As long as you are alive, you have to move forward.

Even if... even if I sold the aphrodisiac to a male classmate by mistake, and that male classmate is very motivated, very polite and considerate, and his every move is full of elegant aristocratic aura... and he took 20 million! 20 million!!!

Xu Fei, Xu Fei! I'm sorry!!!

Kitsune Shichi screamed in his heart, buried his head on the table, pretending to sleep, but in fact... living in the world.

Outside the window, the sun slanted down, leaving mottled light and shadows on the wooden desks in the classroom, and occasionally a few birds chirped.

"Ring Ring Ring——"

The bell rang, and the one-hour break passed in a flash.

In the examination room, students were either looking at their phones or whispering, discussing grades and class placement, each with their own thoughts.

Suddenly, the classroom door opened, and a row of uniformed teachers walked into the classroom, a total of four people, two men and two women, all of whom exuded an aura of not being easy to mess with. Everyone instantly quieted down.

Kitsune Shichi also raised his head and sat up straight.

The sound of leather shoes rolling on the ground echoed in the empty classroom. The woman standing in the front row had a graceful posture, and her eyes swept over the people in the audience with a serious look on her face.

"Dear students, Qilin High School adopts a class system, and class evaluation is conducted every month. Test scores and extracurricular activities each account for 50%. The winning class will increase 5 points for all members. The following is your class division this year."

After speaking, the woman clapped her hands, and a light screen lit up behind her. On the screen was a very simple table.

Class one was a golden frame, class two was a grass green frame, and class three was a dark purple frame. The names were arranged in order in the frame...

Someone only took a glance and realized something was wrong!

Why are there only 42 people?

"What's going on? Why are there only fourteen people in a class? Shouldn't there be 15 people?"

The examination room suddenly exploded, and the students were talking about it. There were a total of forty-five people, how come three were missing?

Kitsune Shichi had a calm face. She was very self-aware of her grades. She started looking backwards, but she still didn't see her name.

In this way, Kitsune Shichi looked twice in a row, but she didn't see her name, nor did Xu Fei and Alice.

At this time, a short male teacher standing in the last row laughed. He had lively eyes, and looked very ordinary, but a little childish. He waved his hand to signal everyone to be quiet.

"Ladies and gentlemen, the division into classes is a rule, and it is also to allow you to grow in an environment that is more suitable for you. I hope everyone can understand."

After saying this, the male teacher paused, and the corners of his mouth curled up, obviously very happy.

"This year, for some reason, many students were assigned to the lower classes, but we all know the reason... You are really brave.……"

Upon hearing this, Kitsuneya Qi glanced at Alice and asked,"Control points?"

""Hmph." Alice sneered from her nose and raised her eyebrows.

"Of course, there were a few more daring students who chose to skip the exam, hand in blank papers, and write nonsense."

The female teacher in the middle of the line answered coldly, her hip-length black hair swaying slightly behind her.


A group of people turned their heads together. In the last row of the classroom, two tables were lined up together, and the girls were all smiling.

The one with black hair had a gentle smile, but a hint of helplessness. Her curved eyebrows seemed to say: I’m sorry, I really can’t communicate with you…

The one with pink hair was even more arrogant and disdainful. She didn’t even need to pretend. She just raised her eyebrows to express her attitude: Get out of here, you idiots. I don’t want to communicate with you!

But the actual situation is…

Kitsune Shichi smiled—I’m so annoyed. I really didn’t write this nonsense. Can you be more respectful when you talk?

Alice sneered—Haha, so what if I handed in a blank paper? Do you have the guts to expel me? Go ahead, go ahead?

For a moment, the classroom became even quieter.

Everyone turned their heads back again, but they were a little angry in their hearts… So what happened to the last person who didn’t take the exam?

At this moment, the door of the examination hall was pushed open again, and a person walked in with his back to the light. Although his steps were a little tired, every step exuded an irresistible charm, attracting others to look over involuntarily.

""Sorry, teacher, I'm late."

It was Xu Fei. When he raised his head, time seemed to freeze. Everyone's eyes were attracted by the pair of eyes of different colors, as if they were pulled by an invisible force and had to look over.

Strange and charming.

No one said a word, not even the teacher.

In the whole classroom, only four people remained awake.

"Soul Attack……"

Alice's eyes turned cold and she murmured in a low voice.

Ni Ning, who was sitting in the front row, was distracted and realized something was wrong. After waiting for a long time and not seeing the teacher talking to the students, he looked up at the boy at the door a few more times - hey, hey, he is quite good-looking, but... how can he remember... this guy didn't look like this before? ? ?

Ni Ning looked back and found that everyone's eyes were dull - no, not everyone, Bai Baisheng, Alice, and Kitsune Shichi, these three people are still normal.

In other words, below SS, all the troops were wiped out.

Kitsune Shichi was ashamed to face it, and covered his face with a slap, muttering sorry in his heart...

Poor little Kitsune, he must have taken the wrong drugs, just like Karachi, and awakened a strange skill...

Anyway, this doesn't look like [Fireball] at all.

Xu Fei lowered his head slightly, and his messy black hair blocked his eyebrows.

I don't know why, the same light and shadow, shining on his face is so perfect, long eyelashes cover his eyes like a fan, casting a thick shadow

"……"Sorry, teacher, I'm late."

Xu Fei had to raise his voice and repeat it.

It was with this voice that the teachers on the podium finally came to their senses. For a moment, some lost their smiles, some had their icy faces broken, and two even took a step back.

"Why are you late?"

A male teacher pretended to be serious, but his tone was very slow and gentle. This was completely subconscious.

The students in the audience finally came to their senses and looked at the boy at the door in shock - what happened? Did this guy look like this before? Why didn't I notice it yesterday?

"I was not feeling well and did not have time to ask for leave."

Xu Fei looked up at the back row and saw the culprit at a glance - he was fiddling with his hair, trying to cover his eyes with his bangs, in short - he just refused to look at him.


Xu Fei was so angry that she almost laughed, so she took big steps like the wind and walked directly to the back row.

What?!! Fox Seven's eyes widened instantly, and she cried out from the bottom of her heart -

Don't come over here!!!

However, Xu Fei couldn't hear her shout at all.

Faced with a disaster, Fox Seven thought quickly and picked up her electronic textbook. At that moment, she turned a deaf ear to the outside world and focused on reading the sage's book. She began to recite the Introduction to Energetics like a madman.


Xu Fei violently pulled a table over, sat down next to someone, and sat down heavily.

After another three or four minutes, the teacher on the podium finally came to his senses. The female teacher who was originally in charge also coughed, as if she finally remembered what she should say.

"Well, classmates, since some students did not pass the halfway mark, in order not to affect others' studies, the three of them were put in a separate class, which we call F class, which means [class that can be expelled at any time].】——Wings of Liberty."

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