Beast Taming: Start with Summoning

Chapter 204 Above the Nine Heavens (1/2)

Qin Tian stood in the void.

The surroundings were pitch black, without a trace of light, breath, or life.

It's chaos.

This is the beginning of the universe.


I don’t know how many years, and I don’t know how much time.

One day, a bloody fire that destroyed the heaven and earth appeared outside the universe, just like a giant sun.

"Is that the drop of blood?"

Qin Tian looked at the dark universe dyed red by blood and fire. Looking at the scene in front of him, the previous scene appeared in his mind involuntarily.

But Qin Tian couldn't understand why that scene of blood appeared.

"Not good..." The moment that drop of blood entered the universe, the chaotic energy of the entire universe was burning, just like the previous scenes of the universe being destroyed.

its not right?

Isn’t this universe destined to be destroyed?

The previous scene was just a rough outline, and he didn't know the details of what happened.


At this moment, a bright moon's milky white light appeared outside the universe.

It is full of extremely terrifying and primitive life force and unknown power.

"Original power?" Qin Tian looked horrified. He felt the purest original power from above.

It is almost the same as the original energy in his system.

what is happening?


The moment it entered the universe, it was attracted by the drop of blood, and the moment it got closer, a terrifying source of energy erupted.

The energy of chaos originally consumed was also replenished.

It wasn't until this moment that Qin Cai finally understood the original power in front of him.

It turned out to be a milky white stone.

As it gets closer to the drop of blood, its size keeps getting smaller.

It can also be said that the source stone is being consumed.


When the source stone came close to the drop of blood, a strange change suddenly occurred.

The giant sun and bright moon actually began to rotate automatically.

"This... is Tai Chi?" Qin Tian looked strange and confused.

Isn’t Wuji born from Tai Chi?

"That's not right!" As the rotation began, endless chaotic energy poured into it.


I don’t know how long it has been, and I don’t know how much chaotic energy has been integrated into it. Perhaps it has reached a certain limit, and the rotating blood droplets and the source stone are finally completely integrated.


At the moment of complete fusion, the drop of blood was compressed into a blood crystal due to absorbing too much chaotic energy and under the influence of the Origin Stone.

Qin Tian immediately recognized that the blood crystal was the blood crystal that he had fused with on the tenth day of his journey to the blood source.

Perhaps the Origin Stone consumed too much Origin Qi and has turned into an Origin Crystal.

Seeing this Origin Crystal, Qin Tian suddenly realized something in his heart.


When the changes are completely integrated, a similar Tai Chi is born, and multiple sources of energy evolve from it.

"Tai Chi generates the five elements?" Qin Tian looked surprised.

The multiple bursts of energy were the origin of the Five Elements, and they were integrated into the entire universe the moment they appeared. The originally empty chaotic energy began to evolve, and as time went by, various creatures began to be born in the universe.

The endless starry sky also began to slowly come into being.

Tai Chi also erupted countless chaotic forces after evolving the five elements.

The power of chaos is evolved from the energy of chaos through Tai Chi, and merges into the universe at the moment it appears to accelerate the evolution and growth of the universe.

Tai Chi also automatically evolved into Yang Yang and merged into the universe to complete its final mission.


When the Yangyang Disk disappeared, only a milky white crystal remained in the void.

Then it cut through the void and disappeared into the boundless starry sky.

"Is it that thing?" Qin Tian finally remembered.

At the beginning of the universe, an unknown object filled with white light appeared, triggering various events and wars.

It turned out to be the origin crystal!

There is cause and effect.

Blood drops evolve living things, and origin evolves all things.

Their appearance accelerates the evolution of the universe and at the same time causes the destruction of the universe.

Especially the Origin Crystal, its appearance allowed the birth of the supreme creature, and also triggered two wars that destroyed the universe.

Cause and effect, destiny!

Creation and destruction!

There are rules in the universe.

The scenes in front of Qin Tian kept changing, and they were basically all things he had seen and knew.

Time has come to the end of the ancient times, and the universe is in ruins. In order to save the universe, the nine supreme beings have turned into rules and integrated into the universe, becoming the supreme rules of the entire universe and controlling the universe.

I originally thought I could control and protect the universe in this way.

Unfortunately, fate took another turn.

In ancient times, one day, a ethnic group obtained the Origin Crystal, and then a powerful tribe called the Celestial Clan was born. In order to unify the universe, a war broke out among all the tribes in the universe, and the universe was broken again.

