The next day's exams were two history subjects in the morning,"The History of Beast Taming Culture" and"The History of Interstellar Space", all of which were special terms that would leave the time travelers completely in the dark.

So, at five in the morning, before the sun rose, Kitsune Shichi got up and brought Crusoe to the study room to cram before the exam - no, it was to cram before the exam.

First, a [Dawn Blessing].

Then randomly pick 10 knowledge points to memorize.

Then turn to whichever page to read, not asking to memorize, just to be familiar with it, and never misunderstand"famous interstellar figures" as"interstellar tourist attractions.""……

In the next room, a furry little yellow ball was jumping around, exercising its upper limb strength like crazy, with barbells of various weights scattered all over the floor. In this room, there was a whole box of pills on the table in the corner, with neatly arranged Netherworld Fantasy Pills. The green pills exuded a strange smell, and their function was to strengthen physical fitness.

As for Crusoe, his master was memorizing questions like crazy, and he followed suit, sitting in a corner of the windowsill and reading happily.

There was no way, he was very bored recently, especially yesterday, when Kitsune Shichi went to school, Karachi went to work, and Xiyang was obsessed with exercise. He could only jump around in the house by himself, and before he knew it, he actually found Karachi's collection.……

——OK, Karachi is secretly studying how to please his master?!!

——No, I want to learn it too!!!

At that moment, Crusoe felt a sense of crisis. As a representative of high IQ with [Language Proficiency], in order to maintain his position as the third child, he gave up the TV series and immediately picked up the dragon's"book", reading it with great interest.……


At half past six, Karachi, who had finished his night shift, arrived home on time and sent Kitsune to school.

Before leaving, he looked back: Xiyang was chewing carrots in the kitchen, and Krusu was soaking in the fish tank, mixed with a black ornamental stone, as if he had fallen asleep.

Very good, very peaceful.



"Ring Ring Ring~~~! The second exam is over!"The interstellar history exam is over, and the familiar bell rang. Fox Seven put down his pen, took one last look at the electronic test paper on the table, and suppressed the despair in his heart...

Which damn teacher gave this test paper? Where did the multiple-choice questions go? Why are there only big questions... Can I get writing points if I copy the questions exactly as they are?

The space warehouse slowly fell, the barrier opened, and Fox Seven's soul left his body. He stood up slowly, followed the end of the large group, and walked towards the flying disc...

Not far away, the second and third graders were also going to the cafeteria. They were originally walking in groups of three or two, talking to each other and noisily checking the answers, but they heard rumbling footsteps from behind.

So they turned around and saw a team of more than 40 people passing by in an orderly manner. They didn't communicate, didn't discuss, didn't look sideways, and were silent, like well-trained soldiers.

New first grade?

When they were all far away, someone suddenly remembered:

"Were they taught a lesson yesterday?"

"Who did it? You're out of your mind. You can't mess with the freshmen this year. The Xu family, the Bai family... Alice from the Golden Crow, and that civilian god of war, they can kill even three stars in one second, there's no need to get close to them and bully them."

"What kind of civilian god of war is this? He's just lucky."

Some people were dismissive.

"How could she possibly beat the real Samsung? If she could, would she give up the game?"

"It's okay to torture you to death, but there is still some distance between you and Samsung."

"Hey! What are you talking about? Do you want to die?"

"If you're really curious, why not go and block her in a couple of days and have a fight to try it out?"

"Hahaha, I think you will lose."

"I have [Purification]. Sorry I forgot to tell you that my boss evolved two days ago.……"


On the other side, before turning the last corner, Kitsune looked back from afar, memorized those faces, and sighed.

I thought campus life would be relatively peaceful... but it seems that the opposite is true?

"Is everyone standing still?"

Ni Ning looked back and kicked the joystick in the middle of the frisbee, speeding up directly to level 10.

The frisbee instantly shot upwards, and someone screamed"ah" twice, swaying for a while before standing firm again. The scenery below became blurred under the strong wind and quickly retreated, and everyone's hair was flying wildly.

Kitsune Shichi also swayed twice, only to find that the dizzy feeling was somewhat familiar. She was in a trance for half a second before she remembered Freddy's driving skills... so she also walked towards the center of the frisbee.

Maybe because everyone was about to be shaken to vomit by the frisbee, this time, no one deliberately avoided her. Instead, a few people showed shocked expressions - that expression was very easy to understand - as if saying,"So you have weaknesses too?"

"Is your ability to fly?"

