Beast Taming: Start with Summoning

Chapter 190 Teleportation Array (1/2)

The Nine Heavens Realm is divided into nine levels.

In fact, it can be regarded as a half-step king realm.

This realm is mainly about comprehending the laws.

So even if Qin Tian has a good foundation, he cannot fight above his level.

When the realm reaches the Nine Heavens Realm, Qin Tian's origin body has also reached a small success.

The origin body reaches perfection, and the origin crystal can be automatically formed in the body.

At that time, Qin Tian is equivalent to a world.

As for what realm, it is not known for the time being.

At least beyond the domination realm.

Qin Tian didn't think much about it. The most important thing now is to achieve a great success.

When the origin body reaches a great success, it requires three thousand laws to perfect the origin.

So this is a very difficult task.

The soul can be said to be a second life.

When the body dies, the soul is still there and can re-condense the body.

This is why it is said that the soul is immortal and the body is immortal.

The soul is also divided into small success, great success, and perfection.

To achieve a small success, you need to integrate the law.

Because Qin Tian comprehends the law of wood, it is considered a breakthrough in the small success, and it needs to reach a great success, which requires a complete law to be integrated.

As his realm improved, his lifespan increased again and reached more than 30,000.

However, this is still not enough. When he comprehends a law, his lifespan will increase like a shower.

At least he can reach a lifespan of 100,000 years.

This is the real god.

The Dantian has reached 108 square miles, which is the most perfect space area at present.

If he wants to continue to break through, he can only comprehend the law. When he comprehends a complete law, the Dantian will undergo earth-shaking changes. Only then can it be considered a real transformation.

The origin of the power and the origin of the law have also reached a small success as the origin of the body has reached a small success.

Of course, it can also be said that the breakthrough of the origin of the power has reached a small success and the physique has reached a small success.

Anyway, the three parties complement each other.

However, at this time, Qin Tian's eyes fell on the origin of the body.

When he reaches the spiritual realm, the origin of the body can be cultivated again.

Qin Tian already has an idea. He plans to wait for a while to create another clone.

He can't stay in the Shenwu Continent forever. The latter is just a low-level continent. Although it will improve as his realm improves, if he wants to quickly break through to a higher realm, he can only leave the Shenwu Continent.

Of course, he has no intention to leave yet.

He still needs to comprehend all three thousand laws before making plans.

Because he comprehended three thousand true meanings.

The artistic conception and true meaning have changed.

Because he comprehended a little bit of the law, there are more laws on the panel, and there is a plus sign behind it, which means that you can add points with the origin energy.

In addition to the law, there is also an additional world origin.

That is the Shenwu origin.

Because it was broken ten thousand years ago, it is now only a low-level continent world among low-level ones.

The 26% behind it is equivalent to only 26% of the low-level continent.

There is a plus sign behind it, which means that the origin energy can be used to improve the level of the Shenwu continent.

The continent is the world, and naturally there are levels.

It is divided into five types of continents: ordinary, low-level, intermediate, advanced, and top.

Ten thousand years ago, the Shenwu continent was a mid-level continent. If Qin Tian had not appeared, in a few thousand years, the Shenwu continent would have lost its origin and become an ordinary continent, and finally disappeared in the void.

But since the contract with Qin Tian, ​​it will have an infinite future.

It is possible to become a top continent.


Suddenly, a breath of terrifying aura erupted.

As time passed, the aura became more and more terrifying.

This is someone breaking through to become a god.

Qin Tian did not expect that someone would break through the spiritual realm just after repairing the divine martial origin.

"Is that direction the Rakshasa Palace?"

Qin Tian was curious and quickly used his spiritual consciousness. Under the strengthening of the divine martial origin, he passed through layers of space and landed on a black old man in just a moment.

As the realm broke through, the originally old black-clothed old man actually became younger.

When the realm was completely broken through, the other party had become a middle-aged man.


At this time, someone in other directions also broke through the spiritual realm.

This time Qin Tian did not check who it was.

No matter who broke through, it didn't matter to him.

"Emperor of Heaven!"

Suddenly a voice sounded behind Qin Tian.

"Martial Emperor Realm! Not bad!" Qin Tian retracted his gaze and looked at Tian Fa behind him and smiled.

Tian Fa wanted to say that he was still far behind you.

Not long after, other people broke through one after another.

"Emperor of Heaven, today's auction?" Tian Ling said.

"Continue..." Qin Tian said.

Although the shackles of becoming a god were broken with the restoration of the origin of Shenwu.

But what should be auctioned still needs to be auctioned.

After arranging everything, Qin Tian left the Tianxia Chamber of Commerce.

