"Puff... cough... ha cough cough……"

Floating island, illusion control room.

Kitsune Yachi floated in the air, wearing observation goggles on her head. Although she endured and endured, her whole face was flushed and her body was shaking constantly. Two huge light screens were floating on her left and right.

The white light screen showed the top 20 decibel rankings. This ranking changed rapidly. Every minute and every second, different people were on the list. The black light screen showed the bottom 20 decibel rankings. This ranking was relatively stable. Xu Fei and Alice were on the list.

""Pfft... No, such a good list, I have to put it up for everyone to see, pfft... hahahaha!"

Even with her hands covering her mouth, someone's laughter was intermittent. Then she activated her authority and hung the list in the sky.

So in a certain illusion number 2, the students who participated in the test... looked up and found that there was another thing in the sky. It didn't matter if they were distracted. One by one, they sank down and almost merged with the green swamp.

"Can you please have some shame!!!"

They screamed with all their might, cursing in their roars, limping out of the mud and running with difficulty.

At this moment, no one was clean, and no one could remain calm. Maybe they couldn't save face in the first few steps, but as the pressure of gravity became stronger and stronger, and the physical strength was consumed more and more, everyone became more and more tired.

At this time, if shouting can make you feel relaxed - since everyone is shouting anyway - then don't worry about it! Shout quickly! Run quickly, get out quickly!

We must leave this damn place!!!

Soon, some people began to break the jar and throw it away. They gave up their face and shouted at the sky with their throats, their voices were high and loud, their passion was surging, and they were completely crazy!

"Ah ah ah——【Water Mist Sweep][Water Dragon Attack][Whirlpool Cage] Cage, cage, cage——!"

"【Tidal Fantasy】——"

"【[Fire Blade] [Fireball] [Rocket] [Fire Rain] I'm so angry! I'm so angry! I'm so angry!!!"

Outside the illusion, in the control room, Kitsune Shichi kept pinching her face. Her face was about to freeze from smiling, and the corners of her mouth were aching. Her stomach was twitching, as if she had done hundreds of push-ups. At this moment, the pain of [Dragon Boat Race] was no longer important. Kitsune Shichi finally experienced Ling Beile's happiness... It was more than happiness, it was simply healing!

So, she went to see Xu Fei again - this was her main focus.

However, Xu Fei... did not put down his burden of being a young master. Even if he stumbled forward and was crushed to death by gravity, he would never give up on himself. He kept jumping out of the swamp, covered in mud, and getting greener and greener...

On the other side, Miss Alice was paddling hard in the mud. The swimming posture... is very standard and very elegant.

Kitsune Shichi shook his head and mercifully put a bubble hood on everyone to prevent everyone from getting muddy. What if they ran into someone else's path... and got fatally injured?

They would be sent out of the illusion, what a pity.

So, after making the bubble hood, Kitsune Shichi pinched his chin and looked at Xu Fei again. Although he couldn't see the latter's face clearly (it was covered with mud), this brother was indeed very strong and looked like he could handle it with ease...

Not good! He originally wanted to consume the opponent, but ended up angering him. The battle later might be even worse...!

Kitsune Shichi's heart trembled, and his brain started working frantically! So, what kind of creatures should be in the swamp?

——For example, the wildly growing and entangled water plants?

Kitsune Shichi waved his hand, activated his authority, and added!

So, a few minutes later, several young masters and young ladies who had never spoken a word... gave up their reserve and cursed loudly under the wild entanglement of water plants:

"Master planner, please come out here. I will never stand with you. Stand! Stand, stand, stand……【Infinite Power】!"

The fox in the sky put on sunglasses with a smile

"Hot Knowledge: Please don’t curse the planners of the fantasy world in the fantasy world ~ I can hear you, thank you everyone~"



An hour passed quickly.

Extracurricular activities were drawing to a close.

On this ordinary Friday, a strange scene occurred on the floating island of Qilin High School...

In the empty central square, a thick mat had been laid on the ground in advance.

The teachers of Qilin High School stood beside the mat, waiting with their watches, looking at each other from time to time, with particularly bright smiles.

""It's 7:29!"

Suddenly a teacher called out.

A minute later, countless students fell from the sky like dumplings, landing on the mats with lifeless eyes, limp hands and feet, and panting heavily.

Then, a large-scale healing skill swept across the entire field.

After three sweeps, everyone finally stood up.

"All students who participated in the test will vote on whether to keep the extracurricular activity later."

"No reservations!"Someone broke down on the spot

"Keep it! This damn thing must be passed down to future generations! I can’t sacrifice it in vain!" Some people gnashed their teeth.

"Keep it! I think it relieves stress!"

"Reserved! I want to apply for a pet to practice with me!"

There was a lot of noise in the square.

On the other side, in the illusion, Xu Fei felt a white flash before his eyes, and the scene quickly changed, and he landed on a huge arena.

He landed, his legs softened, and he staggered half a step before he stabilized his body. It was a flat ground, but it seemed like he was stepping on cotton, one foot uphill, one foot downhill, and everything was fluttering...

Then a knife came at the back of his neck, and Xu Fei's eyes went black, and he only had time to say one word:


He fell back limply.

"Sorry buddy.……"

Hu Shiqi held Xu Fei's shoulders guiltily, and just as he was about to lift him up, Xu Fei grabbed his arm with his backhand!


Hu Shiqi's pupils shrank, and almost as a reflex, he lifted Xu Fei up and threw him down hard!

In a flash, Xu Fei kicked hard with his legs, and his body twisted and bent in the air. At the moment he was about to be thrown out, he opened his eyes, and a red light flashed in his eyes.


Kitsune Shichi was stunned, as if possessed by a demon. For a moment, the only thing in her mind was the strange and handsome face of the boy in front of her. Since their faces were close during the back-throw, she couldn't help but move forward and kiss him directly!


Xu Fei's pupils dilated, and his brain stopped working. He only felt a soft touch on his side. In his field of vision, the girl's white face was infinitely magnified. Her slender eyelashes swept across his face, and her dark eyes were filled with love.

His counterattack was stagnant, and he was completely stiff.


Xu Fei's head hit the ground.

Then, he turned into a point of light and disappeared.

"Congratulations, congratulations, congratulations!"

In the referee's seat, Ling Beile clapped wildly, he was so satisfied!

Ah??? Fox Yaqi came back to his senses.

What happened in those two seconds? Why did she suddenly lose her memory after looking at Xu Fei???

Ling Beile was in the blind spot and did not find anything wrong. He announced loudly:"From today on, you don't have to do homework! Wings of freedom, fly freely!"

Fox Yaqi:"……Won? Yay!!!"

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