The four supreme rulers came and planned to destroy all living beings. The heavenly clan repented and protected all living beings for the automatic evolution of the universe.

In order to protect the universe, the nine supreme rules each create a ladder, which is the Nine Heavens, and integrate it into the way of heaven to form the shackles of heaven and earth.

The purpose is naturally to prevent all creatures in the universe from competing for the origin of the universe and accelerating the destruction of the universe.


But when the Nine Supreme Rules created the Nine Heavens, an accident happened, and only three rays of light merged into the Nine Heavens.

Three steps evolve on it.

A streak of blood as red as blood.

A milky white holy.

As for the last one, it was blurry and looked down upon by the gray aura.

But Qin Tian had already guessed it.

The last ladder should be related to the soul.

Time passed and the ancient era disappeared. At the beginning of the ancient era, various races began to be born.

On this day, a creature, like other creatures, began to step into the Nine Heavens.

This is a natural creature, and also a spirit of heaven and earth, born from the spiritual energy of heaven and earth.

She is a peerless evildoer, and also an unlucky person.

Other creatures of heaven and earth are born in the king realm, but she is a weak mortal spirit.

Fortunately, she has a natural talent, and she has reached the Nine Heavens in just ten years.

And today is the day she steps into the Nine Heavens.

Her appearance has attracted the attention of many creatures and races.

Sure enough, her talent is terrifying, and she stepped into the Nine Heavens in just a short while.

As a bystander, Qin Tian envied her talent very much.

"What is that?" Qin Tian looked at the tenth day with a look of shock and confusion.

Isn't the tenth day a blood source?

How did it become a spiritual source?

At this time, the tenth day was a milky white staircase.

And the eleventh day turned into a blood-red staircase.

The position was completely changed.

What is going on?


When she stepped on it with one foot, a terrifying spiritual energy wave burst out in all directions around her.

The surrounding races showed a look of horror. They had never expected that she would step into the tenth day.

The nine days are basically the limit of all creatures.

As for the tenth day, no one can step into it yet.


The heaven and earth shook, and endless pressure came to suppress her.


She spurted out a mouthful of blood, and her breath instantly wilted.

"It seems that I failed." Qin Tian sighed. He really wanted to see other creatures step onto the spiritual source ladder. He didn't know what the scenery would be like.


Just when everyone thought she was going to fail, a terrifying breath suddenly burst out from her body.

White light appeared one after another. When it enveloped her, her injuries also recovered at a speed visible to the naked eye, and her other foot began to move.


When she completely stepped into it, a more terrifying breath burst out fiercely. The people around her hurriedly retreated, but she who was standing on the white stairs was fine, and instead began to transform rapidly.

"Why is the breath just now exactly the same as the origin of qi?" Qin Tian was puzzled, feeling that this universe was full of countless secrets.

And she felt that she had countless causes and effects with him.


A milky white light descended from the Ten Heavens and merged into her body, helping her to complete the transformation.


When she was completely transformed, her body burst out with a domineering and terrifying aura, and a pressure belonging to the king was born.

She was enveloped by white light, just like the Lord of the Nine Heavens. When she opened her eyes, two milky white pupils were like two worlds.

One exuded vitality and illusory power.

The other was filled with the purest original spiritual energy and could control the spiritual energy of the world.

"From today on, I am the spiritual ancestor. The spirits of heaven and earth are the spirits. Whether weak or strong, I will protect them." She stood on the Nine Heavens, looking down at all living beings, like the Lord of all spirits, and her voice spread to the entire universe.

Suddenly, the spiritual ancestor looked at Qin Tian and smiled slightly, and disappeared on the Nine Heavens while he was confused.

The picture changed again, and the scene in front of him made Qin Tian speechless.

It was stepping on the Nine Heavens again.

However, this time the creature stepping on the Nine Heavens was similar to the fierce beast, but the whole body was covered with white light.

Qin Tian was going to fail, but he succeeded.

"I am the Spirit Ancestor, the Lord of Spirit Beasts."

The scene kept changing, and every time a creature stepped onto the Nine Heavens, a new race was born.

There were immortals, gods, demons, etc.

Each race was extremely powerful and terrifying.

Qin Tian found a common symbol from it.

The races that could step onto the Spirit Source were all cultivating the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, or cultivating the origin of heaven and earth. However, when a race stepped onto the Nine Heavens, it would receive feedback from heaven and earth and transform into various powers.

And Qin Tian also found two other problems from it.