In addition to the spirit stone, there is one more thing to do.

The Far North is the coldest place in the Shenwu Continent. It is covered by icebergs all year round. It is difficult for ordinary strong people to survive here.


On an iceberg, the space suddenly twisted, and there was a very buzzing sound.


The space was broken, and a young man walked out of it. The person was Qin Tian.

He collected some spirit stones and used space teleportation to come here.

"It's really convenient." Qin Tian said.

No wonder many people want to become the master of the continent.

The contract integrates the continent, and all kinds of laws can be used regardless of the realm.

Without special circumstances, it can be said that it is invincible on the continent of the contract.

"This is the teleportation array!" Qin Tian walked forward.

In front of him was a huge ice stone with countless wonderful patterns engraved on it.

When Qin Tian looked at the broken lines, his face suddenly became ugly.

"Is it broken?" Qin Tian said helplessly.


The space twisted and Qin Tian disappeared on the iceberg.

The eastern area, with high mountains and steep cliffs, is the area with the richest spiritual energy.

The mountains and rivers are rugged and there are many monsters, so few people live in this area.

Legend has it that a long time ago, the eastern area was the area where gods lived.

There is an ancient mountain, called the God Mountain.

Neither human strongmen nor monster strongmen can get close to this mountain.


The space twisted and Qin Tian walked out of it.

"The power of law?" He felt the broken power of law on the God Mountain at the first time.

No wonder no creatures approached here.

Even if the power of law is broken, not everyone can bear it.

The power of law is an ability that only the king realm can possess.

Qin Tian is the master of the Shenwu Continent and can naturally enter the God Mountain easily.

But how can this place have the broken power of law?

The reason why it appeared here is because there is also a teleportation array here.

"Is it also incomplete?" Qin Tian looked at a huge formation, some of which were broken.

It seems that it cannot be used.

"What's the matter with this opponent?" Qin Tian was puzzled as to how this opponent could have the power of law.

Qin Tian looked for a while but didn't find anything, and finally had to leave helplessly.

Shi Wan Da Shan, Qin Tian didn't expect that there was a teleportation formation here.

"Is this teleportation formation a bit big?" Qin Tian came to a giant cave, and a huge rock in the cave was covered with dense lines.

"Such a strong demon power, could this teleportation formation belong to the demon clan?"

Qin Tian guessed, feeling the demon power in the cave.

It is so huge, and in the Shi Wan Da Shan, it seems that this place should be the teleportation formation of the demon clan.

Qin Tian didn't expect that the teleportation formation here was not damaged.

Qin Tian thought about it and finally didn't plan to use the teleportation formation in this place.

Who knows if the teleportation will be the demon clan base camp.

If not, it's okay, but if it is, he may not die but lose a layer of skin.

Qin Tian left the Ten Thousand Mountains and went to the South China Sea again, and found a teleportation array at a depth of ten thousand meters.

According to the layout of the teleportation array, it should be left by the sea clan.

But it was also damaged.

Qin Tian looked at the remaining teleportation arrays. Except for the teleportation array in the Ten Thousand Mountains, the others were all broken.

While Qin Tian was checking the teleportation array, the Tianxia Chamber of Commerce also started the auction.

The first and second items were similar to the previous ones.

The first was a semi-artifact.

The second was a god-level technique.

It was just that today's auction was a little different.

Originally, there were only a few martial gods, but now there are more than twenty martial gods.

Originally, the increase in the number of strong people was a good thing for the Tianxia Chamber of Commerce, but the problem is that now there are strong people in the God Martial Realm who are deliberately making trouble.

"One million taels of silver, this Thunder Hammer, my Shenwu Sect wants it."

"Our ancestor has just broken through to become a god, and I hope everyone will give my Shenwu Sect a face."

When auctioning the semi-god weapon, an elder of the Shenwu Sect who had just broken through spoke, his tone full of threats.

As expected, no one competed with the Shenwu Sect.

Tianling on the stage looked a little ugly, but she didn't say much.

But the same thing happened with the next divine technique.

"One hundred gold, this Fengling Jue is wanted by my Taishen Sect. The Supreme Elder of my sect has just broken through to the divine spirit, and this technique is just right for him as a gift."

"I hope you won't take away someone else's love."

An elder of the Taishen Sect spoke, and the others didn't speak.

The other party had a strong man who became a god, and they didn't dare to offend him.

Tianling's face was pale and ugly, because it was within the rules, she could only grit her teeth and continue the auction.

But the next situation made Tianling angry.

Not only her, but the other strong men present were gnashing their teeth.

It's too bad.

