Jiang Cheng naturally couldn't let go of such a good thing.

He flew up and came to the ice cone. He held the ice cone next to him with one hand to support his body, and took out a bottle made of Yuanling Stone with the other hand.

This is the bottle in the Moon Emperor Space Ring. Compared with ordinary jade bottles, bottles made of Yuanling Stone are more conducive to the preservation of some treasures.

A stream of Yuanli shot out from his fingertips and hit the bottom of the ice cone. Suddenly, the viscous liquid emitting pure ice energy dripped down and fell into the bottle drop by drop.

The ice marrow stayed very slowly. Even if the amount was not much, it took more than 20 minutes for it to flow into the bottle.

A full bottle of ice marrow exuded a crystal blue light.

Jiang Cheng jumped down and landed on the ground.

After taking the ice marrow away, Jiang Cheng felt that the temperature in the entire ice cave had increased a little, and it was not as cold as before.

Looking at the ice column in the center of the ice pool, without the ice marrow to maintain the temperature and ice energy in the entire ice cave, the ice blue water droplets in it evaporated faster.

Jiang Cheng called Bing Ling out again.

This ice marrow is naturally the most suitable spiritual object for Bing Ling. Jiang Cheng intends to let her absorb some in this ice cave to improve her strength.

Jiang Cheng took out a drop of ice marrow and floated it in front of Bing Ling.

Bing Ling looked at the drop of ice marrow in front of her, stretched out her hands, and a group of ice-blue energy surged out, holding the drop of ice marrow, feeling the pure ice energy in it, a little surprised, and a little hesitant.

She could feel that the energy in it was a little too rich. Even this drop, it would be difficult for her to absorb it, and it would take a lot of time.

She raised her head, looked at Jiang Cheng, and expressed her thoughts.

Jiang Cheng was not surprised. Ice marrow would have a great effect on elite-level Xuanbing beasts. Bing Ling's current strength is only medium-high level, and it would be difficult to absorb it.

Fortunately, he has thought of a way.

"Bing Ling, it's okay, you absorb it slowly, I'll let Xiao Wonton help you refine it next to you." Xiao Wonton has energy of various attributes in his body, so it's okay to help Bing Ling absorb this ice marrow.

Bing Ling nodded, holding the drop of ice marrow in her hand, flapping the small wings behind her, and flew to the ice column in the ice pool and began to absorb it.

The ice marrow was suspended above her head, and a thin ice-blue light column came out of it, fell on Bing Ling, and was absorbed by her.

He asked Xiao Wonton to watch beside him and help Bing Ling if she had any difficulties. Then he turned around and prepared to clean up the bodies of the snow wolves. Those beast crystals could not be wasted.

But when he turned around, he saw a scene that surprised him very much.

Not far in front of him, on the body of the snow wolf king, a group of blood-colored light surged, and the blood on its body and on the ground turned into blood-colored light, flying out of the cave little by little.

When all the blood-colored light flew out, the body of the snow wolf king had turned into a dry corpse, and the blood on the ground was gone.

"What is this? Is there someone or other mysterious beast outside?"

Jiang Cheng immediately walked to the cave entrance, and saw the corpses of the group of snow wolves. At this time, they turned into mummies just like the corpse of the snow wolf king.

Jiang Cheng walked to the side of a snow wolf corpse and looked at it. After checking, the blood in its body seemed to have been drained, and there was not a drop left.

Such a strange thing happened, Jiang Cheng did not dare to take it lightly. He reached out and took off the beast bag on his waist, released the Flame Scale Demon Crocodile, and at the same time, holding the array plate, slowly walked out of the cave.

He walked all the way to the outside of the cave without encountering any danger.

But after walking out of the cave, he saw the scene outside, and his body was shocked. He slowly raised his head, and the scene in the sky made his pupils shrink.

Above the snowfield in front, there were countless blood-colored lights flying into the sky that he had seen in the cave before.

And in the center of the sky, the dark clouds had dissipated at this time, and a sun appeared in the sky.

However, the color of this sun was as red as blood, which looked particularly strange, like a demon's eye, watching the world.

Those blood-colored lights that flew into the sky finally gathered into the blood sun.

"What's going on?" Jiang Cheng was a little confused when he saw this scene.

Looking at the snow in front of him constantly pouring into the sky, almost dyeing the sky blood-colored, and recalling the scene he saw in the ice cave just now, Jiang Cheng came to a conclusion.

It seems that in this secret realm, after the death of the black soldier beast, the blood will turn into blood and be absorbed by the blood sun.

Could it be that the sun in this secret space is different from the outside world? Is it formed by the blood of the black soldier beast?

However, Jiang Cheng raised his head to look at the position of the blood sun and judged the time. It felt that it was about the same as the outside world?

Jiang Cheng, who didn't know much about the information related to the secret space, couldn't figure it out for a while. Looking at the sky that was almost blood-colored, he felt a little scared and turned around and walked back to the ice cave.


It took Bing Ling an hour to absorb and refine a drop of ice marrow before it was successfully refined.

Jiang Cheng looked at Bing Ling, who was still practicing and sitting cross-legged on the ice pillar, and nodded.

A drop of ice marrow directly made Bing Ling complete a major breakthrough, and his strength reached the advanced initial stage.

After the breakthrough, Jiang Cheng could see that Bing Ling had undergone many changes, such as a lot of body growth.

Before, he was only 20 cm tall, but now he has increased to more than 30 cm.

Different elves have different forms. Elves with attributes like wood elves and ice elves often look like humans and have relatively small bodies.

Their body size will generally increase as their strength increases.

Most elves with other attributes are not like this. For example, rock elves use rocks as their bodies. When they are very weak, their bodies may be made up of rocks that are several meters high.

This time, Bing Ling's biggest change, and the change that surprised Jiang Cheng the most, was that the ice-blue light pattern on her forehead had a slight change.

Although the change was small, Jiang Cheng noticed it and was very surprised.

Because the light pattern on the forehead represents the type of elves. Before, Bing Ling's light pattern was a symbol of her frost elf.

Now that her strength has broken through, the light pattern has also changed, which shows that Bing Ling is undergoing some benign changes.

If this change can continue, there is even a certain hope of breaking through the strength limit in the future, and even being able to evolve and be promoted to a higher level of elves.

After Bing Ling stabilized her current breakthrough strength, Jiang Cheng took her and Xiao Wonton and others and left the ice cave.

Although the bloody sky outside looked quite scary, he couldn't stay here forever.

He had heard that there were some sect ruins in this secret realm, and he wanted to go in and see if he could gain anything.

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