At this point, Zhulong's evolution was completely completed.

Looking at the completely different Zhulong, Xu Changsheng's eyes flashed with excitement that was difficult to conceal.

Today's Xu Changsheng is no longer the entry-level beastmaster he was before.

He now understands that after the beastmaster has evolved, the greater the difference between the appearance and the previous one, the greater the improvement.

And Zhulong's current transformation can be called a skin change, and its strength will inevitably be greatly improved.

Xu Changsheng couldn't wait to use his SSS-level talent [Eye of the World] to check Zhulong's current specific information

【Race: Day and Night Dragon King (dual attributes of light and darkness)】

【Qualification: Day High】

【Rank: Gold 6th Rank】

【Talented skills: Nightfall (Legend), Sunburn (Legend), Time Control (Legend), Candle Dragon True Body (Invincible), Dragon Rage (Invincible)】

【The only evolutionary route, both light and dark: After one evolution, it can be advanced to Day and Night Dragon King (Sun level). After the second evolution, it can be advanced to Candle Dragon (Mythical level)】

【Nightfall: The beast will deprive the enemy of its five senses for a long time, making the enemy enter pure darkness. If the enemy's strength is less than or equal to that of the beast, it will be permanently deprived of its five senses.】

【Sun Burning Heart: The beast summons a small sun and forcibly implants it into the enemy's body, causing long-lasting burning damage. The sun will not die until the enemy dies.】

【Time Control: The beast has the ability to control time. If it uses this skill, time will stop for half a minute within a 1,000-meter radius. During this time, only the master and the beast can move freely.】

【Note: After this skill ends, it will consume a lot of the beast's physical strength】

【Zhulong True Body: The beast will forcefully activate its bloodline and enter the Zhulong state for a short period of time, with the time control time increased to five minutes. At the same time, it will awaken the"Suffering of Four Seasons""、"Day and Night Cycle" two skills】

【Suffering of Four Seasons: The enemy will be forced to experience the extreme four seasons in a very short period of time, causing irreparable damage to the enemy's origin】

【Day and Night Cycle: The enemy will be forced to experience 365 days and nights in a very short period of time, causing irreparable soul damage to the enemy. At the same time, it will deprive the enemy of one year of life.】

【Dragon's Fury: The Dragon King's wrath, all beasts are subdued. If the enemy's talent is lower than the beast's, its attack power is reduced by 50%. If the enemy's rank is lower than the beast's, its defense ability is reduced by 50%. When the beast is in battle, the enemy will bear the Dragon King's wrath, and its action power will be reduced by 50%.】

【Note: This skill is a passive skill and does not require physical strength or energy.

Xu Changsheng has seen a lot of things, and he even has several Sun-level talent beasts under his command.

But after seeing Zhulong's information panel, he was still surprised to the point of almost being sluggish.

Dual invincible skills!

What a concept!

You know, an invincible skill can almost change the outcome of a battle.

But now, Zhulong has two such perverted skills.

What's more terrifying is that Zhulong's newly added invincible skill is even a passive skill!

This means that when a person or a fierce beast chooses to be hostile to Xu Changsheng, he will immediately have to bear two judgments. If the talent is not as strong as Zhulong, the attack power will be directly reduced by half! If the rank is not as high as Zhulong, the defense ability will be reduced by half again!

And the last effect does not even need to be judged, and it acts directly on the enemy.

Directly reduce its mobility by half.

If the enemy fails in the first two judgments, coupled with the last effect, then what is the difference between him and a useless person!

And such a skill is actually a passive skill!

No consumption is required!

Open at all times!

It can be said that if there is a large-scale battle in China,

Zhulong only needs to stand there and do nothing.

The enemy's strength will be weakened by half or even more!

The current Zhulong is completely a strategic weapon of the nuclear bomb level.

Moreover, after the evolution, Zhulong's various small skills have also been greatly improved.

【The temporary deprivation of the five senses of [At Night] was upgraded to long-term deprivation of the five senses.

Xu Changsheng didn't know how long the long time was yet.

But he firmly believed that it would never be shorter than the duration of a battle.

In other words, after entering the battle, at least one enemy would be a useless person without five senses!

What's more terrifying is that if the enemy's strength is lower than Zhulong.

Then his five senses will be permanently deprived!

Imagine that if a person permanently loses his five senses, then what is the difference between him and the living dead.

This is a punishment that is ten thousand times more terrifying than death!

[Sun Burning Heart] is similar to Bifang's Sky Fire.

Both have the characteristics of making the enemy immortal and the wounds indestructible, which can be said to be extremely difficult.

As Xu Changsheng's most critical control method, [Time Control] has also had a qualitative improvement in duration.

It has been directly increased from three seconds to thirty seconds.

A full tenfold increase!

Three seconds can already determine the outcome of an abnormal battle.

In thirty seconds, Xu Changsheng couldn't even imagine who could stop his attack.

Moreover, the range of [Time Control] has also been increased to twice the original.

Thicker and longer, this is the current Candle Dragon. What

's even more exaggerated is that the Candle Dragon that has entered [Candle Dragon's True Body] can control the time for up to five minutes, three hundred seconds!

Moreover, Xu Changsheng noticed

【The side effects of [Zhu Long Zhen Bu] disappeared!

This discovery cheered up Xu Changsheng again.

Doesn't this mean that the current Zhu Long can use [Zhu Long Zhen Bu] twice in a short period of time?

This is a qualitative leap for its sustained combat capability.

Of course, Xu Changsheng felt that it was impossible to have no side effects at all, but it was much smaller than before.

After analyzing all the data on the information panel, Xu Changsheng couldn't stop smiling.

Now his comprehensive strength has increased greatly.

Before, he had to use all his skills to defeat a world-class genius like Alger.

But now Xu Changsheng, to deal with Alger, he only needs to dispatch any beast except Dijiang Fuyao to easily solve it.

The gap between them can be imagined!

Now Xu Changsheng, after fully opening his strength, is fully confident to compete with the top strongmen like Shen Wuyan, and even beat them!

It can be said that Xu Changsheng's current explosive strength is not an exaggeration to say that he is the best in the world today!

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