Beast Taming: Start with Summoning

Chapter 223 Inheritance Transaction (1/2)

"Emperor of Heaven..." Nanyang's face turned pale. After thinking for a while, he gritted his teeth and asked, "I want to know, is the inheritance you just told me about a lie to me?"

Hearing what the other party said, he really couldn't understand. He would not be willing to die like this.

"No!" The Emperor of Heaven said a little unhappy: "I was negotiating a deal with you, but you suddenly took action. Are you sick?"

"But you said that the inheritance here has been..." Nanyang wanted to refute, but mid-sentence, he suddenly thought of a possibility.

My heart was suddenly horrified, and I really couldn't believe it.

"What kind of vitality is the Emperor of Heaven?"

"What chance of survival?"

"What kind of Emperor of Heaven is this?"

"Lord Heavenly Emperor, have mercy on me!"

"We were wrong!"

"Lord Heavenly Emperor, please forgive me, I didn't scold you just now!"

"It's all them, if you want to kill them, kill them!"

"You..., Lord Heavenly Emperor, I know I was wrong, please spare my life!"

Everyone hurriedly opened their mouths and said that the powerful pressure was so overwhelming that they could no longer breathe. If he didn't speak, he would be crushed to death by the pressure even without the Emperor of Heaven taking action himself.

"It's very simple to want life. Each of you..." The Emperor of Heaven said with a serious face: "The heaven and earth have the virtue of good life, but I am the Emperor of Heaven, and I leave life after nature. Is this life? In fact, it is very simple...

You and Nanyang are making noise together, insulting the strong, and also want to kill the strong. Aren't you stupid?

I can kill them all directly, but I still have some chance of survival. I just need you to compensate me and make mistakes. "

Everyone: "..."

"Lord Heavenly Emperor, tell me what kind of compensation you want, I can't hold on any longer."

"Lord Heavenly Emperor, please tell me what kind of compensation we can do!"

"Lord Heavenly Emperor, I know I was wrong, please go around me."

"Lord Heavenly Emperor, I don't dare to do that anymore."

"Lord Heavenly Emperor...does he want to... again?"

Everyone was excited and uncomfortable. Some people heard the words of the Emperor of Heaven and thought of painting freely.

"As for compensation..." The Emperor of Heaven smiled slightly and said, "Just give each person some spiritual stones..."

Some in the crowd immediately understood what he meant.

"Not many, each person..."

Everyone: Speak quickly, we can’t stand it.

The Emperor smiled and said: "One million middle-grade spiritual stones!"

Everyone: "..."

This is robbery!

For some people, one million mid-grade spiritual stones is a huge sum of money.

"Lord Heavenly Emperor, have mercy on me!"

"Spare my life!"

"It really doesn't work, big IOU!" Emperor Tian thought for a while and said.

"Of course, if anyone deliberately deceives me, don't blame me for being ruthless."

"For those who still have big IOUs, I'll give you a month at most."

"If there is really no other way, you can also have gold and silver treasures."

Everyone: "..."

At this moment, they were a little confused about the Emperor's purpose.

In their opinion, how could the majestic Emperor of Heaven care about gold and silver treasures.

Even if it is a spiritual stone, it is useless if there are too many.

Because strength is fundamental.

Some people even speculated that this was an opportunity deliberately given to them by the Emperor of Heaven.

"The Emperor of Heaven is wise!"

"The Emperor of Heaven is mighty!"

"Thank you, Emperor of Heaven!"

Some quickly thanked them.

The Emperor smiled slightly and took back his pressure.

Then he looked at Nanyang and said: "If you say one hundred thousand high-grade spiritual stones, if you lose one cent, I will destroy you immediately."

The deputy leader of the Nanyang Southern League is also in the Tianyi realm, and one hundred thousand high-grade spiritual stones is nothing to him.

If you dared to take action against him, it would have been very merciful not to kill him.

It is normal to have more spirit stones than others.

"How about it?" The Emperor looked at Nanyang and said coldly: "If you think there is a problem, I don't need the spirit stone, but if you offend me, I will kill you."

"No problem!" Nanyang gritted his teeth with an ugly face.

He didn't hesitate, he could already feel the killing intent from the other person's eyes.

As long as he dares to say no, death will be waiting for him.

Compared with spiritual stones and dignity, life is more important.

Moreover, the other party may be more terrifying than he imagined. He would only offend such a strong person unless he was a fool.

More importantly, there was a problem that he had to figure out.

"Okay!" The Emperor smiled and said, "Start now..."

"You guys line up and come one by one."

At this moment, his heart was excited.

This is all the original energy.

A quarter of an hour later, everything was done.

Including the original energy obtained in the palace, there are a total of 7.12 million original energy.

Make a lot of money!

Get rich!

