On the first weekend without homework, Fox Seven was in the"boom-boom" of the elixir.——"The reason was simple, mainly for Crush. It was not in a good state recently and was very anxious. The key was that its way of relieving anxiety was also very special... Other people's anxiety was insomnia and nagging, but Crush was normal on the surface, but secretly it was stewing itself in an iron pot like crazy, jumping into the pot at any time.

This week, Kitsune drank the soup twice, and each time he fished out Crush mixed with beef balls from the bottom of the pot.

"Susu, why did you jump into the pot again?!"

Crusu pretended to be cute in the spoon:"Meh……"

"Why do you always jump in?……"

Kitsune was helpless.

Crusoe's body was a light-type black stone. Even if it was used to make soup, it theoretically had no nutrition. Even if it looked like an octopus, it couldn't make seafood soup.

The bad news was that it insisted on jumping in.

The good news was that before it jumped into the pot, it knew to wash itself clean.……

"Baa, baa, baa~"

Krusu said that he was anxious, painful, and uncomfortable, and he had to punish himself with"iron pot stew", otherwise he would not be happy.

Kitsune Shichi was stunned and quickly climbed onto the forum to ask for help from netizens!

#Urgent! The pet did nothing wrong, but it has to punish itself, otherwise it will be unhappy. What kind of disease is this?

Netizen 1: This, this, this, isn't this a standard masochist? ? ?

Netizen 2: Hang it up! Beat it hard ♂!

Netizen 3: I suggest you sign up for this~ Attached link Blue Star Pet Study Tour... (fold) Consulting Service Winter and Summer Camp Outdoor Camp Cultural Adventure Tour Consulting... (fold)


"Impossible, absolutely impossible! Susu is so cute, how could she be a masochist! ?!"

Fox Seven was shocked by the netizens' speculation and immediately threw himself into the alchemy business - yes, Susu was just too anxious!

As long as he improved faster, it would get better!

""Mee mee mee!"

Krusu's sunshine crawled to express his agreement!

However, light and darkness counteract each other. Hu Shiqi fried hundreds of pots of pills in a row and ran to the auction whenever he had time. He almost swept all the low-level light-type medicinal materials on the market, but he still couldn't refine a light-attribute pill.……

"This is how to do……"

Kitsune Shichi was in a headache. She originally thought that she could live a happy life without doing homework, but in the end... except for her, no one in this family wanted to lie down!

Originally, according to her plan, Krusu and Xieyang did not need to upgrade quickly. They were both cubs and could not be contracted for the time being. They were at the age of playing happily...

Especially Krusu, whose god-level talent was there, and whose race was magical, so he needed to keep a happy mood. If his mind was full of"war, war, war", he would become the next"bloodthirsty mad blasting vine".

For the evolution of beast pets, Kitsune Shichi only agreed that"practice makes perfect", so no matter what the book taught, she had her own plan in mind.

For example, Perfect, it really wanted to become strong and beautiful, but it was lazy by nature, and it didn't like to practice other skills except [devour].

Kitsune Shichi didn't force it to roll skills, and usually called it out just to play, pinch it and rub it.

She did this, and Perfect was also very happy, and when it was happy, it would consciously practice skills.

As for how long to practice and when to rest, it was all arranged by Perfect herself, and Kitsune Shichi didn't care.

So as of today, Perfect - as a slime, it has learned to make plans!

During the day, it does nothing but stick things together.

At night, when Fox Seven falls asleep, it starts to practice skills, curling, curling, curling... and the"negative example" is Karachi. The reason why he evolved into a bloodthirsty and violent vine is because he was thrown into battle by his master, which gave him an inappropriate desire to fight.

Xiao Xiangyu's racial characteristics are"love and healing", while the bloodthirsty and violent vine is"anger and destruction", which is completely biased.

In short, Fox Seven compared Karachi and Perfect - not to mention the combat effectiveness, Perfect is obviously happier than Karachi. Therefore, she thinks: the evolution of pets should conform to their original talents, rather than stacking combat effectiveness.

Therefore, Fox Seven never intended to force Crusoe to take the combat route.

Crusoe has the skill of [Language Proficiency] and a very strong learning ability, so she applied for a bank card for Crusoe and let it explore the Internet and buy what it likes by itself.

"Susu, your mission is to be happy every day, give everyone a blessing before they go out, and wish us all peace and safety.~~~"

The above is what Fox Seven wants from Crusoe.

But in Crusoe's eyes, this is not okay! This is too lax. It's okay without comparison. Once it is compared with other people, it is simply anxious to the point of bursting!

Slime, who evolves by devouring, regularly goes to the garbage disposal plant to"work", and usually rolls up skills in the beast taming space;

Karachi, who rolls up skills crazily in the hospital, and has reached the king level, only one step away from evolving to the emperor level;

Xieyang, who has an unlimited supply of elixirs and a special training room, works hard every day!

A while ago, when Fox Seven was away, Xieyang provoked Karachi and was beaten hundreds of meters away on the spot. His mechanical legs were broken, but his body was unharmed.

