Hearing this, everyone's eyes lit up.

Yes, they couldn't think of what to reward Xu Changsheng with.

So why not let him make his own request!

After all, the one who knows Xu Changsheng's needs best is always himself.

So the others echoed:

"Yes, Changsheng, you said, we will definitely do it!"

"Changsheng, you can say whatever you want, don't feel any psychological burden. Compared with your natural ability, those so-called natural treasures are nothing."

And Xu Changsheng did not refuse. Now time is pressing, he must improve his strength in the shortest time.

And among the beasts he has contracted now.

Xueying is a dark attribute beast, Bifang is a wood and fire dual attribute beast, and Fuyao is a pure wood attribute beast.

And the Candle Dragon Emperor Jiang Bai Ze controls the three most powerful abilities of time, space and destiny respectively.

As for the unhatched Xuanwu and Fei

, they correspond to the two attributes of water and poison. In other words, Xu Changsheng at present can barely be regarded as a beast with eight different attributes. However

, the beasts in the beast world can be divided into fourteen attributes according to their attributes: gold, wood, water, fire, earth, light, dark, thunder, poison, charm, time, space, destiny, and body.

It can be seen that even Xu Changsheng still lacks a beast with six attributes.

And the number of contracts he has left is exactly six.

In the dark, there is a will of heaven.

Looking at the expectant eyes of everyone, Xu Changsheng said directly:

"I need beast eggs with six different attributes: gold, earth, light, thunder, charm, and flesh. And the talents of these beast eggs must be at least at the Broken Star level!"If the initial talent of the beast egg is at the Broken Star level, then it must contain mythical blood in its body, and its subsequent development potential is huge.


Hearing Xu Changsheng's request, everyone took a deep breath unconsciously.

It's not that his request was too much.

But these big guys have already seen his purpose from Xu Changsheng's needs: this kid actually wants to collect all the attributes of beasts!

You know, most beast masters will deliberately contract beasts of a certain attribute due to the limitations of their own talents.

For example, Liu Anxue, her talent is extremely suitable for a variant of water attribute, ice attribute beasts.

Moreover, beasts of the same attribute can also have a certain amplification effect on each other's abilities during combat.

Therefore, whether it is a low-level beast master or a high-level beast master.

When choosing a beast, they often focus on one or two attributes, and no more than three at most!

But now Xu Changsheng actually wants to collect them all!

Suddenly, an old man with white hair and beard exclaimed:

"you......You actually want to reach that realm!"

Everyone was attracted by his scream and didn't understand why.

Seeing everyone looking at him, the old man explained:

"I once read in an ancient book that if a beastmaster gathers all the attributes of the beasts, he will reach a terrifying state."

"In that state, all the abilities of the beast belong to the beastmaster himself, and all the abilities will be greatly enhanced."

"At that time, the beastmaster will be able to rely on himself to transcend the world and ascend to the legendary fairyland."

Hearing his explanation, Xu Changsheng's eyes showed a trace of thought.

Originally, he only had this kind of insight vaguely, but he didn't expect that there was really an accurate record.

This old man is not strong, but he has read a lot of books and his knowledge reserves are so huge that no one can imagine.

What he said should be somewhat true.

So, Xu Changsheng asked anxiously:

"Mr. Hu, is there anything else in the book?"

Mr. Hu shook his head and replied:

"No, there are only a few words of explanation in the book. I still have some impression of it because I yearn for that state. I just didn't expect that there is really such a talented person like you who can do this in reality."

""Okay, thank you, Mr. Hu."

Although he didn't get more information, Xu Changsheng still bowed and thanked him.

After all, Mr. Hu's words also made his goal clearer.

Perhaps, only by reaching that realm can he truly compete with the Beast God and then kill the evil spirit!

The conversation between the two was naturally heard clearly by others.

Their faces showed a strong shock that could not be dissolved.

They have lived for a long time and have not even reached the Star Shattering Level.

And Xu Changsheng actually began to seek the realm after the myth!

This person is so angry that he can kill people!

"By the way, I also hope that everyone can help me with a series of materials for my beast evolution."

Xu Changsheng continued, pulling everyone back from their shock.

"As it should be."

Yan Hua nodded and continued to ask:

"Is there anything else?"

Although what Xu Changsheng wants seems to be a lot, it is actually very little compared to his contribution!

After all, Xu Changsheng alone can provide at least tens of thousands of stable evolutionary routes.

This contribution is ten times more than the exploration of countless beast control theorists for tens of millions of years! With just these few things he wants, Yan Hua feels a little sorry for Xu Changsheng.

Xu Changsheng pondered for a moment, then shook his head:

"No, it won’t be too late to tell you when I have one."

Yan Hua clapped his hands and laughed:

"That's right, China is your home, you can take whatever you want from home. By the way, Changsheng, when will we start providing the evolution route for beast control?"As soon as these words came out, countless expectant eyes gathered behind Xu Changsheng.

He pondered:

"Tomorrow afternoon, I have some things to do before that."

At this point, Xu Changsheng looked at Shen Wuyan:

"Principal Shen, please tell these elders what I said before."

"I'll excuse me from staying with you here any longer!"

After saying that, he flashed and actually walked past the others and went straight to the door.

Xu Changsheng didn't have time to be meaninglessly polite with these big guys.

Every minute and every second was extremely precious to him now.


Some people looked at Xu Changsheng's departing back, their faces slightly annoyed, thinking that this young man was a little arrogant.

Shen Wuyan also looked at Xu Changsheng's receding figure.

Unlike others, he could feel the heavy pressure on the young man in front of him.

That kind of pressure can almost make a person completely collapse!

Once upon a time, he also had this kind of burden that almost made him breathless.

"Everyone is happy, let's listen to something not so happy."

Shen Wuyan said after seeing Xu Changsheng completely disappear.

As his lips opened and closed, a series of shocking secrets fell into everyone's ears.

Their faces changed from anger to shock and then to horror, and finally turned into deep admiration.

The figure of the young man who hurriedly left in his mind.

At this moment, it seemed to become unusually tall, so tall that he took all the responsibilities alone.

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