"Is it so difficult to get here?!"

Xu Changsheng roared in his heart.

He was strong now, but no matter how strong he was, he was not strong enough to defeat hundreds of star-breaking beasts by himself!

If these beasts appeared in the real world, they would destroy the world!

No one, no country, could stop the charge of hundreds of star-breaking beasts.

""Roar, roar, roar!"

While Xu Changsheng was thinking, the beasts around him slowly approached.

There was a hint of teasing in their dark green eyes, as if they had already regarded Xu Changsheng and even the beasts around him as their own.

A fishy and unpleasant smell came from their mouths.

At the same time, a strong mental fluctuation suddenly exploded and rushed straight towards Xu Changsheng.

These beasts were rare spiritual beasts!

Their attacks were aimed directly at the soul.

Their previous carelessness was just a disguise, just to make Xu Changsheng relax his vigilance a little!

Unexpectedly, these beasts were so meticulous! Sure enough

, the intelligence of high-level beasts was no less than that of humans.

At the critical moment, the mysterious energy fluctuations came from Bai Ze From his body.

Then it quickly enveloped Xu Changsheng and other beasts such as Bifang.

In an instant, these terrifying mental attacks seemed to have lost their target, stagnated, and then dissipated in mid-air.

The many beasts surrounding Xu Changsheng also had a trace of confusion in their eyes.

They looked at each other, as if they didn't know why they were here.

The beasts that lost their target quickly dispersed.

They retreated back to the jungle where they had hidden before.

The dim green light disappeared in front of Xu Changsheng.

Until the end, their eyes were still flashing with deep confusion.

But how could these beasts of the Broken Star rank understand the power of destiny?!

In the distant real world, Changnan City

"Let me tell you, there was a senior student before you, and he was a true genius!......May......What's the name?......"

In a classroom of Changnan No. 1 Middle School, the principal Wang Ping was enthusiastically explaining something to the students.

But halfway through, he suddenly got stuck.

He looked confused, as if he had forgotten something extremely important, but he couldn't remember it.

After a moment, Wang Ping actually talked about a topic that had nothing to do with the previous words.

And no one present noticed anything wrong!

In a rental house in the imperial capital of the Huaxia Federation

"Xiaoling, you are not young anymore, it's time to find a suitable person to marry......cough cough......"

A weak and old voice came from the bed.

A white-haired old woman was looking at her daughter Zhou Xiaoling with a guilty look.

In her opinion, if she hadn't been bedridden

, her daughter would have no shortage of excellent suitors.

"Oh, Mom! Didn’t I tell you that I have a sweetheart?

Zhou Xiaoling said with a smile, her eyes full of brilliance.

When she thought of that man, she felt that her life was full of hope and sunshine.

But......What was his name?

What life? What longevity? What is his height?

A series of names flashed through her mind, but she couldn't come up with a correct answer.

Unconsciously, the man's figure and face slowly faded away in her mind.

""No! Don't!"

Zhou Xiaoling screamed desperately, and she stretched out her hand as if she wanted to grab something.

The sunlight outside the window fell on Zhou Xiaoling's beautiful face.

At this moment, she was already in tears.

After a moment, she touched her face and looked at the woman on the bed in surprise:

"Mom? What happened to me? Why am I crying?"

This kind of thing happens in every corner of the real world.

Xu Changsheng was like a portrait on paper, erased by a mysterious eraser.

Xu Changsheng, who was far away in the beast world, naturally had no idea about this.

He just felt relaxed all over, and even his soul had a sense of comfort that wanted to float up.

It was as if all the encumbrances and burdens were cut off at this moment!

However, now was obviously not the time for Xu Changsheng to enjoy himself. At this moment, he was looking at the beasts that had been eyeing him with surprise, and suddenly dispersed.

There was even a star-breaking beast that passed by him and even bumped into him.

Even so, the beast didn't even look at him!

What a magical ability!

Xu Changsheng had a deeper understanding of the power of Bai Ze's [Fate Separation].

If he hadn't just contracted Bai Ze.

Facing the offensive of hundreds of star-breaking beasts.

Xu Changsheng could only use Dijiang's [Space Leap] to flee in a hurry.

But if he did so, he would completely lose this precious opportunity to explore the beast world and advance Blood Shadow to a myth.

And , under the sudden attack of this group of spiritual beasts.

Xu Changsheng and Dijiang didn't even have a chance to react, and they were directly stunned on the spot.

Then they were completely torn apart and lost their lives. But with Bai Ze, everything is different!

Xu Changsheng just swaggered through this land of death, even a little arrogantly.

Along the way, no creature cast a glance at him. It was not until the effect of [Fate Separation] ended and Xu Changsheng was completely away from this group of terrible spiritual beasts that he breathed a sigh of relief.

However, at this moment, he was in trouble.

Unlike previous explorations.

Xu Changsheng's trip to the beast world this time has a clear goal.

That is the body of the King of the Night.

And he only has three days!

This means that Xu Changsheng must find the body of the King of the Night from the vast beast world within three days.

This is almost impossible for him without a map!

After thinking for a moment, Xu Changsheng turned his gaze to Bai Ze.

He looked at Bai Ze's furry body and thought in his heart

"Bai Ze, bless me with good luck, good luck for half a day, and do your best."

Since there is no map, then leave everything to fate. As soon as

Xu Changsheng finished speaking, a mysterious energy fluctuation came from Bai Ze, and then enveloped Xu Changsheng.

A cold feeling washed over Xu Changsheng's soul and limbs from top to bottom.

He shuddered, and his eyes closed slightly because of comfort.

When Xu Changsheng opened his eyes again.

He found that the world was different!

Everywhere he looked: weeds, flowers, bushes, tall trees, everything seemed to be cheering and happy for his existence.

The energy in the air was also more active, rushing into Xu Changsheng's body..

He didn't even need to actively practice, the power of controlling beasts in his body began to grow slowly.

At this moment, he seemed to have become the son of destiny, and everything in the world was helping him.

This feeling even made Xu Changsheng a little obsessed.

At this moment, a demonic wind blew from his left side.

The demonic wind was violent, sweeping Xu Changsheng's clothes, making a rustling sound, as if reminding Xu Changsheng something.

Feeling this strong wind.

Xu Changsheng did not hesitate, and led many beasts to the left.

With the blessing of good luck, he could believe in any kind of vision!

They were all summons to show him the way.

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