Alice came over with her arms folded and took the initiative to talk. Her expression looked a little better than yesterday.

The rose bell was hiding behind her neck, with only a section of tender green leaves showing.

"Yeah, where is your ability?"

Kitsune asked casually, his eyes flickering over Alice's pink hair and pink eyes.


Alice didn't hide it. As soon as she finished speaking, a shadow separated from her body. Except for being a little transparent, even the expression was exactly the same as the original.

The only difference was the pink ponytail, which was blown by the wind and fluttered. The direction and angle of the hair... were actually different from the original.

……It's actually a physical body...?

Kitsune's eyes widened slightly, and he tilted his head, using [Perception] to scan the two Alices from head to toe.

That clone is actually a physical body.……

"Do you still want to fight me?"

Kitsune asked directly, ignoring the people around her who were eavesdropping. She just glanced at the crowd and felt that something was missing... making her feel a little strange.

"No, I'm here to make friends with you."

Alice said directly, frowning, and her clone returned to her original body.

"I learned to be bored on Jinwu"

"Isn't Xu Jinbai also in Jinwu High School?"

Hu Shiqi threw out another SSS. Although she had no chance to meet him, this young master of the Xu family had everything, including family background, status, and strength. He was definitely qualified to be Miss Alice's"friend".

To be honest, although she had no ill feelings towards Alice, she didn't have much good feelings towards her either. However... Xu Fei said that Miss Alice's eight-star father was in charge of the entire Blue Star's gambling industry...


Xu Fei?

Hu Shiqi's heart suddenly skipped a beat. He quickly looked in the crowd and looked twice in disbelief - no!

No Xu Fei?

"Did you see Xu Fei today?"

Fox Seven looked up and asked Alice, his tone changed nervously.

"No, he didn't come today."

Alice was sure that Xu Fei was an acquaintance of hers. Since that guy contracted a dragon, she had challenged him several times.

"Maybe he was confined by his family."

Alice said indifferently, thinking about the complicated situation of the Xu family. If it weren't for Xu Jinbai's extraordinary talent, she would not bother to get involved in the Xu family's muddy water.

This is also the reason why she insisted on coming to Qilin Province to study. It's boring to play with ordinary people.

"Beep, beep, the number you dialed is powered off……"

The frisbee slowly descended and landed at the entrance of the cafeteria.

Fox Seven gathered up his messy hair, stared at his phone, and thought of the pile of pills he had given Xu Fei.

……Impossible, no way...

Don't tell her that Xu Fei was poisoned to death by her? ?

"Are you in love with Xu Fei?"

Alice saw all this and her eyebrows jumped. Thinking back to the few times they met, it seemed that Kitsune Seven was always with Xu Fei... For a moment, she felt like a flower stuck in cow dung, or a cabbage being eaten by a pig.……

"No, we are friends."

Fox Seven quickly denied it, and continued to call Xu Fei while jumping off the frisbee, but no matter how many times he tried, he couldn't get through.

Calm down...

Fox Seven put the phone back into his pocket.

Even if he thought of the worst, Xu Fei couldn't be poisoned to death by her, because Su Su had been giving her [Dawn Blessings] during this period.】——From the perspective of"staying away from misfortune" - she would never poison the descendants of the eight-star boss.

Alice also jumped off the flying disc

"Do you have the phone number of Xu Fei’s family?"

"I have, but I don't recommend you to call his family, it will only make him more miserable."

Kitsune Yachi was silent.

After a few seconds, she took out a pink-wrapped weather candy from the space - it was the super hidden"Rose Crunchy" in the Crunchy series that she drew last night.

Bite this candy and roses will rain from the sky.

Probability of getting it: 1 in 700,000


Alice's eyes widened instantly, and she subconsciously stretched her hand forward. Two seconds later, she remembered to be reserved, put her hand down with a swish, and immediately put it in her pocket.

……It seems like there is hope. Kitsuneya Nana coughed softly and firmly stuffed the candy into Alice's pocket.——

"I just drew it yesterday. When I saw the packaging, I felt that it was very suitable for you and matched your rose bell very well. I brought it here specially today just to give it to you. You should accept it."

Alice... She glanced around and finally couldn't resist this sugar-coated bullet.……

"Well, then I'll take it.……"

A few seconds later, Alice took out her cell phone

""Hello, Xu Jinbai! I have something urgent to talk to Xu Fei about. He didn't come this morning and didn't answer the phone. Please find someone to check on him, or I will take my dad to visit the Xu family!"

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