[Race: Ancient people (in the process of animalization)】

【Name: Lin Qianyuan】

【Talents: Wild Beast, Demigod Body, Death Eye】

【Crazy Beast: You can actively enter a frenzy state. In this state, your physical fitness is increased to twice the original and you gain unparalleled combat instincts. After the frenzy state ends, you will fall into a weak state.】

【Demigod Body: Reduces damage by 30%. If the enemy is lower in rank than you, the reduction is increased to 50%.】

【Death Eye: Your eyes can find the weakest part of the enemy. When you hit the enemy's weak point, there is a certain probability of causing double damage.】

【Rank: Star Shattering Level 3】

【Contract Beast Tamer: This unit cannot contract beast tamer】

【Note: This unit has been deeply corroded by beast blood, and its maximum lifespan is estimated to be thirty years. 】

The woman in front of him actually has three innate abilities.

And these abilities are so strong.

In Xu Changsheng's opinion, they are not inferior to ordinary S-level talents, and are even slightly better.

Moreover, these talents are completely born for the strength of Lin Qianyuan's own body.

Unlike the talents of Xu Changsheng and other people in the world of beast control, they are effective for beast control.

Moreover, she cannot contract beast control at all.

These are not the key points.

What Xu Changsheng cares about more is the race of this woman.

Ancient ancestors?

What does this represent, and whose ancestors?

Are they the ancestors of the humans in the beast world?

No! Absolutely not!

Lin Qianyuan herself is a contemporary person in the beast world, otherwise she would not have appeared in front of Xu Changsheng.


Suddenly, a terrifying guess appeared in Xu Changsheng's mind.

Could this person be an ancestor of the Beast Taming World?!

Even if not, the woman in front of him definitely has a close relationship with the Beast Taming World.

Apart from anything else, it can be seen from the pure Chinese language.

If the two worlds are unrelated, why do they speak the same language?

Xu Changsheng suppressed his doubts, looked at Lin Qianyuan who was kneeling on the ground, and asked:

"What does"the destined person" mean? Explain it."

After hearing his question, Lin Qianyuan dared to raise her head which had been lowered in awe.

She looked at Xu Changsheng respectfully, and caught the golden light flashing in his eyes. Her attitude became more serious.

"Our great leader predicted three things at the beginning of the disaster."

"First, the mysterious forest in the East rises from the ground, which is both a cage and a shelter."

"Second, the beast-blooded warriors are cursed by evil spirits, and their life span will never exceed fifty."

"Third, the destined person possesses magical powers that can transform ferocious beasts into the closest companions, and is the last hope of mankind."

At this point, Lin Qianyuan paused slightly and pointed to the forest behind Xu Changsheng:

"This is the first thing. The Demon Forest suddenly appeared about a thousand years ago and imprisoned almost all the high-level beasts."

"As for beast-blood warriors like us, even those in their thirties or forties rarely appear, let alone fifty years old."

Lin Qianyuan said enthusiastically:

"Only the last thing has not been fulfilled for thousands of years, and some people even think it is just a white lie from the leader."

"Until I met you!"

Xu Changsheng frowned, sorting out the information from the woman's mouth.......A magical prophecy.

If what Lin Qianyuan said is true, then everyone in the Beast Taming World is a destined person?

It's just that Lin Qianyuan happened to meet him. Moreover, a thousand years, this time point is completely different from the history that Xu Changsheng is familiar with!

The history of the Beast Taming World, with detailed records, can be traced back to ten thousand years ago.

The previous speculation was immediately broken by Xu Changsheng.

The more he thought about it, the more headache he had, so he simply stopped thinking about it.

He had more important things to do.

Since Lin Qianyuan determined that he was a destined person, then he, Xu Changsheng, might as well be the destined person for once.

""Okay, but I have another question. How can I get out?"

Xu Changsheng pointed to the red line under his feet.

"You just need to walk out directly. The red line will only work on ferocious beasts, not humans."

Lin Qianyuan replied quickly.

Xu Changsheng looked at Lin Qianyuan, even though there was a barrier of hideous black hair.

All the subtle expressions on her face were still seen by Xu Changsheng.

It's the truth!

Lin Qianyuan looked at Xu Changsheng's hesitant expression and realized that he did not trust her.

She gritted her teeth, stood up, stepped directly over the red line, came in front of Xu Changsheng, and then walked out of the red line.

Repeated this several times.

Nothing happened.

Seeing her actions, Xu Changsheng felt relieved.

At the same time, there seemed to be an inexplicable voice, guiding Xu Changsheng to move forward boldly.

With the addition of the two, Xu Changsheng no longer hesitated and stepped forward. He took a step forward. In one step, he crossed the terrifying red line.

To his surprise, he didn't feel anything.

Xu Changsheng was delighted, and immediately put his beast into the beast space, and then summoned it again.

With this operation, Bifang and other beasts also came safely outside the red line without any damage.

Lin Qianyuan was stunned by this scene.

She didn't understand why these huge beasts suddenly disappeared.

And then suddenly appeared next to the destined person.

She couldn't figure it out, so she simply attributed everything to a miracle.

Anyway, as the destined person, it's normal for Xu Changsheng to be a little special.

""Come on, take me to where you live."

Xu Changsheng ordered without hesitation.

Since fate had arranged for Lin Qianyuan to appear, there must be a reason for it, and all he had to do was follow her.

Lin Qianyuan nodded obediently.

Even if Xu Changsheng didn't say it, she would take the initiative to take Xu Changsheng back to the gathering place.

After all, she was not the only one there, waiting for the destined person to appear.

This was the hope for many people to survive.

"Tell me about the situation there, how many people with similar or stronger abilities are there, and so on."

While walking, Xu Changsheng was trying to find out about the human forces in the beast world.

It was unknown whether her brain had been corroded by the beast blood, or whether Lin Qianyuan herself was too naive.

Facing Xu Changsheng's tricks, she actually told him all about the human forces in the beast world.

The more Xu Changsheng listened, the more shocked he became.

Two hundred and twenty captains of the Broken Star rank.

Thirty captains of the Bright Moon rank.

Five deputy city lords of the Sun rank.

And the legendary city lord broke the legendary prophecy that his life span would not exceed fifty.

No one knew how old he was, and no one knew how terrifying his strength was.

The only thing that could be confirmed was that the strength of this city lord was definitely not inferior to that of the legendary mythical beast!

However, this was reasonable.

According to Lin Qianyuan, the gathering place where she was located was the largest gathering place for humans at present, with a total population of tens of millions.

If they did not have some strength, they would have perished in the extremely dangerous beast world.

Then Xu Changsheng asked Lin Qianyuan and others in detail about their cultivation methods.

However, the answer he got shocked him.

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