"You brought me here because you want the moonlight elves to treat these beasts, right?"


The thunder beast looked at Jiang He with a pitiful look, hugged Jiang He's legs with its front paws, and rubbed Jiang He's trouser legs with its soft hair.

"Hey! I'm not as easy to fool as those young ladies!"

Jiang He's face darkened.

Why are you so good at acting coquettishly and cutely?

And with so many of your younger brothers watching, aren't you afraid of "losing your majesty"?

"Okay! I will save these beasts. But you have to tell me first, how did they get injured?"

Jiang He originally planned to save these beasts.

Where are the injured, these are clearly pleasure points!

However, he noticed that although the wounds on these injured beasts were deep, their edges were very regular, as if they had been quickly scratched by some sharp knife.

The most likely ones are skills like wind blade and moon blade.

Jiang He once again thought of the recent "missing beasts" incident in Haiping City.


The Thunder Beast was in a hurry, jumping up and down and gesticulating.

Now that the language converter is not there, it feels like Jiang He can't understand it.

"It's a poaching gang, right?"

The Thunder Beast raised his head in disbelief. This human actually understood his performance art expression?


It nodded, with anger in its eyes.

"Since you can come to me at the clinic, why didn't you seek human help earlier?"

After Jiang He finished speaking, he suddenly realized something.

The people here are all beast masters who have been abandoned once, and I am afraid they no longer trust humans.

"Come for treatment! Those with serious injuries are given priority."

Jiang He sighed and said slowly.

He didn't know why, but his heart felt a little heavy.


As if feeling Jiang He's emotions, the Moonlight Elf stretched out his little tongue and gently licked the side of Jiang He's face.

"Ziyue, I will have to work hard for you next."


The moonlight elf's sapphire eyes were full of seriousness.

Between its breaths, it condensed a ball of light in front of it, emitting bright moonlight.

The ball of light quickly flew towards a wind dog whose abdomen was severely injured, and then the wound began to heal slowly...

Unfortunately, moonlight can only have an effect on a single target, so many beasts need to be treated one by one.

If one could master the healing rain like Instructor Bai's black snake, one skill would solve the problem.

"Would you like to learn another group healing skill?"

An idea flashed through Jiang He's mind: let's just let the moonlight elves assist and let the assassins practice dual cultivation.

I also took the time to learn the skills of the auxiliary route.

In this way, the Moonlight Elf appears to be an auxiliary, but is actually an assassin.

You can catch him by surprise during the game.

It’s quite exciting to think about.

But in the end Jiang He gave up the idea.

After all, time and energy are limited, and he still understands the principle of biting off more than he can chew.

Pleasure value: 49 (2%↑)

Pleasure value: 52 (3%↑)

Pleasure value: 53 (1%↑)

As the Moonlight Elf is treated again and again, the progress bar of the joy value is also increasing.

This comes not only from the pleasure of being treated as a beast, but also from the satisfaction of the Moonlight Elf itself.

Soon, the moonlight energy in the moonlight elf's body was exhausted.

Although the energy consumed by releasing moonlight once is not much, it cannot be released continuously.

But there are still more than a dozen beasts that have not been treated.

Jiang He reluctantly took out a small moonlight essence potion from his backpack.

It wasn't long before dark at this moment, Jiang He could completely let the moonlight elf "replenish the demon" naturally.

But seeing the painful appearance of these wandering beasts, he still couldn't bear it.

"Forget it, just think of it as your reward for providing pleasure value."

Jiang He comforted himself a few words, and handed the moonlight essence to the moonlight elf distressedly.

The Moonlight Elf was not polite and drank the rest in one go.

The already depleted moonlight energy in the body began to continue to grow, and was completely restored in just a few minutes.

So the bright moonlight once again lit up in the abandoned factory...

Pleasure value: 68 (2%↑)

Pleasure value: 69 (1%↑)

time flies.

I don’t know when the street lights on the street have quietly turned on, and the moon has already hung above.

As the last ray of moonlight dissipated, Jiang He and the Moonlight Elf breathed a sigh of relief.

Finally, the injuries of all the wandering beasts were almost treated. Some particularly serious wounds could not be completely treated, but at least they could survive.


The Thunder Beast's left paw touched his right shoulder lightly, and he bowed his head slightly to the Moonlight Elf.

This is the best way to express gratitude in the memory of its tribe, which means that it can go through fire and water for those who salute.

The eyes of the wandering beasts around him were no longer hostile, but filled with gratitude and closeness.

Jiang He naturally didn't know the meaning of the Thunder Beast's action, so he just touched the Thunder Beast's head.

Well, the feel is still not as good as our own Moonlight Elf.


At this time, a rapid crow broke the tranquility of the abandoned factory.

In the night sky, a crow as black as ink flew over and landed on the abandoned notice board nearby.

Dark night ink crow.


Following the crow's whisper, Jiang He found that the eyes of the wandering beasts around him became sharp.

It's like...going to war.


The Thunder Beast also roared loudly, and all the wandering beasts put on a posture of being ready to go!

"Did you find traces of that poaching gang?"


After the Thunder Beast replied in the affirmative, he bared his teeth and prepared to set off.

Blood debt must be paid with blood!

"I'll call the police right now and let the police handle this matter! You just need to lead the way."

When Jiang He discovered the traces of the poaching team, the first thing he thought of was to call the police.

He didn't want these wandering beasts to risk his life. If he called the police and the matter was resolved, he might even get a banner of "enthusiastic citizens"!


The Thunder Beast scratched his head and ears, his eyes a little anxious.

It wanted to tell Jiang He that a royal beast had been caught by them and needed to be rescued as soon as possible!

However, without a language converter, Jiang He naturally couldn't understand what Lei Guangshu said, and thought that Lei Guangshu couldn't wait to take his younger brother to a "fight" with the poaching gang.

Of course, judging from the next actions, it is indeed not much different.

The thunder beast let out a quick cry and was ready to go.

"Wait, don't rush."

Jiang He stopped it again.

"Give you a gift."

Micro lightning energy pack (whether to use on Thunder Beast)



Before the thunder beast had time to wonder, he found that the lightning energy in his body began to increase suddenly!

In just two seconds, the lightning energy in its body reached a threshold!

Servant level ten!

Next, as long as the soul crystal is condensed, the thunder beast can advance to the warrior level!

"Don't tell anyone else!"

A smile appeared on Jiang He's lips.

With its increased strength, the Thunder Beast should be able to defeat that poaching gang, right?


The Thunder Beast's eyes were filled with disbelief, and Jiang He's smile suddenly felt mysterious...

After expressing its gratitude to Jiang He again, it ran out wildly, with many wandering beasts following closely behind it.

The Black Crow is guiding the way in the sky, the Gale Dog is leading the way, and Liuluo Pig and other younger brothers are protecting the Thunder Beast...

Just like that, a mighty wandering animal control team began to quickly approach the poachers!

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