I continued walking back along the route I remembered, but this time there was no accident.

Soon, Jiang He came to a relatively empty plain.

He felt a little familiar. This should be the place where "he" sprayed the wind wolf spray. It belonged to the dividing line between the inside and outside of the Rose Forest, not far from the human station in the new world.


At this time, Ziyue, who had been lying on Jiang He's head, hummed excitedly.

"Is there anyone in front?"

Jiang He, who was connected to the moonlight elf, was a little excited.

We can finally leave this primeval forest!

Jiang He ran quickly in the direction Ziyue said.

Of course, he did not forget to be vigilant, preparing to observe a wave from a distance first, and then get closer after confirming his identity.

But when Jiang He saw the two people, he was stunned. The two people Ziyue discovered were actually his parents!

It's just that their appearance is much younger than in memory.

"Dad! Mom!"

Jiang He didn't care about anything else and quickly ran to his parents.

"Xiaohe, is it really you?"

Jiang's mother couldn't believe it, fearing that it was just her own hallucination.

It has been almost a month since Jiang He disappeared, and even the Wind Chaser Dog and Wind Wing Falcon of the Rose Forest Rescue Team could not find any trace of him.

However, even though there was little hope of survival, Jiang's father and Jiang's mother still did not give up searching.

Staff told them this area was where their son's scent last dissipated, and they continued to search the area.

Now suddenly seeing his son appear in front of him was like a dream.

Seeing his parents who looked particularly haggard in front of him, Jiang He's nose sore and tears almost flowed out.

In his previous life, when he was in college, his parents died in a car accident. He didn't expect to meet them again in this parallel world.

Jiang's father and Jiang's mother thought that Jiang He had suffered a lot in the wild and was extremely wronged.

The original words of blame could no longer be uttered.

"It'll be good to come back, it'll be good to come back."

"Dad, Mom, I have a beast-control partner. It's a moonlight elf. I named it Ziyue."


Ziyue was a little intimidated and said hello shyly.

"You brat, you really went to contract a beast! Can't you tell your family what kind of beast you want? If you do this again next time, don't recognize me as your mother."

Mother Jiang said angrily.

"Mom, I know I was wrong. It's not safe for your son to come back. There will be no next time!"

If it was the original person who had been scolded by his parents all the time, he would definitely not be able to help but say something back.

But Jiang He understood that this would only make his parents talk more and more, and even intensify the conflict.

The best way is to admit your mistake and remain silent.

As for whether to change it in the future... let's talk about it.

"Since you already have a Taming Beast, I will take the time to go to the Taming Beast Breeding Center and cancel the reservation for the Thunder Lizard. You can keep the money you originally bought for the Taming Beast and buy some nutrients for Ziyue. If you don't have enough money, you can go to the Beast Taming Center. I take!"

Jiang's father was a little scared now, worried that his son might pull some tricks, so he gave Jiang He the money he originally spent to buy the beast.

"Thank you dad!"

Jiang He was originally thinking about what to do if he had no money to buy the Moon Shadow Stone!

This start-up capital is crucial!

"Okay, brat, let's talk as we walk. Let's go to the Forestry Bureau first and tell Captain Liu that they sent a lot of people to help find you these days when you were missing. We should thank them properly then."

"Absolutely, but can we go to the hotel first?"

After nearly a month of surviving in the wild, Jiang He has turned into a savage.

"Let's go! Brat."

Looking at Jiang He, who was unshaven, the stone in Jiang's father's and Jiang's mother's hearts finally fell to the ground.


Qiangwei Town Forestry Bureau.

This is the main management department of Rose Forest, responsible for the protection and development of Rose Forest resources.

The Rose Forest is a new world discovered 52 years ago. After many years of land reclamation, the dangers in the outer areas have basically been eliminated.

Now this area has evolved into a small town with clinics and hotels. Some areas have even begun to cultivate beasts and established breeding bases.

Last year, in order to promote tourism in Qiangwei Town, the Forestry Bureau opened part of the area as a tourist area.

This allowed "Jiang He" to take advantage of the loophole.

But I'm afraid the management here will become stricter in the future.

"You came back alone?"

Forest ranger Liu Tiejun looked at Jiang He with unkind eyes. The boy in front of him had kept him from sleeping well for weeks.

After all, people disappeared while sightseeing, and they, as the management department, cannot escape the blame.

More importantly, the incident of missing tourists has had a very negative impact on the newly developed tourism in the New World.

He had previously mobilized two experienced rescue teams to search, but in vain.

The Rose Forest is too big and difficult to search in its depths.

As a result, just when most people decided to give up searching, this kid actually came back on his own.

