As soon as Xu Changsheng entered Changnan City, he was shocked by the scene in front of him.

Everywhere he looked, there were dense crowds of people.

These citizens stood on both sides of the road spontaneously, looking at Xu Changsheng who was walking slowly with fanatical expressions.

They didn't know whether Xu Changsheng would enter the city.

They didn't know when Xu Changsheng would enter the city.

But these citizens still chose to wait!

Waiting for the greatest pride of their Changnan City and even the Huaxia Federation, Xu Changsheng!

Originally, the citizens of Changnan were somewhat curious and proud of this young man who walked out of the small city of Changnan and stepped onto the top of the world.

But when Xu Changsheng personally rescued them from the dilemma of certain death.

This curiosity and pride turned into infinite respect!

Xu Changsheng even saw that some people saw him getting closer and closer, and their faces became more and more excited.

Some people even rolled their eyes, danced with joy, and almost shouted.

But his hands still covered his mouth tightly, for fear of offending Xu Changsheng.

Such situations are everywhere, and there are even more exaggerated ones!

This is even more fanatical than those fanatical fans that Xu Changsheng saw on the Internet in his previous life!

After all, in the world of beast control, strength is king.

A young man like Xu Changsheng who has both strength and good looks is simply the idol that everyone should admire the most.

Xu Changsheng walked through the crowd, and suddenly his eyes lit up, and he walked straight to the end of the crowd.

"Lin Hang! I can actually meet you here."

With a sincere joy on his face, he excitedly hugged the student in front of him who was still wearing the uniform of Changnan No. 1 Middle School.

He was tall, dark-skinned, and always had a silly smile on his face.

Who else could this be but Lin Hang, his long-time friend in Changnan!

For a moment, countless envious eyes stabbed at Lin Hang in Xu Changsheng's arms like knives, wishing to replace him immediately.

Seeing Xu Changsheng, Lin Hang was naturally very surprised.

But he didn't even dare to step forward and recognize Xu Changsheng. He only dared to stand at the end of the crowd and look up at the extremely dazzling boy.

Xu Changsheng, who used to eat and attend classes with him, had only grown up for half a year.

Even if Lin Hang looked up, he couldn't see his face clearly.

The joy for his friend's achievements and the inferiority complex for his own incompetence surged into his heart.

But now, Xu Changsheng's big hug swept away all of Lin Hang's negative emotions.

A heartfelt smile also appeared on his face.

"Let's go, this is not the place to talk."

Xu Changsheng summoned Bifang to his front.

Its agate-like fiery red feathers and indescribable temperament immediately attracted a lot of admiration.

Xu Changsheng took the lead in jumping onto Bifang's back, and then pulled Lin Hang over.

With a clear cry, the two quickly disappeared from everyone's sight.

Seeing his good friend, Xu Changsheng was filled with emotion.

In this life, his parents died early. Although he left a pension, it could only maintain his basic survival.

Xu Changsheng, who was only an elementary school student at the time, had no ability to do odd jobs to make money.

No store was willing to take the risk of breaking the law to take in child laborers.

It was Lin Hang's parents who felt sorry for him and called Xu Changsheng from time to time. Come to his house for dinner, and occasionally buy him a new piece of clothing.

This made Xu Changsheng's childhood and youth life seem less bleak.

Xu Changsheng and Lin Hang grew up together, and their feelings are self-evident.

Therefore, at the very beginning of the awakening ceremony.

Xu Changsheng was particularly angry because Lin Hang was insulted by Gu Siyuan, and he even did not hesitate to provoke him.

But after awakening his talent, Xu Changsheng was almost always busy improving his strength, and had almost no time to communicate with Lin Hang.

After he went to the imperial capital, because of the long journey and inconvenient communication.

The two almost lost contact.

After that, the Ten Thousand Nations Competition, the Beast God, and the Evil Spirit.........

One thing after another weighed on Xu Changsheng's shoulders.

The huge pressure made him unable to take care of his own life, let alone Lin Hang who was far away in Changnan.

It was not until today that the two of them really met.

Countless memories came to his mind, and when Xu Changsheng reacted.

Bifang had already arrived at the door of his former home.

He opened the door with the key and found that the objects inside were as good as new, with almost no dust.

It seems that Lin Hongjiang and others have put a lot of thought into it.

"Come sit down."

Xu Changsheng greeted Lin Hang, brought him a glass of water and asked casually:

"How is your life recently? What level have you reached in your cultivation?"

Lin Hang was flattered and took the cup of water. He took a sip to suppress his excitement.

How could he be so worthy of such a high school student? He actually let the world's strongest man pour water for him!

Now Lin Hang had only two words in his mind:

It's so cool!

"I am at Bronze 3rd level, one of my beasts is at Bronze 5th level, and one is at Bronze 1st level."

Of course, Lin Hang did not forget to respond to Xu Changsheng's question.


Xu Changsheng nodded in understanding.

Bronze, to him, was such a distant word.

"One is a cracked wind monkey, right? What about the other one?"

Xu Changsheng recalled. He still remembered that Lin Hang's first beast was recommended by him personally.

Moreover, he clearly remembered that the evolutionary route he had given to the Huaxia Federation before included a creature like the cracked wind monkey.

""Sky-shaking Ape!"

Lin Hang said loudly, obviously very satisfied with this beast.

""Okay, okay, that's good."

Xu Changsheng nodded with satisfaction. He had given the official evolution routes to these two beasts, and they had great potential.

"Here, this thing is for you."

As he said that, Xu Changsheng took out a space ring and stuffed it into Lin Hang's hand without further ado.

Inside was energy crystals of various attributes, as well as several highly gifted beasts that could reach the highest level of the Sun.

The total value was definitely more than billions of federal coins!

A drop of water is repaid with a spring of water!

Moreover, Lin Hang's family had taken care of him for several years, and Xu Changsheng would naturally not forget this kindness.

""No, no!"

Lin Hang kept refusing. Although he didn't know what was in the ring, given Xu Changsheng's current status, what he could take out was definitely not an ordinary thing.

It was probably worth at least tens of millions of federal coins!

"Take it! We are all brothers, why be polite?"

Xu Changsheng stuffed the ring into Lin Hang's hand, and seeing that he was still trying to refuse, he said with a serious face:

"What, you don't recognize me as your brother anymore?"

He knew Lin Hang's honest character, and if he didn't say this, he would definitely not accept his kindness.

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