Crusoe watched the whole scene and was stunned!

——You are a little rabbit who has just reached the beginner level and doesn't even have any skills, and you dare to provoke a king-level vine monster? ?

Complaints aside, afterwards, Crusu still helped Xieyang order new legs. It even contacted the decoration team through the computer and repaired the walls of the house before a certain human got home from school.

At first glance, it seemed that nothing had happened.

Karachi and Xieyang were also having a good time.

Especially Xieyang, it even made a weak humming sound in front of Karachi under the"gentle touch" of Kitsune Shichi... as if it was hurt by being scratched.

Karachi just smiled, he always smiled.

Crusu sank in the fish tank, feeling that he... could no longer keep up with the times.

The key is that its physique is too special. Even if it begged Kitsune Shichi in various ways and successfully ate a handful of [Fireball Pills】——Alas! Forget about comprehending the [Fireball], it didn't even feel the effect of the aphrodisiac! Where's the hallucination? Where's the happiness? Why can't it feel anything?

The body-refining pills and the mental pills are useless.

Everyone is making progress, but it's standing still...

The situation is extremely urgent, and Crusou can't help but be anxious. It's so anxious that it's getting angry. Xieyang, this rabbit, is so hardworking and so cruel, and he is the most beloved furry rabbit of his master. What if this black-hearted rabbit wants the second contract position?……

——It can’t grab it!

——It's definitely not worth it


Krusu threw himself into the pot and committed suicide!

Later on, Krusu no longer lived in the fish tank. The kitchen had become its new territory. Today it slept in this pressure cooker, and tomorrow it slept in that small milk pot. The common point was that the hot water in the pot was boiling, and it kept boiling and boiling...

Until one day, after school, Kitsune Shichi took out one after another sky-high-priced items from the space - knives, swords, and daggers made of high-grade black crystal ore!

Because they were extremely hard and difficult to destroy, each one was a rare treasure, but now it was about to become food...


It leaned forward expectantly... What's going on? Why does it feel that this power is a little familiar?

Kitsune Shichi's smile was pale, and her wallet was bleeding, but in order to prevent her own Fuwa from becoming a masochist... she fought hard!

"Come on, Susu! Try this. You both share the same power. Eat this and you will definitely improve!"

———————This is the dividing line where the author secretly increased the word count——————

On the first day of October - since there is no National Day in this world - Fox Yaqi dragged Xu Fei, and the two of them skipped classes openly and went to Jinwu Province to attend the auction.

Fox Yaqi's goal this time was a huge black crystal axe, which was made entirely of special-grade black crystal and was priceless.

In order to get this axe, she skipped her energy studies, and because she was afraid that she would not have enough money, she secretly ground up fifty [Fireball Pills], divided them into one hundred portions, and sent them to the drug identification department of the auction house, trying to sell it as an indescribable drug. If pills are not allowed to be sold, it should be okay to grind them into powder, right?

As for the name of the drug, Fox Yaqi was too lazy to name it, so she just labeled it"Hot Powder"."

"What an excellent medicine!"

In the backstage of the auction house, the drug appraiser held the small jar, as if he had found a treasure. Under the mask, his black eyes shone with excitement, and even his tone changed!

"According to my assessment, even if you take the medicine continuously, it will not harm your body, but will help you practice! It can be taken by both humans and pets! For genderless fire pets, it can be called a magic pill!"

"Please, please help me sell it at a higher price!"

Kitsune Yachi was very considerate and handed the appraiser a small bottle alone, and the latter did not refuse.

Then, the appraiser returned the favor and took the bottle on the table.���She threw the 70% commission agreement into the trash can and took out a new one from the drawer... an 80% commission agreement.

After checking it, Kitsune signed it.

Yes, she has been really poor recently. She perfectly devoured 56 cans of Jue and earned 4.4 billion. In order to get a 50% tax deduction for environmental protection projects, Kitsune signed herself up with the company recommended by Xu Fei and got another 2.2 billion. Adding the 4 billion given by Freddy... she originally had 11 billion in her hands!

As a result, in less than a month, it was all spent like a waterfall and turned into Crusoe's food. The balance of the bank card went from 11 digits to 9 digits... and Crusoe's evolution bar only reached 56.%……

There is no way. Susu's predecessor was the mother of black crystal ore, and the black crystal mine was mined out five centuries ago and has been closed for a long time. As for the Lin family who manages the mine, they have been mired in debt scandals in recent years, and their companies have collapsed everywhere...

If the black crystal veins were still there, they would definitely be the first to rush out to sell the mines, and they would never bury the money in the ground.

The good news is that energy ores are also divided into different levels.

Although the primary black crystal ore is gone, the intermediate, advanced, and even special-grade black crystal ores are generally not used as energy because they are extremely hard. Most of them have been made into weapons.

But... they are basically heirlooms.

Fortunately, Crusu's digestion of black crystal ore is not fast, and Kitsune Shichi can barely bear it.