"Well, I'm causing trouble for you."

Jiang He had an expression of "you can correct your mistakes if you know them", and his attitude was extremely sincere.

"As long as everyone is fine, let Bi Yan and Silver Wings come back!"

Liu Tiejun, the man with a Chinese character face, said to a rather handsome falcon beside him.

This is the Windwing Falcon, a subspecies of the Wind God Falcon.

In the new world, all electronic devices have failed, and the Windwing Falcon is the best messenger.

They are brave and loyal and are the best companions of rangers.

I saw the Windwing Falcon waving its wings, soaring into the sky, and soon disappeared.

Liu Tiejun turned around and asked again:

"Why did your scent dissipate midway through?"

This is what Liu Tiejun couldn't figure out.

"Ahem, I sprayed myself with Storm Wolf spray."

Jiang He did not hide anything, and told "his" plan in detail, leaving Liu Tiejun and Jiang's father and mother stunned.

"Then you actually successfully contracted a beast?"

Liu Tiejun said with some suspicion, this guy must be very lucky, right?

This experience could be written into a novel!

You must know that the depths of the Rose Forest are full of dangers, and even a professional beast master like him does not dare to go too deep.

Jiang He just walked around and found no harm, but he also kidnapped a moonlight elf?


Looking at the serious expression of the man with the Chinese character face, Jiang He was a little worried.

Shouldn't he confiscate his beast?

Although I know from the memory of my predecessor that this is unlikely.

Regarding contracts and capturing beasts, the specific regulations in each new world are different.

The rules in Rosewood are looser.

The beastmaster contracts a new beastmaster in the Rose Forest (non-nurturing area) and will not be punished. He only needs to pay a certain amount of tax.

Some new worlds that have just been discovered and are in urgent need of exploration do not even require tax. Researchers will also buy some undiscovered beasts from beast masters at high prices.

Of course, those new worlds that have been developed for a long time and have completely become protected areas do not allow any form of contracting or hunting.

"Don't worry! We are a regular department and we will not rob you of your beast control."

Liu Tiejun said calmly as if he had seen through Jiang He's thoughts.

The Forestry Bureau of Qiangwei Town is affiliated to the Haiping City Beastmaster Supervision Bureau. He is naturally happy to see that Haiping City will have one more talented beastmaster in the future. (The Beastmaster Supervision Bureau in this world has great power and can basically manage all departments related to beastmasters)

And he still admired Jiang He's courage to go deep into the new world alone. Beastmaster was not a stable profession once and for all. If he wanted to climb to the top, he would have to fight for it.

"Okay, okay, remember to take it to the hospital for a physical examination before leaving, and don't forget to complete the registration at the Beastmaster Supervision Bureau."

Before leaving, Liu Tiejun did not forget his instructions.

"Yeah, I'm really bothering you this time! If a reporter interviews me, I will definitely say that you found me."

Jiang He bowed and thanked.

"Okay, let's go!"

Liu Tiejun liked Jiang He a little more. He was quite good at getting things done.

Generally, there are hospitals and supervisory bureau branches at the exits of the New World, and Rose Forest is naturally an exception.

If the beasts contracted in the new world want to be brought to the human world, they must undergo a physical examination.

The first is to worry that the beast master carries certain viruses, and the second is to conduct a comprehensive examination of the beast master so that the master of the beast has a general understanding of all aspects of the beast master's condition.

As for going to the Beastmaster Supervision Bureau, that is purely for filing.

"Here, Ziyue, this is your ID card."

Jiang He handed an ID card with Ziyue's photo to Moonlight Elf.

As long as the registration is completed, Yushou is equivalent to a legal citizen of China and enjoys various benefits and rights.

If you get lost in the wild, you can quickly find your master.


Pleasure value: 76 (3%↑)

Ziyue fiddled with her ID photo, her face expressionless, but she didn't know that the joy value had deeply betrayed the joy in her heart.

The moonlight elf in the photo is so beautiful.

After the physical examination and registration were completed, Jiang He and his parents prepared to leave the Rose Forest.

They came to the easternmost part of the town, which was the exit of the new world.

Jiang He saw an extremely shocking scene.

A huge light curtain stretched between the sky and the earth, emitting transparent but colorful light, like bubbles in the sun.

This is the bridge connecting the new world and the real world - the Star Screen.

Or bubble wrap.

Passing through the star curtain, you can return to the real world.

"Try not to stay around the star screen. Time and space here are extremely distorted."

The staff beside me reminded.

Jiang He didn't dare to stay. He stepped across the star screen, as if he had entered a space portal. When he opened his eyes again, he saw a different scene.

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