The three top sects of Shenwu Sect, Taishen Sect, and Luosha Palace no longer take the Emperor of Heaven seriously because someone in the sect has become a god.

If it weren't for face, they might have directly started to grab it.

In order to lower the price, the three top sects also took turns to auction and bid it away at the starting price.

"Next, the last item will be auctioned, ten top-grade 10th-grade realm-breaking pills, with a starting price of 10,000 gold." Tian Ling said, her body trembling a little, she really couldn't hold on any longer, she just hoped to finish all the auctions as soon as possible.

"10,000 gold, my Luosha Palace wants it." A martial god realm expert said.

The 10th-grade realm-breaking pill is no longer useful to gods, but it is very useful to him.

Everyone was silent, these three major sects are really shameless.

Tian Ling was angry, but it was a pity that her strength was not strong enough, otherwise she would really let the three sects of Shenwu Sect, Taishen Sect, and Luosha Palace know how powerful the Tianxia Chamber of Commerce is today.

"Where are you, Tiandi?" Tian Ling had asked Tiansha to look for Qin Tian, ​​but she hadn't found a single figure until now.

Just when everyone thought that he hadn't spoken, an old man said, "One hundred thousand gold."

"Who is it?"

Everyone was curious about who dared to provoke the three major sects.

"It's the old man from the South Sea!"

Someone recognized the auctioneer.

"It's him?"

Many people knew the old man from the South Sea, and they also knew that he was extremely powerful.

If no one from the three major sects had achieved a breakthrough and become a god, they would not dare to offend him easily.

But now...

"It's over, he's finished."

Everyone knew that he was not giving face to the three major sects by doing this.

But the old man from the South Sea was not afraid at all.

This time, he could give up other items.

But he had to get the Breakthrough Pill.

In the previous auctions, he left for a few days because he didn't have enough gold.

But he didn't expect that there would be earth-shaking changes today.

At the same time, the strong men in the Martial God Realm were breaking through to become gods, and there were even three who had become gods.

He naturally couldn't let go of this opportunity.

"Old Man from the South Sea?" Tian Ling cast a grateful look.

She naturally knew the old man from the South Sea, because she came from the southern region and naturally knew him very well.

No matter what the other party's purpose was.

She was very grateful to him.

"Old Man from the South Sea?" The elder of the Luosha Palace didn't expect someone to compete with him.

He naturally knew the old man from the South Sea, and the other party was a strong man from the same period as his great elder.

There is a chance to become a god.

For a moment, he was a little stunned.

But he reacted immediately.

"One hundred thousand and one hundred gold." The elder of Luosha Palace said coldly: "My Luosha Palace wants it. I hope that the old man of Nanhai will give me Luosha Palace a face."

He was warning the other party that if the other party didn't know what was good for him and wanted to compete with him, it would be against Luosha Palace.

The end is death.

"Fifteen thousand gold!" The old man of Nanhai said: "Sorry, I also need this elixir."

"You..." The elder of Luosha Palace said angrily: "Very good, very good."

"It's over, the old man of Nanhai is finished!"

Someone sighed.

Everyone can already imagine his end.

"Fifteen thousand gold once!" Tianling saw that no one was bidding and counted down. She was also a little worried about the old man of Nanhai.

"Fifteen thousand gold for the second time!"

"Fifteen thousand gold for the third time!"

"The last auction item was auctioned by the old man of Nanhai." Tianling said: "Today's auction ends here."

Everyone left, and the old man of Nanhai also exchanged the auction items, holding the elixir with excitement.

"Do you want to wait for a while before leaving?" Tianling reminded.

"No, I don't believe they dare to mess around." The old man from Nanhai said angrily. He didn't like what the three major sects did today. If the other party dared to mess around, he was not afraid. As long as the other party's spirit didn't come out, he didn't have to worry at all.

"Then you be careful." Tianling said.

"I will pay attention. Thank you." The old man from Nanhai said: "Tell the Emperor of Heaven that when I break through, I will find him to spar."

"Okay, I will tell the Emperor of Heaven." Tianling said, of course she knew that the other party was definitely not the opponent of the Emperor of Heaven.

"Old man, hand over the elixir and I will spare your life." An angry voice came from the old man from Nanhai before he left the Tianxia Chamber of Commerce.

"You are really shameless!" The old man from Nanhai was a little angry. He didn't expect the other party to mess around.

"If you want the elixir, just come over."

But he was not afraid at all.

The other party had just broken through the Martial God Realm.

"Kill him for me!" The elder of Luosha Palace said angrily, and five people rushed out from his side. With him, there were exactly six people.

And they were all in the Martial God Realm.

BS: The typo was corrected first and then corrected

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