Beast Taming: Start with Summoning

Chapter 148: Cooperation (Part 2)

"This is..." Mu Yuan was surprised: "Pills?"

Mu Ling, who was standing next to him, was also curious when she heard what her father said.

She wanted to see what kind of medicine could cure her in an instant.

As a drug researcher, there is nothing more important and precious than a medicine that can quickly recover and treat.

"Yes, this is called a healing pill." Qin Tian said.

"Really?" Mu Yuan said excitedly: "Can I take a look?"

"Sure." Qin Tian nodded and handed it over.

Mu Yuan, who was standing next to him, was also very curious. She also wanted to see what kind of medicine had such a magical effect.

"Wait a minute..." Mu Yuan's face changed slightly when he saw this and he quickly took out protective gloves.

Qin Tian was amused and said: "You can just look at it directly. This healing pill has the function of automatically isolating the efficacy and bacteria."

"That won't work. Such a precious medicine can't be messed up." Mu Yuan resolutely followed his method.

Mu Ling's eyes fell on the pill.

The pill was smooth and round, and a faint fragrance was emitted from it. Just a light inhalation, Mu Yuan felt that his body was suddenly much more relaxed.

The old pain in his body was relieved a lot at this moment. He had a feeling that taking this medicine would definitely cure all his problems.

The faster he took, the more shocked he was. Although he had no equipment to observe, based on his years of experience, he had never seen this medicine before. It could really be called a miracle medicine.

"I admire you." Mu Yuan exclaimed.

"Let me take a look." Seeing that his father had finished observing, Mu Ling couldn't help but want to take a look, and he had already put on his gloves in advance.

"What is the effect of this medicine?" Mu Yuan couldn't help asking.

"This pill can cure all diseases and injuries related to ordinary people." Qin Tian said.

"Everything about ordinary people?" Mu Ling was a little confused.

It felt strange.

But it was not difficult to understand what Qin Tian said.

"You mean..." Mu Ling was shocked: "It can cure all diseases and injuries."

"Can cancer also?" Mu Ling interrupted.

"Yes, any disease can be cured." Qin Tian thought for a while and said, "As for the regeneration of a broken arm, I don't know, maybe not."

Mu Yuan: "..."

Mu Ling: "..."

Mu Ling glared at him, and then showed a look of shock.

Mu Yuan was also shocked.

So awesome?

Isn't it too exaggerated?

It can cure any disease, what else can it be if it's not a magic medicine?

"What is your request?" Mu Yuan said after calming down.

Mu Ling also looked at Qin Tian curiously.

The latter asked them to come over and took out this mysterious magic medicine. If there was no connection between them, she would never believe it.

"I want to cooperate with you to research this kind of treatment pill." Qin Tian said slowly.


Mu Yuan and Mu Ling were instantly shocked.

What did they hear?

For drug researchers, nothing is more exciting than researching drugs.

Especially drugs that have a serious impact on humans.

For example, the cancer drugs they are researching.

And the magic medicine Qin Tian took out.

These are all the objects of their research.

It can be said that they have everything, and they are willing to devote their lives to it.

Especially after knowing that they have such a medicine, they really want to study it. If they can study the principle, it will definitely be a major change for the world.

It will add a strong color to the development of the world.

When Qin Tian took out the elixir, they had some guesses.

But they never thought that the other party actually wanted to cooperate with them to study this elixir.

At this moment, the father and daughter looked at Qin Tian with different eyes.


Qin Tian was a little embarrassed to see this and said, "Can you stop looking at me like this..."

"How about it? Are you willing to cooperate?"

"Cooperation, of course I have to cooperate." Mu Yuan reacted and said quickly, his face full of excitement.

Cancer drugs can treat cancer, but they can't treat all diseases.

If this kind of elixir can be studied, it's very exciting to think about it...

Mu Ling next to him was also excited. Looking at Qin Tian, ​​he couldn't help but start to think wildly in his heart. Thinking of just now, his face suddenly turned red.

"You should also know that this kind of elixir is not made by me, otherwise I wouldn't ask you to cooperate." Qin Tian said.

Mu Yuan and Mu Ling nodded. If Qin Tian could make such a heaven-defying medicine, why would he look for them?

"I got this medicine by accident in a place." Qin Tian said, and took out a scroll from his backpack.

"At that time, there was also this. This should be the information on how to make the elixir. Unfortunately, I can't understand what the words are."

Of course, this was purchased by Qin Tian in the system. Researchers can't just tell him how to make it.

If they really do that, it will only backfire.

"Let me see." Mu Yuan excitedly took the scroll and suddenly said excitedly: "This scroll is also very old. It looks at least thousands of years old. This is an antique."

Mu Yuan was cautious, fearing that it would be damaged.

It seems that Mu Yuan excitedly said: "I seem to have seen these words somewhere. I need to go back and check it."

"No problem, take it back and check it slowly." Qin Tian said.

"In order to facilitate your research, you should also take this elixir back to study."

"Ah..." Mu Yuan excitedly said: "Okay."

"Father." Mu Ling reminded her father when she saw how excited he was.

Although she was also excited, in her opinion, things would not be that simple.

Who would take out such a heaven-defying thing for no reason and give it to someone they had only met once.

"Well, sorry, I am rude." Mu Yuan smiled.

Then he thought for a while and said, "I wonder how you need to cooperate, Mr. Qin."

He didn't believe that someone could be so selfless, even if they couldn't be 100%.

If there really was someone, it meant that the person was a fool.

Especially this experience, which made their family see the essence of some things.

As a young man, Qin Tian, ​​let alone.

"We can talk about cooperation later." Qin Tian said, "Now, let's talk about my request."

"What request?" Mu Yuan said. As for cooperation, in his opinion, it was not a request at all, but a surprise given to them by the other party.

Mu Ling frowned. This guy wouldn't make some weird requests.

Thinking of this, the face that had just regained its calmness instantly flushed again.

"I want you to help me sell these things." Qin Tian naturally didn't see Mu Ling's expression, and directly took out a bag from his backpack, which contained a lot of bulging things.

"These..." Mu Yuan was shocked and stammered: "Could it be... all..."

"No way?" Mu Ling's eyes were really big, and he couldn't believe it.

"Yes, these are all pills..."

BS: The typo was corrected first and then corrected

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