——Karachi must be mentioned here. He has been working hard recently. In September, he received a large bonus of 100 million yuan.……

"Why have you bought so many weapons recently?"

The auction has not started yet, and the lights in the venue are dim.

Xu Fei endured and endured, but finally asked the question in his heart.

He had to ask, he was really scared. What if Ling Beile assigned Hu Shiqi the task of [fighting Xu Fei with a knife] again, then he could only... only bite the bullet and take the bait.

Hu Shiqi's expression was heavy, and his eyes were far away, as if he had penetrated the space and saw Crusoe swimming in the pot.

"There is no other way, what else can I do... My son is rebellious and breaks my heart... Since it wants it, I will buy it for it.……"

You can't really let it become a masochist

——Yes, who told her to raise all the foodies?

Kitsune Shichi shed tears. Originally, she only wanted to raise some simple creatures, such as slimes that eat garbage, and stones that have become spirits... At first, she was trying to save money, but these creatures are so good at disguising themselves! Each one is more greedy than the other! Each one is more willing to spend money than the other...!

Besides, since they have already been raised, there is nothing she can do. If she has money, she can eat more. She can eat whatever she wants. When she has no money... everyone will just drink air together!

"I'm just too poor……"

Kitsune Shichi shook his head again, and suddenly remembered that he sold the [Dark Attribute Fireball Pill] as an aphrodisiac.

In theory, he should have told Xu Fei about it.

After all, Xu Fei still had several boxes of Fireball Pills. If people found out that the young master of the Xu family, a top-notch royal family on the Internet, actually took aphrodisiacs every day... well... this is indeed... not very pleasant to hear.

"Xu Fei, I have a little thing to do.���I don't know whether I should tell you or not... but I think you probably don't want to hear it."

Kitsune Shichi said softly, sighing softly and melancholy.

——Brother, hurry up! Tell me you don't want to hear it!

Xu Fei's eyebrows jumped, and the corners of his eyes began to cramp. It's over, what's going on again, he has a bad feeling!

However, whether it's a blessing or a disaster, it can't be avoided...

So Xu Fei also sighed heavily, just subconsciously leaned back and sat up straight

"……Really, tell me, anyway, since I met you, my life has become more and more wonderful"

"Is it true? I don't think so!"

Hu Shiqi didn't dare to say anything more. She decided to fool around with this matter. Anyway, with Xu Fei's personality, she would never take out the elixir in public.

""You were rumored to have 11 girlfriends before, which was much more exciting than now!"

Why did you suddenly bring this up?

In the darkness, Xu Fei's Adam's apple moved, feeling helpless.

In fact, he had also heard those rumors, but he really didn't understand how those rumors came about.

Obviously, everyone was communicating normally, and some of the girls were from other classes, whom he didn't know, and he couldn't even call out their names... How could the rumors be so outrageous?

Xu Fei thought about it for a long time, and it was the first time he seriously thought about this question - since there were rumors, there must have been contact, or at least they should have talked.……

"I remembered that it might be because I was quite strong, so I often helped the girls from the next class to move things. Sometimes when I saw someone carrying homework to the office on the road, I would help.……"

Xu Fei's eyes widened. That was impossible, but he really was just helping out... and he wasn't the only one who would do this, other students would help too, right?

"So you two went to the office together, holding your homework, talking and laughing?"

Kitsune Shichi could imagine that scene, the campus corridor under the sun, the boy was gentle and considerate, the girl was bright and shy, the two walked side by side slowly all the way...

Every class has a student responsible for collecting homework, most of them are girls. Moreover, this position is fixed and basically will not change.

And Xu Fei was randomly selected to accompany others to the office to deliver homework, no wonder it was so outrageous.……

"……What you said is a bit ambiguous."

Xu Fei subconsciously denied it. He didn't remember talking and laughing with other girls. Besides, even if... it was just a normal chat... you can't even talk?

Thinking of this, Xu Fei turned his eyes obscurely and glanced at Hu Shiqi's face, but... he didn't find anything.

For a moment, he was a little disappointed.

……However, friendship... is actually enough, and more... should not be expected.

He could not do such a desperate act.

Xu Fei picked up the mineral water on the table, unscrewed it slowly, drank it slowly, and concealed his expression.

At this moment, the lights on the auction table lit up!

The enchanting woman in a red dress held a white tray in her hand. The powder on the tray was dark red and black. Xu Fei was very familiar with it!

"Good morning, distinguished guests! Now let me introduce the first auction item! This is a product that can be used by both men and women - aphrodisiac and kidney tonic [hot powder】!"


Xu Fei was caught off guard and a mouthful of water sprayed out!

"Cough, cough, cough!"

He didn't even have time to wipe his mouth. He coughed and turned his head in disbelief, only to see that Kitsune Shichi had already hidden in the corner farthest from him, and was... facing the wall to reflect on his mistakes.


Aphrodisiac?! Xu Fei was speechless!

Seeing that the auctioneer had invited a fire-type pet to perform an experiment on the stage, Hu Shiqi raised her hands to cover her face.

Sorry, she really needed money...

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