The fierce sky fire burned wantonly in the air, fierce and beautiful, even more gorgeous than the most perfect sunset in the world.

However, beneath this beauty, there is a deep danger.

Even after being neutralized by the black mucus, the scorching flames still caused considerable damage to the evil spirits.

Combined with the scorching sun summoned by Zhulong, the evil spirits' physical strength was greatly reduced.

As for the main force of the battle, it was naturally the blood shadow.

Every jumping note left a deep scar on the evil spirit, and blood flowed out of its body like a stream.

Then it was quickly burned to ashes by the high temperature of the scorching sun and the sky fire.

The phantom of the fierce beast summoned by the blood shadow intercepted countless evil spirits that wanted to plunder the residents in the city, making a huge contribution to the battle. With

Xu Changsheng's full effort, more than 300 evil spirits were completely eliminated within a dozen minutes.

Not even one was left!

""Hu! Hu! Hu!"

Blood Shadow shrank back to Xu Changsheng's side, and the sound of heavy breathing echoed in his ears.

Countless wounds grew on Blood Shadow's body like weeds.

Ink-like blood slowly flowed out of the wounds, wetting the city wall under its feet.

But its body did not tremble because of the severe pain from the wounds. It slowly swept its eyes over the large number of evil spirit corpses under the city, and its contempt was fully revealed.

What kind of rubbish dares to hurt my King of the Night?

Then Blood Shadow looked at Xu Changsheng and quietly came over, with its wolf head raised, and a sense of joy in its pure black eyes.

Xu Changsheng saw that it was asking for praise.

In the last second, it was still the arrogant king who looked down on the world, and in the next second, it became a well-behaved puppy waiting for its master to praise it.

This sense of contrast made Xu Changsheng unable to hold back the smile on the corner of his mouth. He leaned down and stroked the hair on Blood Shadow's neck and said:

""You are so strong, Blood Shadow! How can I live without you!"

Hearing Xu Changsheng's praise, Blood Shadow's wolf tail swayed unconsciously, and it was obvious that he was in a very happy mood.

This scene naturally attracted the envy of other beasts.

They also came to Xu Changsheng, waiting for his favor.

Xu Changsheng naturally met this request.

You can't favor one over the other!

After pacifying his beast, Xu Changsheng glanced around.

He found that Chen Ying was standing behind him, waiting for his order.

His head was slightly lowered, his hands crossed on his lower abdomen, and he was extremely respectful.

For Xu Changsheng, who first solved the pension problem of his comrades and cleared the evil forces in Changnan City.

Now he is turning the tide and saving Changnan City.

Chen Ying was even willing to sacrifice his life for him.

Lin Hongjiang, Wang Ping and other high-ranking officials of Changnan also stood behind Xu Changsheng with a respectful look on their faces.

In this way, they were not facing their juniors and students.

But a hero who saved Changnan!

No matter how high the etiquette is, it is not excessive to treat Xu Changsheng.

And the ordinary citizens under the city wall were even more exaggerated.

Looking around, people bowed 90 degrees, knelt directly, and cried everywhere.

They were sincerely grateful that Xu Changsheng saved themselves and their families' lives.

After all, anyone with eyes can see that this evil spirit is definitely not something that Changnan City's regular forces can deal with.

Seeing this scene, Xu Changsheng waved his hand slightly and said:

"What are you doing? It makes me feel awkward. Get up, get up."

Chen Ying didn't mind, after all, he had helped him. But he was a little uncomfortable with the way Lin Hongjiang and Wang Ping, two seniors who had done him a favor, looked at him!

"Changsheng, what are these things?"

Lin Hongjiang walked up and looked at the corpses of the evil spirits under the city wall with lingering fear.

These corpses, even though they were dead, still secreted that kind of black mucus all the time, eroding the soil under the corpses.

And the eroded land was no longer soft as before, and even began to clump!

Obviously, it can no longer be used normally.

Evil spirits, even if they are dead, will still cause great harm to the world.

What a terrifying creature!

Hearing his question, Xu Changsheng responded:

"Evil spirits are extremely terrifying creatures."

Then he changed the subject and said:

"Uncle Lin, you should have notified the people in the imperial capital, right?"

Lin Hongjiang immediately responded:

"The moment the evil spirit descended, I notified them and also informed the top officials of the imperial capital of your presence."

"It should take several hours to arrive."

Xu Changsheng nodded.

Only when people witness the horror of creatures like evil spirits with their own eyes, will everyone pay more attention to it.

Otherwise, it's just his one-sided words.

No matter how much Shen Wuyan, Yan Hua and others believe in him, they will eventually have an unrealistic fantasy:

What if the beast god is deceiving Xu Changsheng?

And now, it's time to break this fantasy and face the real reality.

However, before that, the corpses of the evil spirits under the city wall must be dealt with first.

At least they can't be allowed to erode the land.

He jumped and landed steadily under the ten-meter-high wall.

With Xu Changsheng's current strength, this height is no longer a problem.

The others can't be as cool as him.

They looked at Xu Changsheng with envy, and then quickly walked down the city wall and came to the outside of the city.

At this moment, Xu Changsheng's eyes were flashing with golden light, collecting specific information about the evil spirits.

【Race: Evil Spirit】

【Qualification: Haoyue medium】

【Rank: Star Shattering Level 5】

【Talented skills: Bone Wing Rapid Vibration (Epic), Defense Breaking Attack (Legendary), Soul-Destroying Night (Legendary), Dead Silence Body (Legendary)】

【Note: The corpse of an evil spirit can only be burned at extremely high temperatures.】

【Note: The heart of the evil spirit can purify the blood of the Sun-level beast/vicious beast, and the rest of the body parts contain poison! 】

As Xu Changsheng expected, even the evil spirit could not escape the analysis of his SSS-level talent [Eye of the World].

Information flashed quickly in front of Xu Changsheng's eyes like running water.

Except for the slightly different qualifications and talents of these evil spirits, the talents and skills of the three hundred evil spirits are exactly the same!

As if they were carved out of the same mold.

This is incredible in Xu Changsheng's view!

You know, even the same species will derive different skills due to individual differences.

Maybe there will be one or two common talents and skills within this race, but four skills are exactly the same, which is no different from a fairy tale!

However, what surprised Xu Changsheng the most was the last sentence:

The heart of the evil spirit can actually purify the blood of the Sun-level beast!!!

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