It took Zhulong two days to digest these evil spirit hearts.

And its blood concentration also increased by one percent, which was extremely gratifying. The blood concentration in Zhulong's body had reached 28%.

Only 22% was needed to evolve to a mythical beast.

That is, 660 evil spirit hearts.

In other words, with all the evil spirit hearts Xu Changsheng had, it was not realistic to even let Zhulong evolve a beast to the mythical level.

Xu Changsheng had expected this result.

After all, most of the evil spirits he killed were of the lowest level.

The effect would not be too strong.

What's more, the number of evil spirits was hundreds of thousands!

If each evil spirit heart had a one percent purification effect, how many mythical beasts could be catalyzed! It was not realistic at all!

To be honest, the conversion efficiency of thirty to one was somewhat beyond Xu Changsheng's expectations.

He thought that the conversion ratio would reach fifty to one, or even a more terrifying one hundred to one, or even more exaggerated.

Xu Changsheng was already very satisfied with the current result.

After all, a three percent blood concentration would normally require at least half a year of cultivation by Zhulong!

Now, the time required has been shortened by more than ten times!

The effect is already extraordinary.

With his mind turning, Xu Changsheng's consciousness returned to reality again.

He summoned Dijiang and ordered him to mark Changnan as the location.

After the mark was set, Dijiang activated [Space Jump] and sent Xu Changsheng back to the imperial capital. A brief feeling of dizziness came.

When Xu Changsheng opened his eyes again, he was already standing in front of the gate of the imperial manor.

""Master, you are back!"

Seeing Xu Changsheng appear, the two gatekeepers immediately stepped forward to receive him and welcomed him into the manor. As soon as he raised his foot, his brows furrowed.

There was a beast-controlling fluctuation in the imperial capital, and it was the kind of fluctuation that was close to a combat state.

Moreover, the number of such beast-controlling fluctuations was not small!

There were at least hundreds of them!

The most important thing was that the location where the fluctuation came from was actually near the Imperial Capital University.

You know, Shen Wuyan's office is right there!

Who dared to act so wildly in the imperial capital?

Even dared to directly challenge Shen Wuyan's majesty?

This aroused Xu Changsheng's curiosity.

""You guys go back, I still have some things to do."

Xu Changsheng said to the gatekeeper, and quickly walked towards the Imperial University.

His manor was not far from the school.

With Xu Changsheng's current physical fitness, he arrived in just a few minutes.

The noisy voices, mixed with the sound of the wind, came into his ears.

"Share resource!"

"In the face of a disaster, we should share all resources! Does China regard the lives of people from small countries like us as nothing?"

"Hand over the evil spirit's heart! Open the treasury!"

"Let the mysterious beastmaster work for us for free for a month! Provide enough evolution routes!"

Sounds like this are everywhere.

Xu Changsheng frowned when he heard it.

Are these foreigners going to force the emperor to abdicate?

Can't they tell their own status?

He, China, had already shared some of the beastmaster evolution routes for free before.

Such an action is enough to support selflessness, or even greatness.

After all, if it were other big countries, at least they would not charge a high information fee?

However, these people are not grateful now.

They dare to climb up the pole?

They even want him, Xu Changsheng, to work for these idiots for free for a month.

Are they worthy?

Seeing this face, Xu Changsheng almost wanted to vomit, and evil fire was rising in his heart.

It seems that he, China, is too kind in his daily life.

If faced with the excessive killing of the United States, even if they were given a hundred courage, they would never dare to do so.

Good people are bullied, and good horses are ridden!

At this moment, a familiar voice came from the air:

"Everyone, please retreat now. China will not hold you responsible for the past. If you insist on making trouble, don't blame me, Shen, for not giving you face!"

Shen Wuyan appeared!

This former strongest man in China naturally had his majesty.

As soon as he appeared, he almost suppressed all the noise.

Those foreigners who were originally shouting arrogantly were silent for a while, looking at each other, not daring to say a word.

No one was willing to be the first to stand out.

"So, there are no objections?"

Shen Wuyan's voice came faintly.

The five-clawed golden dragon under him roared, and the killing intention was leaked.

At this time, no one dared to speak.

However, this team of hundreds of people would not be so easily cracked.

I saw a man with a high nose and thick lips with dark copper skin said loudly:

"Are you Chinese so heartless? Do you think the demands of other countries are nothing?"

Asan Country!

A country with strength close to that of a big country but with confidence that surpasses that of a big country.

Because it is close to China, it often causes trouble and is considered one of the most ignorant countries.

Once, the Chinese high-level officials were really helpless because of them.

They sent troops straight to the capital of Asan.

In just half a month, they broke through the capital, causing Asan to beg for mercy again and again.

But not long after, these brainless things, as if they had forgotten about it, began to clamor again! When others saw someone taking the lead, their voices became louder again.

It seemed that if China did not give them some resources, it would be China's fault!

What a big joke!

Do they really think that his Chinese resources were blown by the wind?

Seeing these people so ignorant, Shen Wuyan frowned, and anger accumulated in his heart.

He, China, had united these small countries to fight against the invasion and expansion of the United States.

Therefore, even though he, China, is the world's largest country today, he still remembers the old friendship and cannot bear to directly attack his former allies.

But he, China, is so kind, and these people don't care about the old friendship at all!

"Well, it’s time to let them see blood and know that the dragon’s might cannot be easily defied!"

��Wuyan sighed softly, and the power of beast control in his body burst out. Beasts appeared around him one after another.

Seeing such a scene, the originally high-pitched cheers suddenly quieted down. They didn't expect that Shen Wuyan would actually dare to summon beasts to attack them!

However, the leader, Ah San, was not afraid at all, and still shouted:

"Don't be afraid! He is just bluffing! If he dares to attack our countries, the United States will naturally not give up condemning China!"

Oh, no wonder he is so arrogant, it turns out that he has the support of his father.

Hearing this, Shen Wuyan sneered and decided not to hold back.

At this moment, a clear bird cry suddenly sounded, and then Xu Changsheng's voice came faintly:

"Principal Shen, don't let these people dirty your hands. I'll do it!"

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