Beast Taming: Start with Summoning

Chapter 209 The Strong are Respected (1/2)

Although he had only been with the Emperor for less than two hours, he knew his character very well.

He loves money!

He loves money very much!

The Bai family is an example.

Besides, it was not his fault.

Even if the Emperor knew, he would not tell him.

Others want to kill me, so I can't just stand there and let them kill me.

"Kill him." Tianming ordered the Fire Dragon Scaled Beast.


The Fire Dragon Scaled Beast roared, and its sharp claws slapped Zhao Shi directly.

A strong wind suddenly blew around.

"You?" Zhao Shi looked incredulous. He didn't expect the other party to attack.

This was completely different from what he thought.

Shouldn't the other party let him attack, and then take the initiative to accompany him...

If he was happy, he might let the other party's family forces go.

The result was...

He never expected that the other party would attack directly, and kill him.


Zhao Shi was slapped away, blood gushing out, and he was no match at all.

He had just broken through the Tongtian realm.

Although the Fire Dragon Scaled Beast had just broken through the Venerable Realm.

But it was a demon beast, and a demon beast that could attack and defend at the same time. Even the peak of the Venerable Realm could not kill it.

And there was a big realm difference.

It was already amazing that Zhao Shi was not killed directly.

Of course, the most important thing was that Tianming did not intend to let the other party die easily.


A big hole appeared directly when Zhao Shi hit the ground.


Zhao Shi's blood stained his clothes red, and blood kept spurting out of his mouth. His eyes were dull and his face was pale. He did not react for a while.

The people around him were stunned.

They did not react for a while.

It's over!

She's over!

Everyone had this thought in their hearts at the same time.

Good fight, it's better to kill him!

There were also many people praying in their hearts that it would be better to kill Zhao Shi directly.

They had all been bullied by the Zhao family to a greater or lesser extent.

Some friends, brothers and relatives even died in the hands of the other party, but they did not dare to do so, for fear of provoking the Zhao family, which would lead to the destruction of the entire family or power.

At this moment, many people wanted to rush up and kill Zhao Shi, but their last bit of reason stopped them.

But they were praying in their hearts that the other party could kill Zhao Shi.

It would be best if they could have a war with the Zhao family.


Although the Fire Dragon Scaled Armored Beast was as huge as a mountain, its speed was not slow at all.

It arrived above Zhao Shi in just a moment.

Tianming stood on the Fire Dragon Scaled Armored Beast, with long hair fluttering, full of domineering and dashing posture.

Just like the Nine Heavens Goddess.

But the next words directly ruined her image.

"If you want to live, hand over 10,000 medium-grade spirit stones." Tianming said lightly.

Everyone was stunned and almost didn't react for a while.

Zhao Shi just recovered a little, but he spit out another mouthful of blood.

Looking at Tianming, his eyes were full of resentment, and the fear in his heart disappeared without a trace with Tianming's words.

The other party asked for spirit stones, which was just an excuse in his eyes.

But who is he?

He is Zhao Shi, only others give him spirit stones, and no one dares to ask him to hand over the spirit stones.

Even the people in the Southern Alliance dare not.

"One hundred thousand middle-grade spirit stones?" Zhao Shi sneered: "You still want one hundred thousand middle-grade spirit stones, not a penny is impossible, you want it, I'm afraid you won't be able to get it."

"That means..." Tianming frowned and said coldly: "You don't want to pay for your life?"

A chill broke out from her body, and everyone felt cold.

Zhao Shi spit out another mouthful of blood.

"I want you to die, I want to destroy your entire family." Zhao Shi roared.

"If that's the case, then you die." Tianming said coldly, and an invisible power fell on Zhao Shi's body.


Zhao Shi suddenly roared in pain, his body twisted, and blood kept gushing out of his mouth.

In the eyes of everyone, it was Zhao Shi who was formed because of the outbreak of injuries.

They didn't see Tianming take action.

Destiny is invisible and intangible, but it really exists.

Destiny is everywhere.

Although Tianming can't kill people with destiny now.

But it can affect others.

She used the conception of fate to affect Zhao Shi's injury, making his fate develop towards death.



Zhao Shi was full of fear and despair at this moment.

He could feel his life slipping away quickly.

Although he didn't know why his body suddenly became more injured.

But he knew that all this was related to the woman above.

"Spare... my life..."

"Spare... me..."

"Goddess... spare me... I won't dare to do it again..."

Zhao Shi finally felt death at this moment, and finally felt the despair and unwillingness of those who were tortured or killed by him.

