Just as Xu Changsheng's muscles were tensed, ready to let Dijiang use [Space Jump] to leave this place of trouble, the evil octopus in front of him suddenly landed with all its tentacles, and then used the recoil force to directly break the cage that imprisoned it.


A huge crash accompanied by broken iron pieces swept towards Xu Changsheng.


Blood Shadow took a step forward, and its huge body shielded Xu Changsheng from all harm.

Suddenly, Xu Changsheng's eyes condensed, and he stopped thinking about escaping.

Because he found that after the evil octopus escaped from the cage, it not only did not attack Xu Changsheng, but laid all its tentacles under its body.

At the same time, its huge body slightly bent down, and hundreds of eyes closed at the same time.

As a beastmaster, Xu Changsheng could see that the evil octopus's posture was obviously a sign of surrender!

Why would this ghost thing surrender to him?

You know, a few months ago, Xu Changsheng personally sealed it, completely cutting off its desire for freedom.

Xu Changsheng's eyes scanned the body of the evil octopus.

Suddenly, he found that there was actually blue blood oozing out from under its body.

This smell is surprisingly similar to the bloody smell on Zheng Jianyan's body before.

Could it be that Zheng Jianyan helped me to defeat the evil octopus?

A strange thought appeared in Xu Changsheng's mind.

Needless to say, this is naturally the arrangement of the Beast God.

At the same time, the rustling sound became clearer.

Not long after, the other three Sun-level beasts also appeared in front of Xu Changsheng.

These three beasts are stranger and more ferocious than each other.

A hideous centipede with a body length of one hundred meters and countless legs growing under its belly, and countless raised black tumors on its back replaced the original armor.

These tumors kept rising and falling because of the centipede's breathing, as if they had their own vitality, which was very weird.

Moreover, there was even some dark green inexplicable liquid oozing out of the tumor, emitting bursts of fishy smell..

The thousand-legged poisonous centipede, a ferocious beast of the seventh level of the Sun!

The other one looks like a cockroach, but its body is countless times larger.

Two pairs of almost transparent scaly wings spread out wantonly, covering the sky and the sun.

The most terrifying thing is the head of this cockroach, which is vaguely similar to a human.

It has a nose and eyes, and the facial expression is hideous and distorted, as if it is in great pain all the time.

Just one glance, and Xu Changsheng almost saw the uncanny valley effect.

The immortal cockroach with a human face, the fifth level of the Sun!

The last one is a small snake.

Compared with the other three ferocious beasts, this snake, which is less than one meter long, looks pocket-sized and cute.

However, it does not have a single scale that a snake should have on its body, but instead has countless black hairs.

Evil and abnormal.

The hairy snake ancestor, the ninth level of the Sun!

It seems that, This evil octopus is the most pleasing one among the four brothers.

This made Xu Changsheng doubt the bizarre aesthetic of the God of Beasts.

Its strength is the same as that of the Thousand-legged Poisonous Centipede, which is at the seventh level of the Sun.

These four beasts, one by one, are definitely enough to destroy the world in the world of beast control.

However, at this moment, they all put away their attack organs, lowered their bodies slightly, expressing their submission.

Xu Changsheng's pair of eyes with golden light swept over the four beasts in front of him.

He found that except for the evil octopus, the other three beasts did not have any scars.

At this moment, the hairy snake ancestor slowly swam towards Xu Changsheng and crawled along his clothes to the palm of his left hand.

The fluffy touch combined with its classic inverted triangle shaped venomous snake head gave Xu Changsheng a strange feeling.


The hairy snake ancestor opened its mouth slightly, revealing two sharp fangs.

Xu Changsheng could even see several poison sacs and a small ball of paper hidden deep in its mouth.

He hesitated for a moment, and ordered Fuyao to wrap his right hand with green light and keep an eye on the hairy snake ancestor's movements.

After everything was ready, Xu Changsheng boldly reached into the mouth of the hairy snake ancestor and took out the small ball of paper.

This was not because Xu Changsheng was timid or too cautious.

After all, with the ninth level of the hairy snake ancestor's Sun, he was only a little bit short of talent and time from a complete mythical creature.

His strength must be far beyond Xu Changsheng's current strength.

If he was not careful and touched the poison sac in his mouth, the ferocious toxin would probably poison him to death in an instant.

Even if Fuyao was present, she might not be able to save Xu Changsheng.

However, no matter what, the ball of paper was safely retrieved by Xu Changsheng.

He spread out the ball of paper, and the vigorous handwriting of the beast god appeared:

"This beast can help you seal the Evil Abyss to prevent danger. Xiao Lan may have a bad temper, please be careful."

Seeing this, Xu Changsheng suddenly realized:

It turned out that the Beast God was worried that he would encounter the same dangerous situation again when he sealed the Evil Abyss.

After all, as the deadline approaches, the Evil Abyss is becoming more and more unstable.

There is no telling when a tide of evil spirits will erupt.

By then, even with Xu Changsheng's current strength, he may not be able to escape unscathed.

With the assistance of four Sun-level beasts, both the sealing efficiency and safety have been greatly improved.

The Beast God's thoughts are extremely thoughtful.

As for the Xiao Lan he mentioned, there is no doubt that it is the Evil Octopus.

Perhaps because he was worried about the hatred between the two, the Beast God even specifically instructed Zheng Jianyan before leaving. This peerless vicious man of the ninth level of the Sun, tempered the evil octopus's hostility.

That's why it was injured.

And the effect is naturally very significant.

Seeing these four beasts, Xu Changsheng's heart moved, and he even had the urge to contract them as his own beasts.

After all, these four were able to advance to the Sun realm on their own, so they naturally had mythical blood in their bodies.

It was just that they didn't know the conditions for their promotion, so they had been wasting time at the Sun level and could not be promoted for a long time.

If Xu Changsheng contracted them.

With his [Eye of the World], he would be able to evolve them in a very short time.

If so, it wouldn't take long.

He would be able to obtain four complete mythical beasts!

By then, Xu Changsheng's overall strength will surely usher in a leap.

However, after thinking for a moment, Xu Changsheng gave up this unrealistic idea.

First of all, these four ferocious beasts are the pets of the Beast God. If they rashly sign a contract without saying hello, it will inevitably annoy the Beast God.

And the Beast God has helped him a lot along the way.

Although this kind of help is purposeful, it has indeed brought great improvement to Xu Changsheng.

He can't do such a behavior that is almost stabbing someone in the back.

What's more, even if Xu Changsheng wanted to, the four ferocious beasts might not be willing to be contracted.

After all, they just obeyed the orders of their master, the Beast God, and temporarily helped Xu Changsheng suppress the Evil Abyss. The two can barely be regarded as one. Equality.

If they are contracted as beasts, then the relationship between the two becomes a complete master-servant relationship.

As arrogant beasts of the Sun rank, how could they accept such a huge change in status?

And, the most important thing is.

The attributes of these four beasts conflict with the attributes of the beasts that Xu Changsheng already has.

Except for the evil octopus, the other three beasts are all poisonous beasts, and their attributes overlap and conflict with the poisonous evil.

If the contract is forced.

Then Xu Changsheng will have no hope of everlasting life contracting fourteen beasts with different attributes, and there is no way he can reach the legendary invincible realm.

Xu Changsheng would never do such a thing that would ruin his future.

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