Beast Taming: Starting from Contracting the Mysterious Beast

Chapter 144: Grass and trees flourish, their roots are not cut off; spring breeze blows, and they wi

Following Ying Zheng's words.

Meng Wu and others didn't say anything.

On the contrary, it was the audience in the live broadcast room.

He spoke again.

"Is it this again? I really don't understand, what on earth is Ying Zheng doing? For so many years, as the king of Qin, he has watched the chaos in the court. People like Lu Buwei, Lao Ai, and the Queen Mother Xia have been in control of the government. Ignore it.”

"Now is not the time. When will we wait? How many years have we been saying this? Could it be that the time is when these people actually put a knife to their necks?"

"Ying Zheng, Ying Zheng, Ying Zheng was so smart when he was young, why is he like this now!?"

"Could it be like what is said on the Internet, that Ying Zheng will become a cowardly tyrant?"

"It's coming, it's coming! The one with the rhythm is finally here again!? I don't even know, okay, the rhythm suddenly started again!"

"Are you the King of Qin or is Ying Zheng the King of Qin? Do you need to evaluate the things that others decide?"

"Haha, I'm not a refrigerator, so I can't comment on whether the refrigerator can cool or not?"

"Don't you think that recently, not only in the live broadcast room, but also on various online platforms, a large number of people have suddenly appeared to slander Ying Zheng?"

"What else could it be? In recent years, China has developed well, and some people have become anxious and jealous?"

All of a sudden.

The entire live broadcast room seemed to have returned to two years ago.

They started to quarrel with each other in a foul atmosphere.


Previously due to the excavation of Wu'an Jun's tomb.

This reduced the number of doubts in the entire live broadcast room.

However in recent years.

With the relationship between Ying Zheng's inaction.

In addition, in recent times, there have been endless rhythms on the Internet.

The live broadcast room, which was originally calm, once again fell into chaos.

Regarding the rhythm of Ying Zheng, it can be said that there are endless stories.

all of these.

Ying Zheng doesn’t know.

But here.

Bai Shu watched it all, but couldn't help but frown deeply.

Subconsciously, he raised his head and looked at Ying Zheng in front of him.

Before she could say anything.

Under the gaze of countless people.

But see this side.

Ying Zheng stood up slowly.

Looking ahead, he said word by word: "To cut off the roots of grass, it is before it spreads; to extinguish the fire to stop it, it is more important to destroy it quickly."

"The lush vegetation never cuts off its roots; when the spring breeze blows, it will be reborn again in the coming days."

When Ying Zheng said this.

Everyone at the scene still didn't understand what Ying Zheng meant.

Slowly raised his head.

But seeing this, Ying Zheng's expression didn't change at all.

However, everyone present could clearly see the trace of determination in Ying Zheng.

In fact.

In the years since Ying Zheng ascended the throne.

Meng Wu and even Wang Jian never once advised Ying Zheng.

Because of these seven years.

Although Ying Zheng is the king of Qin.


For everything in Great Qin.

Except for necessary government affairs.

For other things.

It has always been in a state of indifference.

He looked at Lu Buwei and took charge of the court.

Sitting back and watching the clan ministers fight openly and secretly.

He even sat back and watched as Queen Mother Xia's family fought for power and profit.

There are also eunuchs like Lao Ai who sit in the imperial court.

Slowly looking at the court, he fell into the control of these people.

As for Ying Zheng's situation.

In such a crisis situation, it seems that he doesn't know at all.

Don't listen, don't ask, don't care.

During these seven years.

The dignified King of Qin seemed to be transparent.

The entire Great Qin.

During these eight years.

I know that there is a Prime Minister, I know that there is a Changxinhou, I know that there is a Marquis of Chang'an...

But I don’t know that there is King Qin...

——And it is obvious that Ying Zheng can already take action to end all this.

But he still chose to ignore it.

It’s not just Meng Wu and Wang Jian.

Even the viewers in the live broadcast room were extremely confused.

The child prodigy named Ying who rushed into the palace at the age of three to answer questions from King Xian Zhaoxiang seemed to have lost his intelligence.

Became a puppet sitting on the throne.

During these seven years.

These people have asked questions more than once - can such Ying Zheng really be a good King of Qin? Will they really establish this unparalleled foundation for Great Qin as they have seen before?

They had no doubt about it before.

However, these few years have passed.

But they hesitated!

And now.

Ying Zheng just gave him a look.

Let them see it.

The Ying Zheng of the past is coming back!


In their eyes, the person they expected Ying Zheng to be!

"Has the day... finally come?"

"He's back! With this look in his eyes, is the former little Ying Zheng back!?"

"Haha, who can't say a few words? You don't think that people can change easily, do you?"

In the live broadcast room.

Another dense group of barrages passed by.

People who question are still questioning.

However, those who believe naturally still believe.

The old days.

Yingji remained dormant for decades and took control of the entire Qin State.


They also want to believe it.

Ying Zheng is just like Ying Ji in the past.

Once stung...

And now, it's time to wake up.

"Do you still remember what I said in the past?"

Ying Zheng pointed to the distant Xianyang Palace and said word by word: "If you want to make people die, they must make them crazy. If the trees are beautiful in the forest, the wind will destroy them."

“The fatter the lamb, the greater the reward when it is ready to be slaughtered.”

Ying Zheng did not continue talking.

But what he said next.

Everyone already understood.

Now - it's time to slaughter the captive lambs.

Over several months.

It was the ninth year of the Qin Dynasty, the fourth month of summer, Jiyou.

When you see a comet, it is as long as the sky.

Until now.

Ying Zheng went to Yongdi during the period of annual sacrifice in the countryside.

On the one hand, he held the ceremony of pro-government.

On the other hand, it was also to meet the Queen Mother.

In Qinian Palace.

The King of Qin wears a crown and carries a sword.

Step on your feet and stand on the main hall.

Your Highness.

All civil and military officials were prostrate on the ground.

Shouted loudly.

"My ministers, please welcome my king to take charge!"

Just for a moment.

Shouts filled the sky, drowning the entire hall.

Everyone's eyes were fixed on the upright figure above the hall.

And the king's eyes were constantly wandering behind them.

At this moment when their eyes met.

All the people couldn't help but condense.

Because they finally discovered that Ying Zheng's eyes had changed.


The former Ying Zheng.

No matter when and where, it is like an ancient well with no waves and nothing to do with oneself.

However, the current Ying Zheng is like a tiger that has finally been released from the cage.

Tiger roaring in the forest!

And in His Highness.

A group of people were excited.

And another group of people.

Looking at Ying Zheng who had completely changed his appearance in front of him.

His face was filled with an ugly look.

It is clear that Ying Zheng is now.

Still nothing said, still nothing done.

But just standing there.


They felt a strong crisis from Ying Zheng.

Yet they never thought about it.

This day will come so quickly.

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