"I am destiny, I can control the fate of others!"

Destiny said lightly: "The world is ruthless, and fate has no rules. Although I am destiny, I have also comprehended a little bit of the style of the Emperor of Heaven, and deliberately left a little life!"

"It's a pity that you didn't comprehend the mystery, and you gave up your own destiny."

"So what awaits you will be death!"

Everyone only felt that this moment was a bit dreamy.

The feeling of destiny to everyone suddenly rose again.

However, they could not understand such a mysterious word.


Although Zhao Shi could not understand, he clearly felt that the moment the other party finished speaking, the speed of life suddenly accelerated.

In just two breaths, 80% of his vitality was lost.

Despair, fear, unwillingness, and regret kept pouring into his heart.

Until the life is completely gone.


Really dead!

At this moment, everyone just felt crazy.

It’s over!

No one has dared to kill the Zhao family in a hundred years.

Zhao Shi is dead.

The sky was broken.

Something big is going to happen.

Everyone was uneasy and excited.

There are many people who have long wanted to kill members of the Zhao family, but they did not dare because of the other party's power and cruelty.

Now I personally see Zhao Shi die.

I couldn't help but feel excited.

Just looking at the figure on the body of the Fire Dragon Scale Beast, I feel grateful or appreciative at the same time, but also feel very sorry.

The destiny is based on the fire dragon scale beast. Hearing everyone's pity, I just feel ridiculous.

How about the Zhao family!

So what about SAARC!

They can only bully others.

Can’t others bully them?

"Thank you, senior, for saving your life!" The young man woke up from a coma and thanked him quickly before opening his eyes.

But when he vaguely saw the Fire Dragon Scale Beast and Destiny, the terrifying scene in his memory couldn't help but reappear. When he saw clearly that the person in front of him was that person, his eyes were suddenly filled with fear.

"It''s you..." the young man stammered: "Don't kill me, don't kill me..."

The young man's face was full of panic, and he stepped back repeatedly before he could get up.

Everyone was stunned, what happened?

"I remembered it!"

"His name is Ye Fan, he is from the Ye family."

Someone recognized the boy's true identity.

Everyone immediately understood what was going on.

At the same time a frightening thought came to their minds.

I thought to myself: "The woman who claimed to be destined to save him from Zhao Shitou didn't want to kill him with her own hands, right?"

It seems that the other party is not even willing to let go of the Zhao family.

Nine times out of ten it's possible.

"Is it you?" Tianming also didn't expect that the one he saved would be someone from the Ye family who slipped through the net.

Just when everyone thought she was going to kill her.

But I heard Tianming say calmly: "It just happened to repay the Ye family's karma."

He said that he was about to leave on the fire dragon scale beast and had no intention of killing the young man.

"Why?" The young man was stunned for a moment, then he came to his senses and said. He didn't know why he suddenly spoke, but in his heart he really wanted to know why the other party didn't kill him.

Everyone also showed curiosity.

I also want to know why the other party doesn’t eradicate the root cause.

This is not what the other party is doing.

The master who dared to kill even members of the Zhao family actually let go of the people whose clan she had exterminated.

Aren't you afraid of leaving troubles for yourself?


Tianming said calmly: "Because your Ye family deserves to be destroyed."

Three days ago, Tianming wanted to find some gold, silver, treasures and spiritual stones for the Emperor of Heaven.

So he rode the Fire Dragon Scale Beast everywhere to search for relics. His hard work paid off, and he finally found a Venerable Realm inheritance in a desolate and dry desert two days ago.

I don't know if she is lucky or if she is blessed by the Emperor of Heaven.

She actually encountered two venerable inheritances one after another.

While waiting for the formation to disappear, she encountered someone in the desert who was attacked by a monster and covered in blood. He was about to be killed, but she saved him.

That person was a core disciple of the Ye family.

Because he killed the monster cub, he was madly chased by the monster.

In addition to humans, there are also demonic beasts on the Ten Thousand Domains battlefield.

Without destiny, he would have died long ago.

I originally thought that after saving the other person, I would be full of affection and gratitude to her.

But in the end, it was that person who brought the senior elders of the Ye family to kill her.

Fortunately, the Fire Dragon Scale Beast is powerful and terrifying.

Even so, in the end, fate gave them a chance.

But in the end, the Ye family used conspiracy and tricks to trick her into coming to the Ye family, hoping to catch a turtle in a jar.

Tianming naturally cannot give the other party any chance.

