It was a map.

Xu Changsheng took the map, and it felt cool to the touch, which made him feel refreshed.

With just a simple touch, he knew that the material of this map must be extraordinary.

Xu Changsheng took a quick look.

On the map, which was only half a meter long, the specific locations of all the countries in the world were clearly and detailed.

And a conspicuous red line ran through the entire map.

The starting point of the red line is China.

The end point is the United States.

In addition, the mapmaker also thoughtfully marked all the dangerous places on this road.

Black means extremely dangerous, and you must not enter the place.

Blue means high danger, and try not to enter unless it is urgent.

Green means mild danger, and you can explore according to your own strength.

"This is too powerful!"

Looking at the map in his hand, Xu Changsheng couldn't help but exclaimed.

In this world, mapping almost entirely requires a dedicated person to do it personally, and there is no room for laziness.

Even if all the conditions of a country are explored and made into a map, it often takes a team several years.

And a map like the one in Xu Changsheng's hand that includes all the countries in the world, I don't know how many generations will have to devote their entire lives to it.

""Treasure it! This is unique to our China, and it must not be passed on to others!"

Shen Wuyan warned solemnly.

For a map like this, in addition to the original, there are only three copies, which are in the hands of the top bosses in China.

After all, it is impossible to copy too many copies of such a strategic weapon.

Otherwise, it will be easily stolen by other countries.

Then, wouldn't the nearly 100 years of hard work of China be equivalent to making wedding clothes for others?

Hearing this, Xu Changsheng nodded solemnly.

He naturally knew the importance of this map and would never let anyone else see it.

""Okay, now that you are strong, I guess you don't need my protection anymore."

Shen Wuyan nodded. He could feel the powerful aura of Xu Changsheng. He still remembered that when he first met Xu Changsheng, he was just a novice beastmaster who was not much stronger than an ant.

In just a few days, he has grown to a level almost equal to him.

This also made Shen Wuyan amazed and more confident in his vision.

"Do you still have my token?"

At last, Shen Wuyan seemed to be worried and reminded:

"If there is any danger, wrap it with the power of the beast, and I will rush there as quickly as possible.

Although Xu Changsheng is so powerful now, there may be some special situation that requires his help.

""I'll keep it. How could I throw away your things?"

Xu Changsheng said with a smile.

Hearing this, Shen Wuyan nodded, explained, and left in a hurry.

As the top leader of China, he was naturally very busy.

He was able to take the time to personally guide Xu Changsheng because of their past friendship.

Xu Changsheng watched him leave, and then prepared to summon Bifang and rush to the United States according to the route on the map.

Suddenly, a timid voice came from the side.

"Um, are you the God of Killing? Can you sign an autograph for me?"

The staff member who originally received Xu Changsheng approached Xu Changsheng cautiously and asked.

He looked at Xu Changsheng with eyes full of expectation.


Xu Changsheng didn't know that his reputation as a killer had spread all over the country.

He looked around and saw that there were only himself and his staff around. Then he pointed at himself uncertainly:

"Are you talking to me?"

It would have been fine if Xu Changsheng hadn't asked, but once he did, the young man, who had just mustered up his courage, almost pissed himself.

In the eyes of the young man, Xu Changsheng's question was just like scolding him for being ignorant and interrupting a big shot like him.

He even imagined that he would be killed at will by the killing-addicted Xu Changsheng, and then his body would be left exposed in the wilderness.


The young man's face turned pale instantly, and he waved his hands while backing away.

In fact, it was not his fault. It was just that Xu Changsheng's record in Qingfeng City was too bloody and scary.

If Xu Changsheng had not been very gentle to him before, the young man would never have dared to come up and ask for an autograph.

Even so, he still made enough psychological preparations before daring to approach Xu Changsheng.

However, Xu Changsheng just asked a simple question, and all his courage was burned.

Seeing the young man's expression, Xu Changsheng became more and more confused.

But since there was no one else around, he must be talking to himself.

Thinking in his heart, Xu Changsheng took out a pen from the space ring.

"You said, where do you sign in?"

"this this this......"

The young man raised his shaking hand slowly and pointed to his chest.

The pure white shirt is indeed suitable for signing.

"You are a grown man, can you be a little braver? Why are you shaking in broad daylight?"

Xu Changsheng waved the pen in his hand while speaking.

After a moment, the big word"Changsheng" appeared on the young man's chest.

The shape of the two words was like a giant dragon flying, giving people a sense of infinite power.

The young man could even feel a tough and gentle beast-controlling power.

Through the tip of the pen, through the shirt, and into his body.

In an instant, the violent heartbeat calmed down, and the rapid breathing gradually returned to normal.

""Thank you!"

The young man lowered his head shyly to thank him, feeling ashamed of his behavior just now.

At the same time, he slapped himself in his heart.

Who said that Xu Changsheng had no murderous intent? Just a simple question almost scared him to death!

His thank you has not been responded to.

After a long time, the young man dared to raise his head.

He saw that Xu Changsheng had disappeared without a trace.

Only the two conspicuous characters on his chest told of his past footprints.

Looking at the two characters"Changsheng" written on his chest, Xu Changsheng's handsome and godly face appeared in the young man's mind again.

For a moment, he was stunned and speechless for a long time.

At this time, Xu Changsheng still didn't know that there was another male fan of his in the imperial capital.

Now he is standing behind Bifang, carefully planning his route forward.

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