This is only about spiritual stones. It would be even more satisfying if the spiritual crystals were sold.

"See if you have injuries on your body, do you need me to help you heal them?" The Emperor looked at the people around him who were far away and said.

His voice sounded, startling some.

"No, no need."

"Thank you, Emperor Heaven. Our injuries are not serious, so there is no need."

Everyone quickly declined.

Afraid of accidentally offending the other person again.

"It's okay, the treatment fee is not much, 10,000 mid-grade spiritual stones per person." The Emperor said.

"No need really, thank you, Lord Heavenly Emperor!"

"Thank you, Lord Heavenly Emperor, my injury is not serious."

Everyone declined politely.

Many people despise them in their hearts. Their injuries were not caused by you.

There are still some people who have begun to wonder whether Lord Heavenly Emperor is a money-lover.

From before until now, as long as you have money, the other party will smile, even if it is an enemy, they will let you go.

But if you show that you are unwilling to pay, or have no money, the other party will be cold and ready to take your life at any time.


"Forget it, if you don't want to treat it, then don't treat it." The Emperor of Heaven said a little unhappy.

Hearing his words, everyone just wanted to despise him.

It was obviously you who caused the injury.

Compensation was also compensated.

In the end, there was an additional charge for treatment.

Isn't this playing with them?

Even if you are stupid, you can't continue to fleece him.

"Since you don't want to treat it, then see you next time." The Emperor of Heaven smiled.

Everyone: I'll see you when I get off the car.

"Emperor of Heaven... Sir, wait..." Suddenly a voice sounded, making the people around a little surprised and confused, who is so awesome.

"What do you want?" The Emperor of Heaven frowned.

"I want to ask the Emperor of Heaven, does the inheritance you mentioned before still count?" Nanyang said, but he was uneasy in his heart, he was afraid that the other party would kill him directly if he got impatient.

"That's it, you're not going to get sick again, are you?" The Emperor asked seriously.

Hearing the other party's words, Nanyang's face turned black, and he almost couldn't hold back a mouthful of blood.

He wanted to say that he was not sick, but you were.

Unfortunately, he didn't dare to say it.

He could only grit his teeth and said, "No!"

"Really?" The Emperor asked with some worry.

"Really!" Nanyang's face was extremely ugly. He had never encountered such a weird but crazy thing since he was born.

"Okay, that's good." The Emperor said, "It's also very simple if you want inheritance!"

He has a system, and he can inherit whatever he needs.

He has the inheritance of the Supreme and the Great Emperor.

Of course, the origin of qi must be enough.

"Really?" Nanyang's eyes lit up, his face full of excitement and excitement.

If he could get the inheritance of the King Realm, today's experience would be worth it.

That is, he was very confused, why would the other party take out the inheritance of the King Realm.

Doesn't he need it?

To be honest, I still don't believe it until now.

Everyone was a little bit unbelievable when they heard what the two said.

Trading the inheritance of the king realm?

Could they have heard it wrong?

"Of course it's true..." said the Emperor of Heaven, "But you may not be able to afford it."

"Can't afford it?" Nanyang was a little confused, and after thinking for a while, he said, "Please tell me, Lord Emperor of Heaven, no matter what the price is, I will try my best."

"That's fine." The Emperor of Heaven thought for a while and said, "The inheritance of the king realm requires 100,000 top-grade spirit stones."

He quoted the price based on the inheritance of Elder Huo.


"100,000 top-grade spirit stones?"

Nanyang's eyes widened, and he was stunned.

He didn't have 100,000 top-grade spirit stones at all.

Even the Southern Alliance didn't have it.

Even the Ten Thousand Domains Battlefield didn't have it.

Top-grade spirit stones gradually disappeared in history after the rules were broken.

Even the top-grade spirit stones can only be possessed by forces beyond the top.

Even the Southern Alliance only has hundreds of millions of top-grade spirit stones.

Not to mention the top-grade ones.

"100,000 top-grade spirit stones?"

Everyone was shocked, and top-grade spirit stones only exist in legends.

I didn't expect that the Heavenly Emperor would ask for 100,000 top-grade spirit stones.

He is indeed the Heavenly Emperor.

"Why?" The Heavenly Emperor frowned and said, "Too much?"

One hundred thousand top-grade spirit stones, to be honest, compared with Old Huo, it is simply a piece of cake.

If this is unacceptable, there is nothing he can do.

He can't let himself lose money.

"Heavenly Emperor, it's not too much." Nanyang said quickly, "It's just that there are not so many top-grade spirit stones."

"There are not so many top-grade spirit stones?" The Heavenly Emperor frowned and said, "What's going on?"

"Heavenly Emperor, the thing is like this..." Although Nanyang was puzzled as to why the other party didn't know, for the sake of the King Realm inheritance, he could only cooperate with the other party.

