Xu Changsheng's consciousness sank, and then his consciousness seemed to be split into tens of thousands of parts in an instant.

At the same time, his vision was distorted and blurred.

When he opened his eyes again, at least tens of thousands of different scenes appeared in his eyes.

And there was a common feature in these scenes: that was the statue of Xu Changsheng.

Now he could actually pass through countless spaces and cast his sights on the homes of his believers.

And this kind of sight is definitely not just to monitor a small room, but to clearly see any movement within a radius of 30 meters in this house.

Everything is clear in his eyes, and he has a feeling in his heart: as long as he wants, he can appear in any of the scenes in front of him at will!

This teleportation ability is slightly inferior to that of Dijiang!

These huge numbers of incense and vows have given Xu Changsheng a strong self-healing ability, monitoring ability, and terrifying space ability in a short period of time!

And at this moment, there are still milky white light balls floating towards him from time to time.

If it continues for a long time, Xu Changsheng may awaken other abilities.

The effect of this strength improvement is terrifying!

It can make an ordinary person approach the level of a strong person in some aspects.

This incense way is indeed unique.

Although it is difficult to get started, once you get started, the progress is shockingly fast.

After Xu Changsheng figured out the various abilities that appeared in his body, he was surprised to find that

Shen Wuyan and other Chinese high-level officials had come to him at some point.

Moreover, the look in their eyes when they looked at Xu Changsheng was so surprised that it was hard to describe.

""What's wrong? Why are you looking at me?"

Xu Changsheng asked, touching his face.

It would have been fine if he hadn't touched it, but once he touched it, Xu Changsheng was really scared. His face, which was originally tough enough to block any weapon, now felt as delicate and soft as the skin of a newborn baby. Even the most perfect mutton-fat jade in the world could never compare to Xu Changsheng's face in terms of touch.

However, this does not mean that Xu Changsheng's defense ability has weakened, but rather an improvement.

He can feel that his skin seems to have its own life.

Once it is subjected to external force, it will unconsciously disperse it, like soft water.

The enemy's attack, hitting him, is like hitting cotton, and has no effect at all.

Combined with the powerful self-healing ability that has just appeared, Xu Changsheng's defense The power of control has risen by more than one level.

However, this change can only be felt by touch, and Shen Wuyan and others are definitely not aware of it.

Then why are they so surprised?

With this thought, Xu Changsheng condensed the power of controlling the beast and formed a bright mirror in front of him.

He stared at it, but was shocked by the figure in the mirror.

It's not that he has monster features such as scales or dragon horns on his face.

It's that this face is so perfect!

Originally, Xu Changsheng's face was handsome, with sword eyebrows, starry eyes, and thin lips, and he exuded a heroic spirit when he looked around.

And now his face is still heroic, but some minor flaws in his facial features and face shape have been repaired to perfection.

His face, just placed here, is an unparalleled work of art in the world.

"Oh my god, this incense and wish power can also have the effect of plastic surgery!"

Xu Changsheng said happily while looking at his face in the mirror.

After all, who doesn't want to be more handsome, even if he is already handsome enough.

And now he also understood why Shen Wuyan and others were so shocked.

Who can look at this handsome face of Xu Changsheng and not be confused?

Even Xu Changsheng himself was stunned for a while

"No, Changsheng. You have such a high position, why do you still have plastic surgery?"

Shen Wuyan finally reacted from the shock at this moment, and approached Xu Changsheng and said in surprise.

And his eyes kept looking at Xu Changsheng's face, as if he was appreciating a work of art.

The other people behind him had almost the same reaction.

The moment they saw Xu Changsheng, they even doubted their sexual orientation.

""Some effects of incense."

Xu Changsheng said briefly.

This short sentence immediately shifted everyone's attention from his face to the incense.

"The legendary way of incense? Another way to achieve mythology?"

Shen Wuyan thought for a moment and said in surprise.

As one of the top leaders in China, he naturally knew this way.

Even in those years when his strength could not improve, he had tried this way.

However, no matter how hard he tried, even when challenging masters from various countries, he never lost, he wanted everyone to worship him, collect incense and wish power, and break his own shackles.

However, even if he did this,

Shen Wuyan still did not get started, let alone the slightest change in strength.

Not to mention that like Xu Changsheng, he had a huge improvement in the essence of life.

Shen Wuyan even doubted for a time whether this legendary way of incense was a legend made up by the ancients out of boredom.

"Exactly. I don't know what happened, it became like this as soon as I came back from the beast world."

He was telling the truth.

Xu Changsheng had never thought of taking this path before.

It was completely this huge scale of incense that came to him spontaneously.

And his truth was a complete blow to Shen Wuyan's self-confidence.

He considered himself a genius, but he was ranked first in the world at the age of thirty and had no rivals in the world.

However, in front of Xu Changsheng, his proud talent seemed so insignificant.

But he had been in a high position for many years, and this emotion was quickly suppressed by Shen Wuyan, who asked:

"I will order someone to carve your statue and ensure that every family in China has your statue within a week and worships it every day."

Xu Changsheng nodded. The more believers the better.

After Shen Wuyan's operation, his believers will at least double, and the incense and wishes he can receive will also increase greatly.

And his strength in the incense will naturally rise.

"By the way, not in China. I want every household in the world to have a statue of me!"

Xu Changsheng arranged.

When he conquered the world, he would not just confiscate resources, but also make sure that every one of his orders would be implemented worldwide!


After hearing Xu Changsheng's order, everyone bowed their heads and said yes, then bowed and left.

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