breath and drilled into the deep water.

The deeper they swam into the water, the darker it became. Until they couldn't see their fingers, suddenly a light appeared in front of them. The dark blue light was trapped in a small water group. Countless streams of light flickered, just like a spirit fish swimming.

Youhuang drilled towards the water group, crossed the boundary between the water group and the pond, and plunged into the Youshui Spirit Spring. In an instant, the liquid-like spiritual energy drilled into the meridians, and the meridians felt a burst of swelling and pain.

Youhuang knew that this was a sign that the spiritual energy was too thick and the body could not bear it, so Youhuang immediately crossed his legs and floated in the Youshui Spirit Spring.

Youqingshui behind him also felt the same feeling, and learned to sit cross-legged, with the rune on his forehead flashing.

The endless spiritual energy and willpower in the meridians condensed into soul threads, fell into the sea of ​​consciousness, and turned into part of the soul power fog sea.

The rune beasts in the fog sea absorbed soul power, and also increased synchronously with the increase of their cultivation.

The black and white circular runes on Youhuang's forehead swallowed and spit out the moonlight, condensing the spiritual energy and moonlight into the cold soul power, and turned into the dark blue soul power light into the sea of ​​consciousness.

In the sea of ​​consciousness, the red sun soul power and the cold soul power are clearly distinguished. In the red sun soul power, a closer look shows an orange-red beast egg swallowing and spitting out the red sun soul power.

That is the flame chirping bird beast egg. It is in the process of gestation, and it is unknown when it will hatch.

Leng Yue was immersed in the center of the cold soul power, absorbing a large amount of soul power for cultivation, and his cultivation and body were developing steadily between one breath and another.

Leng Yue, who had half stepped into the growth period, was like a half-full child during this period. Although Youhuang had already taken a large amount of spiritual liquid and talisman beast cores to feed it.

However, the usual feeding of talisman beast cores did not satisfy the appetite of the celestial demon, and the beast body was in a state of deficiency for a long time.

Leng Yue knew in his heart that he was very hungry and restrained his appetite. He did not absorb too much soul power in the sea of ​​consciousness, so as to avoid the lack of soul power in Youhuang and the weakness of the body due to the deficiency of meridians.

Now the spiritual energy and moonlight power that are sufficient to fill the meridians have turned into endless soul mist, which is inexhaustible.

This is not only Youhuang’s carnival, but also Leng Yue’s gluttonous moment. With one breath and one breath, Leng Yue’s cultivation rose at an unimaginable speed.

Forty-two years of cultivation, forty-four years, forty-six years. Forty-nine years, until after a crackling sound, Leng Yue's eyes flashed scarlet, and he raised his head and howled.

A hoarse beast cry sounded, the beast's body swelled, and the long hair wrapped around its body turned into a dark blue silk cocoon that wrapped Leng Yue up.

It began to transform into a growth period, and sufficient soul power continued to flow into its body, turning into fuel for the growth of the beast.

As the silk cocoon gradually formed, Leng Yue no longer absorbed soul power, but became silent waiting to break out of the cocoon.

At this time, Youhuang felt that Leng Yue was no longer absorbing soul power, and once again accelerated his pace to absorb the spiritual energy and the power of the moon. As the power of the moon continued to fall, as the soul power in the sea of ​​consciousness continued to increase.

"Boom!!" After a loud noise, the sea of ​​consciousness suddenly expanded, and the soul power in the body spread. Youhuang officially entered the first stage and fourth stage, entering the middle stage of the talisman beast disciple.

Youhuang looked inward at the cold moon in his sea of ​​consciousness, and couldn't help but chuckle, and then he gave up his thoughts.

What he didn't know was that a beast egg in his sea of ​​consciousness suddenly made a subtle click.

A tiny crack appeared on the beast egg, and with the slight sound, the Flame Bird was gradually waking up.

At this time, above the cold pond, a column of moonlight was suspended in the night sky, which was very eye-catching. The people of the Fire Mang family in the distance had already noticed this strange phenomenon and were rushing over in a hurry.

Youhuang didn't know that danger was coming, and swam to Youqingshui and waited quietly for the shadow mark to dissipate.

Youqingshui sank into the depths of the pond and soaked in the spirit spring of Youshui, quietly waiting for the shadow dark mark to gradually dissipate.

But after waiting for a long time, there was no sign of the shadow dark mark dissipating. Instead, the soul power cultivation in the body became deeper with the continuous infusion of spiritual energy. When he opened his eyes, there was the figure of Youhuang in front of him.

Youhuang also frowned in confusion at this time, and he couldn't figure out why the shadow seal was not expelled, so he waited for a while at risk.

Not long after, a bang sounded above the pool, and the loud noise was transmitted into the pool along with shouts.

The two people in the pool felt the breath in the distance, which was the breath of fire spirit power transmitted by the soul technique. Youhuang frowned and knew that trouble was coming.

Youhuang didn't have time to think, and his soul power vibrated slightly, carrying Youqingshui to the surface of the water, and the flame rolled from the surface of the lake.

Youhuang lowered his head and sank into the lake to avoid the flame attack, and his body jumped towards the shore, but was hit back by a flame soul attack.

Many rune beast disciples gathered on the shore. Looking around, they were all disciples of the Fire Mang family wearing red fire rune cloth armor. A young man on a big tree hugged his arms, and the suppressed soul breath was suffocating.

The two of them were afraid, and You Qingshui beside them uttered the boy's name: "Huo Ruizhi, the young master of the Huo Mang family."

"A late-stage talisman beast disciple." You Huang said with a headache.

I didn't expect that the traps and attacks I set up didn't work. Sure enough, some small tricks were nothing in front of the cultivation, and they were vulnerable.

But why didn't the shadow dark mark dissipate? If it dissipated, I would never be surrounded like this.

Before I could think, the enemy in the distance summoned a lizard, which landed on the ground, and dust rose up. The fire turbid lizard spit out its core and lifted up a boy. He looked down at You Huang.

Huo Ruizhi has a slender figure and a handsome face. His face is like a rock sculpture with clear and three-dimensional features. His angular features look very handsome.

"If I'm not wrong, you should be You Huang, the young master of the You family, the legendary sixth-grade rune genius." Huo Ruizhi said.

You Huang didn't say anything. He looked at the fire turbid lizard and his heart froze. Fire turbid lizard, demon beast world - beast clan - sub-dragon clan - fire lizard sub-clan, fourth-grade talisman beast, growth period of 70 years.

You Huang didn't panic. His soul power slightly shook and he jumped out of the water. His water cloud boots stepped on the water vapor and hung above the water. He looked around quietly and carefully observed the talisman beast disciples on the shore.

Forty-five low-level talisman beast disciples surrounded the cold pond and formed the first line of defense. After that, there were more than 20 middle-level talisman beast disciples who blocked the loopholes of the entire encirclement.

And there was only one high-level talisman beast disciple, that is, the young master of the Huo Mang family standing on the forehead of the fire turbid lizard - Huo Ruizhi.

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