"As for you?"

Tianming looked at Ye Fan and said calmly: "Once the Ye family is destroyed, the grudge between me and the Ye family has come to an end.

Saving you was purely an accident. Even if it wasn't you, I would have saved someone else.

It turned out to be you, so you should just repay the Ye family's karma. "

The Ye family wanted to kill her, so it was only natural that she destroy the Ye family.

But there must be some innocent people among them.

Just like the boy in front of me.

Saving Ye Fan was like leaving the last seed for the Ye family.

It's also a matter of cause and effect.

Ever since she realized her destiny, she had vaguely felt something about it.

Cause and effect is just one of them.

If someone wants to kill you, but you kill them in return, there is nothing wrong with that.

But there is a cause and effect in the dark.

She had some doubts before.

There are only two ways to eliminate cause and effect.

The first person to destroy all related things.

She didn't know the second one, but she felt it was related to the soul.

Just now, this cause and effect had dimmed a lot. It wasn't until she saw Ye Fan that she realized that there was a third way.

Originally, she could have eliminated the root cause.

But she left a root for the other party and repaid the cause and effect invisibly.

Cause and effect may leave hidden dangers to others at most.

But Tianming could feel that cause and effect would bring her big trouble in the future.

It may even prevent her from controlling her destiny.

"If you want to seek revenge on me, I welcome you at any time, but it's best not to bring enough money to buy your life." Tianming said coldly, and looked at Zhao Shi, who was no longer alive on the ground, and said: "Otherwise, his fate will be your fate."

The cause and effect between her and the Ye family has basically disappeared.

If Ye Fan wants to take revenge, this cause and effect will naturally appear again.

At that time, this cause and effect will be completely resolved directly.

If the other party lets go of hatred, it will also disappear completely.

It depends on how you choose.

"Why?" Ye Fan trembled and said: "You can obviously save a stranger you don't know, and even kill people from the Zhao family for this, completely offending the Zhao family."

"But why can't you let my Ye family go?"

"Why?" Tianming said coldly: "The Ye family has harmed me again and again, why can't I destroy it!"

Zhao Shi was silent, and what the other party said was not wrong.

The Ye family has harmed others again and again, and it is naturally not others who are blamed for being destroyed.

Everyone thinks so.

Even they would do so.

"As for saving strangers, it's because in my opinion, they are not wrong at all. They are just poor people who are not strong enough to control their own destiny." Tianming said.

"And as Tianming, I naturally can't stand idly by."

She found that as long as she helped those who could not control their destiny, she could quickly understand destiny.


Everyone was just shocked.

Because of this reason, they offended the Zhao family.


Everyone had only two words.

But they also agreed with the other party's words, and some people's hearts were involuntarily exaggerated.

They are not poor people.

I just think that the other party is full of greatness at this moment.

Ye Fan didn't know how to respond for a while.

"Of course, the most important thing is strength. Without strength, everything is a bubble." Tianming said coldly: "This world itself is the strong respect!"

The Wanyu battlefield is itself a battlefield, and it also kills other people to get points.

It is originally a world where the strong respect and the weak are fish.

Everyone was silent and agreed with the other party's words.

In the Wanyu battlefield, the strong respect.

Zhao Shi fell into thinking and entanglement.

The strong are respected. These four words have been deeply imprinted in his mind at this moment.

The strong are respected!

"The strong are respected! What a strong is respected!"

"That's right. The strong are respected in this world."

Suddenly, a loud and domineering voice resounded through the world from a distance. .

"You killed my Zhao family's children, so you should pay for your life."

Everyone looked and saw a group of people flying quickly towards the Black Sea.

"It's the Zhao family."

"That's Zhao Lei."

"That seems to be Zhao Peng."

"Zhao Yang is here too."

Everyone was shocked. They didn't expect that the Zhao family had three Venerable Realms.

The people around Tianming retreated quickly.

Ye Fan glanced at the other party and left Tianming like everyone else.

Although the other party saved him from the Zhao family and even became an enemy of the Zhao family, today was even more dangerous.

But the other party was his enemy after all and destroyed his family.

Naturally, he would not stand up for the other party.

What's more, he couldn't die.

"Zhao family?" Tianming frowned, his face a little ugly.

But when she thought of what the Emperor of Heaven had left her, her worried expression immediately relaxed.

Surrounded by the Zhao family, she looked calm and composed.

Only three Venerables.

She didn't take it seriously at all.

BS: The typos were corrected later.

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