The first problem is that, except for the Spirit Ancestor, the other biological races that stepped onto the Nine Heavens all like to compete for strength, and some are arrogant and self-righteous. This may be the fuse for the most miserable and terrifying war in the universe.

The second problem is that the Blood Source is obviously on the tenth day, why did it change? Obviously, very few people can step onto the Blood Source, but why did she enter the Spirit Source so many people.

There are as many as nine.

The Supreme Rule created the Nine Heavens to protect the universe, but because of the Nine Heavens, the most terrifying war in history broke out.

Directly led to the destruction of the origin of the universe.

If it weren't for the Emperor of Heaven, this universe would have been destroyed.

The scene came to the ancient battlefield, where there were mountains of corpses and seas of blood everywhere, and countless broken boulders floating in the void.


A sighing voice sounded, and a young man in white clothes walked out.

After sealing the blood source, he sealed another two days.

When evolving the origin of the universe, he suddenly looked in the direction of Qin Tian and smiled: "The order is recast, and the universe is open!"

"Are you ready for the future?"


The picture shattered and ended.

Qin Tian only felt that the eleventh day was extremely strange.


There was a buzzing sound in his ears.

He opened his eyes, but found that various lights of the eleventh day were constantly pouring into his body.


Every time an attribute poured in, Qin Tian felt that the artistic conception he had comprehended was forming rapidly.

The body, aura, soul, and life were all undergoing earth-shaking changes.

Especially the Dantian.

After comprehending the Three Thousand Principles, the Dantian slowly expanded.

As he comprehended the true meaning of other realms again, and as attributes poured into his body, his dantian began to expand wildly.

118 square miles!

158 square miles!

375 square miles!

When all the attribute auras on the steps poured into Qin Tian's body, everything underwent the final transformation.

The realm reached the first in the ages at this stage, and no creature had ever stepped on the eleven days.

His strength broke through to the middle stage of the emperor realm in one fell swoop.

Dantian also reached 999 square miles.

Auras also transformed as various attribute auras merged.

A more terrifying power was born.


It is the transformation of the law of aura fusion, and it is the standard power of the king realm.

This is also the gap and gap between the king realm and the extraordinary realm.


The world shook, and purple light filled the air.

It seemed to celebrate for Qin Tian.

Countless attribute auras continued to enter Qin Tian's body to speed up his transformation.

"Who is stepping into the spiritual source?"

"How is it possible? Isn't the spiritual source sealed by the Emperor of Heaven? How can someone step into it?"

"It actually succeeded? Who is it?"

"What's going on? Someone just stepped into the blood source not long ago, how can someone step into the spiritual source again?"

The supreme strong men were alarmed again. They were very puzzled. How could someone step into the Nine Heavens one after another, and succeeded.

They didn't understand it very much.

That's above the Nine Heavens, not the Nine Heavens.

The most important thing is that the Nine Heavens are sealed by the Emperor of Heaven, how can someone step into it.

Is there something wrong with the origin of the universe?

"Finally appeared!" In the deep space of an extremely huge continent, a woman's voice sounded.

"Is it him?" Another woman's voice came from the side.

"It seems that we are not far from meeting."


Qin Tian completely broke through the transformation, and his strength changed again.

The peak of the middle stage of the emperor realm, just one step away from reaching the late stage.

"The last step!" Qin Tian looked at the empty step at the end.

"System, add points, continue to improve the realm."

Qin Tian was full of expectations.

"Ding, consuming 100,000 origins, realm is being upgraded..."


100,000 origins?

Qin was almost scared.

Is this a bit too much?

Although it hurts, it has come to this point, so it is impossible to give up.


As the system sounded, a gray staircase suddenly appeared in front of him.

A terrifying pressure emanated from it.

Qin Tian felt very depressed and uncomfortable.

"Why is my head a little dizzy!" Qin Tian suddenly felt dizzy.

"Can't wait!" Qin Tian gritted his teeth and stepped into it. He felt that as time passed, the pressure became stronger and stronger, and his head became more and more dizzy, and there was even a feeling of suffocation.


When Qin Tian stepped into it, an even more terrifying pressure suddenly broke out.

Just when Qin Tian was about to call the system, all the pressure suddenly disappeared at this moment.

But in front of him was endless darkness.

Qin Tian wanted to speak but found that he couldn't speak, or even move.

Endless darkness always makes people feel terrified and uneasy.

But Qin Tian didn't know why, he didn't feel that way at all.

"Did it succeed?"

After an unknown amount of time, a voice full of endless pressure and domineering came from the darkness.

BS: The typo will be corrected later.

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