"It can be like this, if the top-grade spirit stones are not enough, the middle-grade spirit stones will also work." The Heavenly Emperor thought for a while and said, "One hundred thousand top-grade spirit stones, converted into middle-grade spirit stones, are already one billion top-grade spirit stones."

"One billion top-grade spirit stones?" Nanyang looked bitter.

If it was a few hundred million, he could still find a way to get it, but if it was a billion high-grade spirit stones, he might be able to get it unless he became the leader of the Southern Alliance.

"Of course, middle-grade spirit stones are also OK." Seeing the bitter face of the other party, the Emperor of Heaven thought for a while and said: "Gold and silver treasures are also OK, but the value must be equal to 100,000 top-grade spirit stones."

In order to earn the origin energy, he could only think of this method.

"Lord Emperor of Heaven, are you telling the truth?" Nanyang's bitter face immediately turned into shock and surprise.

"I am the Emperor of Heaven, do you think I will lie to you?" said the Emperor of Heaven.

"However, whether you obtain spirit stones or gold and silver treasures, you must not create killing and chaos for it, and you must also obtain it by formal means..." The Emperor of Heaven looked at Nanyang and said seriously: "If I know that you want to get the inheritance from me and cause a bloodbath, I will personally kill you..."

Knowing the supreme rules, he will naturally not leave hidden dangers for himself.

Everything that others cause in order to get the inheritance from him will have a cause and effect with him.

Although it has little impact on him.

But he doesn't want others to suffer because of himself.

He doesn't have a saintly heart.

He won't change the fate of others because of himself.

Unless the other party offends him.

"Don't dare! Don't dare!" Nanyang was looked at by the other party, just like being stared at by a tiger. A terrifying aura enveloped him, making him a little breathless, and his back was covered with cold sweat.

At this moment, the Emperor of Heaven was full of domineering and seriousness, more dangerous than before.

He had a feeling that if he really dared to mess around, he would definitely be killed by the other party, and there would be no room for him.

Everyone looked at the Emperor of Heaven at this moment, and they couldn't help but admire and respect him.

Because their fate was almost changed invisibly.

Although it was because of the Emperor of Heaven, they were still very grateful to the other party.

If the Emperor of Heaven hadn't warned today, many people present might have suffered.

"Okay!" The Emperor of Heaven said: "Then when can you take it out?"

"This?" Nanyang was a little embarrassed. Even if it was a genuine spirit stone, he couldn't take it out for a while.

Unless he went...

Thinking of this, he quickly gave up the idea.

"One month, I will give you a month at most." The Emperor of Heaven said: "I will find you when the time comes."

Then he disappeared from the scene out of thin air.

"Emperor of Heaven..." Nanyang smiled bitterly.

"Emperor of Heaven!" Lei Dao stood in the distance, looking at the place where Emperor of Heaven disappeared out of thin air, his eyes full of horror.

"Is this Emperor of Heaven?" Jin Baiwan's eyes lit up, and he already had an idea in his mind.

"Brother Lei, I'll take my leave first!"

After saying that, he waited for the others to disappear in front of everyone.

Since Emperor of Heaven said that there was a candidate for the inheritance of the King Realm, he naturally didn't need to wait.

Even if Emperor of Heaven lied, he couldn't get it.

He was not the opponent of Emperor of Heaven at all.

But he believed that what Emperor of Heaven said was true.

Emperor of Heaven seemed to love money, but he was very serious about some things.

For example, the matter of Nanyang.

This means that Emperor of Heaven is not a bad person.

I just don't know if his guess is true.

He must prepare for it. If it is true, it will be his opportunity.

Lei Dao and others also disappeared in front of everyone.

The disappearance here must be reported to the sect as soon as possible.

Whether it is Emperor of Heaven or the inheritance transaction he mentioned, these are the top priorities.

Especially the latter, if it is true, the battlefield of the South Region and even the Ten Thousand Regions will undergo earth-shaking changes.

The pattern will also change greatly.

"Emperor of Heaven!" Nanyang muttered to himself. At this moment, he didn't know what his mood was.

He said he hated the other party, but he had lost his determination to fight against him.

The other party was too terrifying.

He just disappeared out of thin air. Even the king realm couldn't do it.

It was impossible to say that he didn't hate him.

"Forget it, let's take it one step at a time." Nanyang said a little tiredly.

Today's experience had a great impact on him.

But now the most important thing is the inheritance transaction.

Whether it is true or false, he has tried it.

"Can't mess around..." Nanyang muttered to himself, and he already had some ideas in his mind.

As he said, he disappeared in front of everyone.

Seeing this, many top forces also left.

Only some people wanted to know who got the king realm inheritance.

Is it the Emperor of Heaven's people?

But they waited for a few days and didn't see the other party appear.

BS: The typo was corrected first and then corrected

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