"Oh no!"

Hearing this, Allen thought to himself that it was not good.

These old guys had already closed themselves off in the glorious days of the United States, and did not hear the changes in the external situation.

They also did not know about the strong men who had appeared recently.

They had no idea of Xu Changsheng's true strength, so they dared to provoke him!

But he had seen with his own eyes the ruthlessness of Xu Changsheng's attack!

That was the degree of killing with one move!

"Xu Changsheng, don't......"

Allen was about to speak out to stop him.

But halfway through his words, he sensed a strange energy fluctuation coming from behind him.

He turned his head and found that the shadow of the old man who spoke had gained his own consciousness.

At this moment, the shadow grabbed the old man's collar with one hand and lifted him up into the air.

""Pa, pa, pa!"

The other hand almost left an afterimage, slapping the old man in the face countless times.

Suddenly, the old man's face swelled up bigger than his 300-pound butt!

The blood in his mouth mixed with the knocked-out teeth fell out together.

There was even more regret in his eyes.

Why did he have to say that?

The other old men looked at the miserable scene of their former colleagues with trembling souls.

They were all glad that they did not speak.

Otherwise, they would have ended up like this.

And the look they gave Xu Changsheng was even more fearful.

All this happened almost in an instant.

Even with Allen's strength, he was too late to stop it.

When he wanted to stop it, the old man's shadow had returned to normal.

It was just that his swollen faces told everyone about his misery.

""Alan, I'll teach your subordinates a lesson for you. Tell me, how come you don't know that subordinates shouldn't interrupt when their leaders are talking?"

Xu Changsheng's indifferent voice reached Alan's ears.

Instead of being angry, he felt a little relieved:

Xu Changsheng didn't kill him!

He saved himself some face after all.

At this time, the image of a killing god that Xu Changsheng had always established came into play.

Even if he directly bypassed Alan and taught his subordinates a lesson for him.

But as long as it wasn't too excessive, the other party would not be angry, but would feel that Xu Changsheng gave him face.

What is this called?

As long as a wicked person does something not so bad, others will think he is good.

And as long as a good person reveals a trace of malice, others will think he is unforgivable.

This is human nature.

People are mean!

"Add two more chances to select resources from the treasury, a total of five times"

"Moreover, I want to sell all the goods of the caravan that entered the city before."

Seeing his actions, everyone was completely stunned.

Xu Changsheng nodded with satisfaction, and then quickly stated his demands.

Two extra selection opportunities, this request can be said to be greedy!

After all, every treasure in the national treasury is priceless and extremely precious.

However, everyone has now witnessed the ruthlessness of Xu Changsheng.

Therefore, no one dared to refute for a while!

And Allen felt that Xu Changsheng had saved face for him, and it was even more difficult to refute Xu Changsheng's request.

Moreover, they were wrong in the first place in this matter!

Therefore, nodding was also a tacit agreement!

As for the second request, it was not a request at all.

For the huge United States, it is naturally easy to digest goods worth only tens of millions.

What's more, those goods are what the United States needs.

And Xu Changsheng made this request in order to repay the kindness of Zhang Erhui and others to him.

Helping them enter the city and sell goods can also be regarded as repaying the kindness of taking them in for the past two days.

After the discussion of major matters, the atmosphere suddenly eased a lot

"You take him to get treatment."

Allen turned around and ordered the others to take the groaning old man away.

You know, the attacks of the blood shadow are accompanied by soul injuries.

Although it deliberately held back in this attack, even a weak soul injury is enough to make such an old man suffer.

"After not seeing you for a few days, you have grown to such a level!"

After everyone dispersed, Allen looked at Xu Changsheng with complicated eyes.

Allen knew that Xu Changsheng's strength was definitely not inferior to his own, and even exceeded it!

This was also an important reason why he agreed to Xu Changsheng's request!

If Xu Changsheng's strength was low, he would not care about right or wrong.

As long as he dared to make a request, Allen would dare to beat him half to death.

This is the naked world of beast control, where the strong are respected.

Only when you are strong enough will others respect you.

Before, Xu Changsheng could barely do this with the support of Shen Wuyan.

But now, he has won the respect of everyone by relying on himself.

""It's OK."

Xu Changsheng said casually.

Blood Shadow's continuous advancement in the Devil Volcano Group has made a huge leap in his strength.

If he had been struggling to face strong men like Shen Wuyan and Allen before, he would still be a little exhausted.

But now, crushing!

Crush in every sense.

Whether it is explosive power or endurance, all crushing.

Now Xu Changsheng is the undisputed number one in the world of beast control!

Seeing that Xu Changsheng had no intention of chatting, Allen stopped talking nonsense.

He took Xu Changsheng and flew to the capital of the United States.

The exotic scenery flashed quickly in front of Xu Changsheng's eyes.

With the current strength of the two, it only takes an hour to fly from the border of the United States to the capital.

Unlike the Chinese capital.

In In the capital of the United States, no matter what your status is, you are not allowed to use flying beasts outside of wartime.

Even Allen, the strongest man in the United States, cannot do that!

Therefore, after approaching the capital, Allen and Xu Changsheng walked to the designated location.

Crossing the streets and walking through the alleys, from crowded places to deserted places.

The body temperature felt higher and higher, and a familiar smell of sulfur rushed into Xu Changsheng's nose.

In a trance, he seemed to have returned to the days in the Devil's Volcano Group.

Finally, the two stopped at the foot of a snow-capped mountain that reached the sky.

Xu Changsheng looked strange.

He didn't know why there were snow-capped mountains under such high temperatures.

Moreover, there was no sign of melting of these snows.

"Get ready, we're going in!"

Allen warned.

After Xu Changsheng nodded, a white light immediately enveloped the two of them.

When he opened his eyes again, Xu Changsheng was shocked by the scene in front of him.

Everywhere he looked, there was a blazing flame.

Through the flame, Xu Changsheng could clearly see the snow-capped mountain.

Under the snow, the flame was steaming and burning in the snow-capped mountain, bursting out huge heat.

Ice and fire are obviously two completely opposite things.

At this moment, they are clearly separated, and no one affects anyone.

This ability is also terrifying!

"If an enemy attacks, the snow that has accumulated for a thousand years and the fire that has been burning for a thousand years will instantly fuse together. The energy that explodes in this instant is enough to kill everything! Even a strong man of the Sun-level is no exception."

Alan explained and warned.

He was really afraid that Xu Changsheng, who had no taboos, would enter the treasury and take away everything.

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