"Sir, we have already paid the entrance fee! Please let us pass!"

Zhang Erhui's old voice said with some helplessness.

There was even a hint of pleading in his tone.

Xu Changsheng had been in the caravan for two days, and although he had not communicated with other people, he still knew the names, voices and appearances of the important people in the caravan.

This Zhang Erhui was the old man who had decided to let him enter the carriage to rest, and he was indebted to him.

And the pure and moving girl was called Zhang Lingxin, the only granddaughter of Zhang Erhui.

At this moment, Zhang Lingxin's low sobs were faintly heard by Xu Changsheng.

He frowned.

These two days, it was Zhang Lingxin who personally brought him meals.

In addition, she was the first person who wanted to help him.

Xu Changsheng also had some good feelings for this girl next door.

Of course, it was the kind of good feelings that seniors have for juniors.

Xu Changsheng received the favors of the two, and when he saw that the two were in trouble, he would naturally not sit idly by.

He stepped out of the carriage softly.

The mini versions of Fuyao and Xueying landed on Xu Changsheng's left and right shoulders, like mascots.

His departure immediately attracted the attention of most people in the caravan.

This was the first time Xu Changsheng had stepped out of the carriage in the past two days!

However, soon, the shouting of the US border guards drew everyone's attention back.

"Hey, I paid the entrance fee! But......"

A white man with only a few sparse yellow hairs on his head laughed obscenely, his eyes sweeping back and forth over Zhang Lingxin's youthful and energetic body.

The meaning is self-evident.

"Sir! We......"

Zhang Erhui looked bitter and wanted to argue something, but was interrupted rudely by a young man behind the white man:

"Old thing! It's her blessing that our captain likes this little girl!"

"Besides, it is normal for us to keep these goods for ten days or half a month. No one can find any fault with them!"

Hearing this, Zhang Erhui's face became even more bitter.

The storage conditions for this batch of goods are extremely harsh.

If they are placed in a space ring, they will immediately lose their activity and become worthless.

They can only be preserved for up to three months in an environment with a lot of spiritual energy.

It is for this reason that Zhang Erhui spent almost half of his family fortune to form such a large caravan.

And the journey from China to the United States took them a full fifty days!

If they were detained for another ten days or half a month.

Then these goods would probably have become dregs and lost any value.

Their hard work these days has been wasted!

And the border personnel of the United States are so unscrupulous because they are sure of this!

They are sure that Zhang Erhui and his men dare not resist!

Moreover, these people have no chance to resist.

After all, in the territory of the United States, who listens to the words of you Chinese?

Over the years, this white strong man has used this to rape countless foreign girls

"I warn you, don't go too far!"

Seeing Zhang Lingxin's tearful expression, I felt sorry for her.

The strongest man in the caravan, Wang Shaohua, stood up.

He had some feelings for Zhang Lingxin, so how could he let a foreigner bully his sweetheart?

Seeing Wang Shaohua come forward, the other people in the caravan tightened their weapons.

The power of controlling beasts surged all over his body, as if he was going to fight to the death with the white man.


The white man, Johnson, sneered.


Suddenly, a chilling sound of crossbow loading came from above the city wall.

Countless cold and shining crossbows were aiming at the caravan.

It seemed that in the next second, these city defense equipment that were originally used to fight against the beast tide would be shot at humans.

Looking at the icy crossbow arrows, the anger on Wang Shaohua's face froze.

The words in his mouth also paused.

As a top-level platinum perception, he told him that he could never resist this crossbow arrow!

After all, this is a giant crossbow in a major city on the border of the United States!

Looking at Zhang Lingxin's expectant eyes, Wang Shaohua's head shrank, and then drooped weakly.

Beauty is good, but one's own life is obviously more important.

Wang Shaohua is like this, not to mention the other people in the caravan.

Johnson looked at the people in front of him who were as obedient as chickens, and a disdainful smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

""How about it, beauty, come with me!"

Then, he looked at Zhang Lingxin's tearful face, and suddenly a desire to conquer her surged into his lower abdomen.

He walked towards Zhang Lingxin with a lustful look, pretending to pull her hand.

""Take your dog hands away!"

Suddenly, a cold voice came from the crowd.

Johnson paused and looked towards the place where the voice came from with anger on his face.

He wanted to see who dared to provoke him here!

A tall and handsome young man strode out of the crowd.

"Boy! What did you say? ?"

Seeing Xu Changsheng getting closer and closer, Johnson's mouth showed an excited smile.

His sexual orientation is very open.

Xu Changsheng's handsome face and the momentum brought by his high position naturally aroused his sexual interest.

He swore that he must let this young man experience what pain and despair are!

The more Johnson thought about it, the more excited he became, and even the thing under his crotch had a tendency to rise.

Xu Changsheng stood still, looking at the obscene smile on Johnson's face expressionlessly.

Then he raised his right hand high and swung it hard at Johnson's ugly face.


The crisp sound of a slap was heard by everyone.

How strong is Xu Changsheng's physical fitness now?

Before the journey to the beast world, he could rival a diamond-level beastmaster.

Moreover, after he completely repaired his injuries, he felt like he had broken through and then stood up again, and his physical strength was further improved.

He slapped Johnson and sent him flying in the air.

Johnson���The body was flying and spinning in the air, like a spinning top being whipped away by a strong force.


Then, he fell to the ground with his face, free fall, and hit the ground hard, making a dull sound.

Everyone present, whether it was Zhang Erhui and other caravan members or the people guarding the city on the US border, were all stunned by this scene.

None of them could have imagined that this handsome young man would be so cruel!

Then, Xu Changsheng's cold voice woke everyone up from their dazed state:

"If I see your eyes like this again, I will dig out your dog eyes and feed them to flies!"

The heavy pressure and majestic momentum made everyone present speechless.

Xu Changsheng turned around and whispered to the other US border personnel:

"What are you standing there for?! Open the door! Let them pass!"

With this demeanor, those who don't know would think Xu Changsheng is the leader of the US border.

And these soldiers, under the pressure of Xu Changsheng's momentum, actually did what he said!

This operation made Zhang Erhui and Zhang Lingxin dumbfounded!

Especially Zhang Lingxin, her mouth opened wide in shock, revealing her pink tongue.

This expression, coupled with her innocent face, was extremely contrasting.

""Let's go! What are you looking at me for?"

Xu Changsheng glanced at them inconspicuously, then waved his hand and gave orders.

Everyone seemed to have just woken up from their dream and hurriedly walked towards the city.

""No one is allowed to move! I'm going to kill them! All of them! Kill them!"

A hysterical roar suddenly came.

The originally relaxed atmosphere suddenly froze!

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